08.b2a Bruggeman variance requestJuly 12, 2021
City of Scandia
14727 2091h St N
Scandia, MN 55073
To whom it may concern:
JUL 13 2021
My family and I are excited to build a home at 19489 Manning Trail North and submit the following for
your consideration and approval.
The proposed home was designed to fit on the site without any variances needed. Our design meets the
100' setback for the Big Marine Lake Ordinary High Water (OHW) level as well as the setback
requirements for the side, rear, and bluff line; and significantly exceed the 75' setback from the wetland.
In addition, our proposed home design is 14.7% of the impervious area which is substantially below the
25% allowed. The septic area shown on the survey meets all the setbacks and based on preliminary
design is more than adequate for a primary and secondary septic system. If needed, an additional site
was identified that would accommodate a third septic system location.
We are requesting a variance for the overall lot size and the road frontage. We are asking to reduce the
overall lot size from 2.5 acres to approximately 1.9 acres and for the road frontage from 160 feet to 0
feet. This same variance request was approved by the New Scandia Town Board (Board) on July 11,
2006; however it is unclear if it was ever approved by Washington County [Exhibit A]. The current
landowners do believe the variance had full approval. I met on site with Mike Hinz, Scandia Fire Chief
and consulted with City Engineer Ryan Goodman, regardingthe driveway and emergency vehicle access
to the property [Exhibit B & 1311. We have attached the letter from Chief Hinz which details the driveway
improvements requested by the Fire Department. We are in agreement with and will accommodate all
the improvements requested by the Fire Chief. In addition, where functionally possible we plan to
expand the width of the driveway to 16' to allow two vehicles to pass.
Ken Meeks with Earth Science & Associates, Inc., who performed the most recent wetland delineation of
the property in 2008, has informed us that believes his delineation is still accurate as long as the OHW
level of the lake has not significantly changed. Mike Isensee at the Carnelian Marine St. Croix
Watershed District confirmed that the current OHW is 942.2 elevation, which is the exact lake level at
the time of Mr. Meeks wetland delineation [Exhibit C]. Upon approval of the proposed home by the
city, we will update wetland delineation if requested. Please note that we are over 105' from the
nearest wetland with new proposed home location.
We are also requesting an Accessory/Dwelling Unit Permit for the existing structure on the site. The
current structure will be remodeled without increasing the size of it. Improvements to the accessory
building will be in the range of $25,000 to $30,000.
Your time and consideration of these requests are most appreciated. My family and I are excited to
move forward with this home.
Paul & Denise Bruggeman
July 11, 2006
New Sc.audia Town Board
page ,7
;Rvok mil i0mmewim lot!
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Planning Commission recommends to the Town Board.that they approve variances for
Lot Size from 2.5 acres to 1.82 acres, for Road Frontage from 160 feet to 0 feet and Road
Setback from 40 feet to no less than 20 feet. Conditions are the road is brought up to the
standards set by the Fire Chief and Town Engineer with a 12 foot wide gravel surface and
a 16 foot wide opening cleared, that Best Management Practices are used during
construction, and that a Watershed District permit is acquired.
Michael Harnetty made a motion to accept the Planning Commission's
recommendation to approve the variances for Patrick and Brenda Melchior to
construct a home. Michael Hinz seconded the motion and motion adopted.
Brenda Eklund
Nc\v Scandia To%vnship Deputy Clerk
Scandia Fire & Rescue
15040 Scandia Trail North
Scandia, MN 5507
Hi Paul
As we discussed, on my visit to the property at 19489 Manning Trl, The driveway
would meet the fire department needs with the improvements we discussed
during my site visit.
A recap of some of the items that we talked about is;
1. The entire length of the driveway would need to have trees and brush cleared
to a width of 12 feet.
2. All curves would need to accommodate a 40 foot fire truck
3. All driving surfaces need to be 9 feet wide, currently appears to be sufficient.
4. There will need to be a turnaround installed or improved within close proximity
to the home as we discussed on location.
5. The driveway located in the marsh area will need to be raised with gravel &
rock to improve year round drivability.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.
Mike Hinz
Scandia fire Chief
7 13:2021 IF Uruggeman Builders Mail - I'AW) Tannin, Trail N - Driveway�--
Gma i ! Paul Bruggeman <paul@bruggemanbuilders.com>
19489 Manning Trail N - Driveway
2 messages
Ryan Goodman <Ryan.Goodman@bofton-menk-com> Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 3:32 PM
As discussed the existing driveway to the property of 19489 would have to meet the requirements of the Fire Chief if a
house was constructed on the property. Also upon review necessary easements allowing access to your property would
be needed that cross other private properties between the property being discussed and GSAH 15 (Manning Ave)_
Any improvements would also need to meet any Watershed District requirements and obtain necessary permits.
Upon a building permit application a separate grading permit application and plan would be required as well for the new
Ryan J Goodman P.E.
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
3507 High Point Drive North
Bldg. 1 Suite E130
Oakdale, MN 55128
Mobile: 612-597-7140
Bruggcman Builder-, %fail - Bi; Marine OFIR'
Paul Bruggeman <paul@bruggemanbuilders.com>
Big Marine OHW
2 messages_ -
Mike Isensee <mike.isenseeod croscwd-orgy Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 10:53 AM
To: "
Hello Paul,
Thank you for the phone call.
Big Marine Ordinary High Water 942.20
Please send the survey and I will send back a potential applicable rules summary.
Thank you,
Mikael Isensee, CPESC
Administrator I Camelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District
New Address: 11660 Myeron Rd North I Stillwater, MN 55082
New Phone: V (651) 275-7451 1 Cell: 612-839-6492 r www-croscwd-org