08.b2 Lubke Presentation_Parcel Effects - V2Request To Change Solar Ordinance No.: 210: Parcel Impact Current Ordinance Change Impact: •Green dots = new eligible locations for solar (5) •Red dot = no longer eligible location for solar (1) Lofton & 228th: No longer eligible Parcel ID: 0303220330001 Location: East side of Lofton, 1.6 Miles north of 97 Solar Line Potential: ~2 Miles from 3 Phase Hugo Line Summary: 1)Solar area currently allowed in major collecter scenic viewshed 2)Change would eliminate eligibility of property due to disturbing viewshed from public road to water body Amendments: 1)Eliminate Perennial Crop Screening option A.Perennial crops may not result in the intended screening 2)Increase the setback on minor arterial roadways (95, 97, Manning, Olinda) to from 500 to 1,000 feet to protect scenic views Solar Eligible Locations Eliminated with 1000 ft setback •21 unscreened eligible parcels in AG Core •19 zoned Ag Core in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan •1,000 foot setback eliminates 17 eligible parcels Parcel ID: 1903220130001 Location: South side of 97, East of Manning ½ mile Solar Line Potential: On 3 Phase Hugo Line Summary: 1)Blue area is where solar allowed 2)North blue area partly screened from road due to topography 3)South blue area 1800 feet off the public roadway 4)3 separate transmission lines running across property Location 1: Newly Eligible Parcel ID: 0303220330001 Location: 600 feet north of 230th, Northwest of Olinda 1.7 miles Solar Line Potential: .9 miles from 3 Phase Scandia Line Summary: 1)Scandia substation no capacity for new arrays as of 01/22 2)Area screened completely from public roadway by topography and trees Location 2: Newly Eligible Potential Location 3: Expanded eligibility Parcel ID: 1003220210002 Location: South Side of 230th, Northwest Olinda 1.7 miles Solar Line Potential: .8 miles from 3 Phase Scandia Line Summary: 1) Green area already eligible for solar based on current ordinance 2) Total acreage available is 3.76 + 3.46 + 4.43 = 11.65 additional 3.76 3.46 4.43 Potential Location 4: Expanded eligibility Parcel ID: 0303220420001 Location: North Side of 230th, Northwest of Olinda 1.2 miles Solar Line Potential: .4 miles from 3 Phase Scandia Line Summary: 1)Scandia substation no capacity for new arrays as of 01/22 2)Green area already eligible for solar based on current ordinance 3)Area screened completely from public roadways by topography and trees 8 Acres Summary: Effects of Ordinance Change •Two new parcel locations eligible •Two parcels that allow solar currently have expanded eligibility •One parcel eliminated •17 of 19 currently unscreened eligible parcels (based on current zoning & comprehensive plan) eliminated from eligibility due to 1,000 ft setback from centerline ordinance change •Plan supports farmers with larger parcels while still protecting Scandia rural heritage and views Net of 14 solar parcels removed, and scenic view shed protected along minor arterial roadways (97, 95, Olinda, Manning) River Falls Scenic Canvas Example Temporary scenic canvas blends in with grass and surrounding area to help hide solar array immediately as part of install Example shown is 35 feet from the curb, minimum requirement in Scandia is 500 ft for minor arterial roadways (97, Manning, 95, Olinda), and 200 feet for all other roads helping array to blend even greater River Falls Scenic Canvas Example 1.Red circle shows canvas draped on fence