00. 12 21 21 Regular meeting
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
7:00 p.m.
Location: Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th Street N., Scandia
and Online Streaming (Boxcast and Zoom)
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and declared local emergency, some members of the City Council may be
participating in the meeting by interactive technology pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 13D.021.
1) Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2) Roll Call
3) Approval of the Agenda
4) Law Enforcement Report – Deputy David Peters, Sergeant Kevin Jadwinski, and Deputy Zach
5) Public Forum – Any member of the public wishing to address the Council about an item not on
the agenda may do so at this time. Each person will be allotted 3 minutes to speak. The Council
will receive information but not take formal action on any item not on the agenda. Items may be
referred to staff or to a future meeting for further consideration.
6) Approval of Consent Agenda
a) Minutes
1) November 16, 2021 Special Meeting
2) November 16, 2021 Regular Meeting
3) December 1, 2021 Work Session
b) Treasurer’s Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) 2022 City Meeting Schedule
e) Approve 2022 Tobacco License Renewals: Big Marine Lake Store, Big Marine Lake Liquor
f) Approve 2022 Liquor License Renewal: Big Marine Lake Liquor Store Off-Sale, Meisters Bar
& Grill, Rustic Roots, The Scandia Creamery, Thirsty Buffalo
g) Request to waive fireworks permit application fee for Vinterfest
h) Approve donation of park bench from Beverly Jellum in memory of Vernon Jellum
i) Approve a 1-year extension of the Recycling Contract with SRC
j) Approve 2022 Contract for Technical Services with Washington Conservation District
k) Resolution No. 2021-52 – Establishing Employee pay rates for 2022
l) Accept resignation of Volunteer Firefighter William Mattheisen
m) Approve Final Payment to Clearview Construction for Annex & Fire/Public Works Roof
n) Pay request to LMCIT for payment of legal services and deductible
o) Approve Ice Rink Staffing for 2021-22 Season
December 21, 2021
Page 2 of 2
7) Public Hearings
8) Committee Reports
a) Park and Recreation Committee
b) Planning Commission
1) Variance from side yard setback requirements to replace an existing detached garage at
12140 Lakamaga Trail North. Martin Nora and Peter Nora, Applicants on behalf of
property owners Nora Properties, LLC. Resolution No. 2021-53
2) Variances from lot size and road frontage requirements for construction of a single-
family dwelling on a non-conforming lot, and Variances for an Accessory Dwelling Unit
located within required setbacks from lot lines, wetlands, and a lake. The property is at
19489 Manning Trail North. Paul and Denise Bruggeman, Applicants on behalf of
property owners Pat and Brenda Melchior. Resolution No. 2021-54
3) Ordinance No. 2021-06: Amendments to City of Scandia Development Code, Chapter 2,
Section 4.34(B) regarding Distribution Scale Solar Energy Systems, and to City of
Scandia Development Code, Chapter 5, Shoreland Management Regulations to allow
distribution solar energy systems within the Shoreland Overlay district as a conditional
4) Approve Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 2021-06 (Resolution No. 2021-55)
c) Internet Action Committee
d) Tourism Committee
e) Economic Development Authority
9. Staff Reports
a) Building Official------------------------------------------ Joel Hoistad
b) Fire Department----------------------------------------- Fire Chief Mike Hinz
c) City Engineer--------------------------------------------- Ryan Goodman
1) Engineering Updates
d) Director of Public Works------------------------------ Charles Fischer
e) City Administrator -------------------------------------- Ken Cammilleri
1) Discuss COVID-19 operational procedures
10. General Business
a) Resolution No. 2021-56 Adopting the 2022 Citywide Budget
b) Resolution No. 2021-57 Adopting the 2022 Property Tax Levy
c) Consent to not waive statutory tort liability limits
d) Adopt 2022 Fee Schedule Update to the City’s Code of Ordinances
e) Approve Summary Publication of the 2022 Fee Schedule (Resolution No. 2021-58)
11. Adjournment
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