3.a 12_15_21 Wastewater Committee Mintues
December 15, 2021
A meeting of the Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date with modifications.
The meeting was conducted in-person at the Scandia Community Center and over an electronic
platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute
to discussions.
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 by Chairperson Steve Kronmiller. In attendance were committee
members Dan Cartier, Peter Nora, Perry Rynders, and Steve Kronmiller as City Council liaison. Doran
O’Brien and Craig Pittman were absent. City Staff in attendance were City Administrator Ken
Cammilleri, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, and City Treasurer Colleen Firkus.
Rynders, seconded by Nora, moved to approve the modified agenda of switching numbers 4 & 5.
The motion passed 4 – 0.
Rynders, seconded by Cartier, moved to approve the agenda. The motion passed 4 – 0.
Administrator Cammilleri reported on the highlights of his Utility Report Letter pointing out the
replacement of Lift Station 2 is not eligible for grant money as it doesn’t directly affect water quality.
The system is performing all its function except for the higher levels of nitrates in the test well. Financing
sources, in additions to increased User Fees, for the $1.4 million project to correct the nitrate problem and
replace the #2 Lift Station are state bonding assistance and American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds as well
as Special Assessments and other bonds. The Utility belongs to the City and therefore the City’s
responsibility to maintain the sewer system, especially due to the City’s lack of action saving for future
capital expenditures. Inflow meters will also have to be replaced in 2022 per the MPCA as well as drilling
a new test well and capping the old test well. While a new test well may eliminate the nitrate problem,
that is an unknown factor and not likely.
The Anderson/Erickson system (AE) was not designed for current use levels and exceeds daily permitted
flow limits in wet summer months. The system is not triggering any compliance issues as of yet with the
state or Washington County, but if it is expanded above 10,000 gallons per day, then it would fall under
state licensure and may have to install pretreatment equipment.
Both systems have original equipment except for the Lift Stations. Creating, funding and implementing
schedule is strongly recommended, starting with a Facility’s Plan for both systems.
It was again suggested meters with radios be installed for each property to get an accurate measure of
usage between cabins and large homes. These readings can be compared to pump run times to identify
Inflow & Infiltration (I&I) issues. Costs could be recouped through billing meter charges.
Cartier, seconded by Nora, moved to recommend to the City Council that User Rates on the Big
Marine Sewer System be increase by 10% in 2022. The motion passed 3 – 0 .
Future capital investments are replacing force mains under the roads, to be scheduled with road
replacements, and septic tank replacements. The City needs to develop uniform tank and connection
criteria, and bring on staff or contract for the City’s sewer utilities and individual septic systems.
The Uptown Sewer System’s capacity may be at full capacity but data collected over the past 3 years has
too many anomalies to make a determination. It is recommended a moratorium on new connections be
kept in place until the City can confirm available capacity. The existing site could be abandoned with a
new drainfield build to the north. Expanding the drainfield to the west would eliminate the ability to
construct a replacement drainfield. An engineered facility plan is also recommended to guide the use of
limited resources and would be helpful in obtaining grants or low-cost financing.
Cartier, seconded by Nora, moved to recommend to the City Council that User Rates for the
Uptown Sewer System be raised 15% on base rate and 5% on volume rates. The motion passed 3 –
Information from the staff report was incorporated in previous discussions and reiterated the need for
uniform criteria to guide contractors on new installations as experienced this year with the difficulties of
two new connections.
Discussing larger connection fees, setting new construction capacity criteria through number of bedrooms
and bathrooms, and follow-up to Council utilities discussion.
Cartier, seconded by Nora, moved to adjourn. Motion carried 3 – 0. Meeting adjourned at 6:40
Respectfully submitted,
Colleen Firkus, Treasurer