08.b 2b Bruggeman Big Marine Delineation NOA _092321-signed ☐ Complete ☐ NOA ☐ TEP ☐ NOD BWSR NOA Form – November 12, 2019 1 Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act Notice of Application Local Government Unit: City of Scandia County: Washington Applicant Name:Paul Bruggeman Applicant Representative: Ken Meek Project Name: Bruggeman Big Marine Delineation LGU Project No. (if any): Date Complete Application Received by LGU: 9-13-21 Date this Notice was Sent by LGU: 9-23-21 Date that Comments on this Application Must Be Received By LGU¹: 10-14-21 ¹minimum 15 business day comment period for Boundary & Type, Sequencing, Replacement Plan and Bank Plan Applications WCA Decision Type - check all that apply ☒ Wetland Boundary/Type ☐ Sequencing ☐ Replacement Plan ☐ Bank Plan (not credit purchase) ☐ No-Loss (8420.0415) ☐Exemption (8420.0420) Part: ☐ A ☐ B ☐ C ☐ D ☐ E ☐ F ☐ G ☐ H Subpart: ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 ☐ 9 Replacement Plan Impacts (replacement plan decisions only) Total WCA Impact Area Proposed: Application Materials ☒ Attached ☐ Other1 (specify): 1 Link to ftp or other accessible file sharing sites is acceptable. Comments on this application should be sent to: LGU Contact Person: Jay Riggs E-Mail Address: jriggs@mnwcd.org Address and Phone Number: 455 Hayward Ave N, Oakdale, MN 55128 / 651-587-6622 Decision-Maker for this Application: ☒ Staff ☐ Governing Board/Council ☐ Other (specify): Notice Distribution (include name) Required on all notices: ☒ SWCD TEP Member: Jay Riggs ☒ BWSR TEP Member: Ben Meyer ☐ LGU TEP Member (if different than LGU contact): ☒ DNR Representative: Dan Scollan ☒ Watershed District or Watershed Mgmt. Org.: Mike Isensee ☒ Applicant (notice only): ☒ Agent/Consultant (notice only): Optional or As Applicable: ☒ Corps of Engineers: ☐ BWSR Wetland Mitigation Coordinator (required for bank plan applications only): ☐ Members of the Public (notice only): ☐ Other: Signature: Date: 9-23-21 This notice and accompanying application materials may be sent electronically or by mail. The LGU may opt to send a summary of the application to members of the public upon request per 8420.0255, Subp. 3.