06.a3 Draft minutes 12-01-2021 Work Session December 1, 2021 A work session meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with modifications. The meeting was conducted in-person at the Scandia Community Center and over an electronic platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions. Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present: Council members Heather Benson (virtual attendance), Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Patti Ray and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff participating: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, Public Works Director Charles Fischer, and City Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Ray, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING ON THE 2022 BUDGET AND PROPERTY TAX LEVY City Administrator Cammilleri presented a summary of the 2022 budget and proposed property tax levy in preparation for adoption by the City Council at their next meeting. Based on Council budget meetings during the past few months, the City Council set the 2022 preliminary tax total levy at $2,579,051. That is a $68,227 increase over last year’s levy of $2,510,824 for a 2.68% change in levy. The preliminary tax rate is estimated to be at 30.8465%, an approximate increase of 0.013%. Cammilleri noted the proposed changes to the 2022 budget since last discussed as part of the preliminary budget: • A proposed amendment to move $20,000 for the Administrative Department Legal Services line item (101-41000-304) to a new line item specifically for expenditures for Sheriff’s Office special patrol costs (101-42100-408). • A proposed amendment to the 404 Park Improvement fund to include $15,000 for a comprehensive park planning project to guide future development and improvements with in the City’s park system. • Amendments to the Capital Improvement Plan for: 1) Estimates for the Bliss Addition Neighborhood Stormwater Improvement Project were adjusted to more accurately match the $500,000 estimate. This project is currently dependent on a grant being obtained with the assistance of the Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District. The city would be responsible for only 12.5 percent of the half million cost for approximately $55,000 to $69,000. One element will still require $115,000 of direct city funding due to its ineligibility under the grant. 2) The preliminary Capital Improvement Plan included a funding break for years 2024 and 2025. This delay has been tentatively removed. Further analysis for fiscal years 2023 or 2024 may require consideration of bond financing. The City’s largest bond issue is paid off in 2033, for the 2018 street improvements. December 1, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 3 Budget impacts to capital improvements include: • Broadband Internet Expansion Funding - $319,000 to be leveraged with other grant funding sources to expand internet access within the City limits. • Bliss Neighborhood Stormwater Management Project (mentioned previously) • $20,000 for the replacement of the Community Center exterior front doors and to install electronic locks to the kitchen door. • $31,000 for HVAC improvements to Community Center. • $100,000 towards the installation of a new playground at the Community Center. • $11,000 for final wetland restoration work at Lilleskogen Park. (Covered by grant.) • Comprehensive Park Plan (previously mentioned). • $198,500 for purchase of new farm tractor and attachments for ditch mowing. • Resurfacing and minor stormwater improvements to Melanie Trail North and a portion of 238th Street North, estimated to cost between $680,000 to $707,000. Personnel costs are projected to increase approximately $25,000 attributable to general wage and union step increases and the proposed hiring of a second seasonal grounds worker for the summer season. Cammilleri explained that under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) the City will receive $441,892 for eligible expenses, to be utilized by the year end of 2024. The City Council has not approved an allocation of these funds, which remain in an independent fund until a decision is made. Cammilleri recommended a decision can and should be delayed to allow the Sewer Committee and Internet Action Committee to provide a recommendation. The Build Back Better Act may provide additional funding for facilities, road, broadband, water, and sewer. However, this legislation is pending approval from the US Senate and will likely face amendments. Mayor Maefsky opened the hearing for comments from the public at 6:49 p.m. There were no comments and the hearing was closed. Council member Ray noted the funds allocated for purchase of a new server in 2022 and asked staff to consider cloud-based options as potential cost savings and enhanced security. Council member Ray discussed the allocation of $20,000 towards additional summer patrol for traffic issues on Oakhill Road and suggested using the funds instead to purchase high-definition cameras for placement on the Annex to identify drivers who are driving recklessly and endangering the public. Council member Benson stated that video is admissible in court when resolution is high enough and a driver can be clearly identified. Cammilleri advised that costs for this technology are unknown, but the funding could stay in the budget and staff will research this equipment. No changes were recommended to the draft budget and levy. Final adoption will be acted on by the City Council at the next meeting on December 21, 2021. CONSIDER PROPOSAL FOR PROSECUTION SERVICES City Administrator Cammilleri explained that with the implementation of changes to the City’s code enforcement strategy, this provides for a timely review of the current performance of the December 1, 2021 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 3 City’s prosecution services. Mike Welch has served as City Prosecutor since prior to transitioning to a city in 2007. In that time, the city has not evaluated the performance of this contractor. Cammilleri noted the challenges he’s encountered with communication issues, timelines, and lack of reporting to the Council. Cammilleri presented a proposal from the firm Eckberg Lammers for prosecution services as they currently serve as legal counsel for the City. Cammilleri explained that this arrangement will make it easier to coordinate criminal and civil enforcement actions as the same firm would be performing both functions. The proposal offers a flat rate monthly retainer of $1,200 for a cost of $14,400 a year. Cammilleri stated that this cost is within the City’s proposed 2022 legal budget. Cammilleri provided options of selecting the firm Eckberg Lammers for prosecution services, issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit firms for service, or continue to retain the services of Attorney Welch as City Prosecutor. Council members concluded to issue an RFP for both prosecution and municipal legal services, to provide for an opportunity to evaluate rates and firms. Staff will prepare the RFP’s for discussion at the next Work Session. CONSIDER HIRING PART-TIME ON-CALL SNOWPLOW OPERATOR Public Works Director Charles Fischer recommended the hiring of James Gribble as a Part-Time On-Call Snowplow Operator for the upcoming winter season, at a rate of $18.00/hour. Cusick, second by Ray, moved to approve hiring James Gribble as Part-Time On-Call Snowplow Operator at a rate of $18.00 per hour. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. ADJOURNMENT Ray, second by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City Clerk