08.b1a Nora-SITE_PLAN Certificate of SurveyCERTIFICATE OF SURVEY Legend Q Denotes set 1/2 inch iron pipe, 18 inches long, with a plastic cap inscribed HORAK LS 52577. Denotes found 7/8 inch outside diameter iron pipe monument with an open top, unless otherwise noted. WELL Denotes existing well location. TANK Denotes existing septic tank vent location. 9 6 3. 3 X Denotes existing spot elevation. �-3 X Denotes proposed spot elevation. Denotes proposed surface water flow direction. 702 Bearings are oriented to the Washington County Coordinate System, NAD 83, 1986 adjustment. Elevations are based on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (N.G.V.D. 29). Distances are in feet and decimals of a foot. Distances and dimensions shown as 10, 66, 90°, etc. are exact extrinsic values. NOTE: SEE EXISTING CONDITIONS CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PREPARED BY LANDMARK SURVEYING INC/ JOB NUMBER 2018-4q/ DATED SEPTEMBER 02/ 2021/ REVISED OCTOBER 07/2021 FOR ADDITIONAL PARCEL BOUNDARY AND EXISTING COVERAGE DETAILS. Landmark Surveying, Inc. 2 1 070 Olinda Trail North Office number: G5 1-433-342 1 P.O. Box G5 Cell number: G5 1 -755-57GO 5candia, Minnesota 55073 E-mail: info@ landmark5urveyincg.u5 Scale in Feet 1 inch = 40 feet PROPOSED CONDITIONS SITE PLAN Prepared For: Martin & Judith Nora 625 5th Street North Stillwater, MN 55082 ----TOP OF BERM=962.2 (MINIMUM) OVERFLOW ELEVATION=961.7 —Cly i21��TIFLEP EI�� r-- Pl 1EI -ID11=114 J =1 MNI— 18 - PROPOSED BASIN NOTES: 1. INSTALL BASIN 50 FEET (MINIMUM) FROM EXISTING WELL. 2. BASIN FLOOR AS DEPICTED IS 7.5 FEET BY 7.5 FEET (56 SQUARE FEET) OFFICIAL COPIES OF THIS MAP ARE CRIMP SEALED hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Landmark Surveying, Inc. Milo B. Horak Minnesota License No. 52577 October 7, 2021 Date Job No. 2021-42 Part of the North Half of Government Lot 2, Section 29, Township 32 North, Range 20 West, CONSTRUCTION IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: Washington County, Minnesota. 1. INSTALL SILT FENCE 2. INSTALL ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 3. CONSTRUCT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 4. FINAL GRADE SITE AND SEED. PROPOSED PARCEL B COVERAGE 5. INSTALL TURF INFILTRATION BASIN MEDIA AND SEED AFTER DRAINAGE AREA TURF IS STABILIZED. DRIVEWAY 7,477 SQ FT 5. REMOVE SILT FENCE AFTER TURF STABILIZATION HOUSE/PORCH 1,631 SQ FT BUILDING BUILDING 960 SQ FT 1 BUILDING 2 66 SQ FT TURF INFILTRATION AREA DETAIL CONCRETE SURFACES 657 SQ FT NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS: STONE/BLOCK SURFACE 24 SQ FT WOOD SURFACES 99 SQ FT SEED BERMS, SIDE SLOPES ------ GARAGE LOW FLOOR =964.0 TOTAL PARCEL COVERAGE 10,914 SQ FT AND BOTTOM OF BASIN WITH TURF GRASS 23.7% OF PARCEL IS COVERED ----- 4:1 SLOPE MINIMUM nnrrnu nr necini—ncn Legend Q Denotes set 1/2 inch iron pipe, 18 inches long, with a plastic cap inscribed HORAK LS 52577. Denotes found 7/8 inch outside diameter iron pipe monument with an open top, unless otherwise noted. WELL Denotes existing well location. TANK Denotes existing septic tank vent location. 9 6 3. 3 X Denotes existing spot elevation. �-3 X Denotes proposed spot elevation. Denotes proposed surface water flow direction. 702 Bearings are oriented to the Washington County Coordinate System, NAD 83, 1986 adjustment. Elevations are based on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (N.G.V.D. 29). Distances are in feet and decimals of a foot. Distances and dimensions shown as 10, 66, 90°, etc. are exact extrinsic values. NOTE: SEE EXISTING CONDITIONS CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PREPARED BY LANDMARK SURVEYING INC/ JOB NUMBER 2018-4q/ DATED SEPTEMBER 02/ 2021/ REVISED OCTOBER 07/2021 FOR ADDITIONAL PARCEL BOUNDARY AND EXISTING COVERAGE DETAILS. Landmark Surveying, Inc. 2 1 070 Olinda Trail North Office number: G5 1-433-342 1 P.O. Box G5 Cell number: G5 1 -755-57GO 5candia, Minnesota 55073 E-mail: info@ landmark5urveyincg.u5 Scale in Feet 1 inch = 40 feet PROPOSED CONDITIONS SITE PLAN Prepared For: Martin & Judith Nora 625 5th Street North Stillwater, MN 55082 ----TOP OF BERM=962.2 (MINIMUM) OVERFLOW ELEVATION=961.7 —Cly i21��TIFLEP EI�� r-- Pl 1EI -ID11=114 J =1 MNI— 18 - PROPOSED BASIN NOTES: 1. INSTALL BASIN 50 FEET (MINIMUM) FROM EXISTING WELL. 2. BASIN FLOOR AS DEPICTED IS 7.5 FEET BY 7.5 FEET (56 SQUARE FEET) OFFICIAL COPIES OF THIS MAP ARE CRIMP SEALED hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Landmark Surveying, Inc. Milo B. Horak Minnesota License No. 52577 October 7, 2021 Date Job No. 2021-42