01.03.2022 PRC Minutes City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, January 3, 2022 A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and on Zoom. The following participated via Zoom: Committee members Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice Chair), and Dustin Hegland, staff member Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant) and Kimberly Johnson. Staff members Charles Fischer (Director of Public Works), and Ken Cammilleri (City Administrator) were on site. Absent: Cami Van Able. The meeting was called to order by Gorham at 7:03 p.m., a quorum was present. PUBLIC FORUM None APPROVAL OF AGENDA Gorham requested adding New Story Contest at Lilleskogen Park’s Children’s Story Path as item 7 b in New Business. Motion to approve the agenda as amended by Hegland, seconded by Zauner. Motion carried 3-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the December 6, 2021 minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. REPORTS Chair Report Chair Gorham stated his items for reporting will be in comments on other items covered in this meeting. Public Works Report Fischer provided a written report, adding that four new advertisement dasher boards have been installed at the ice rink, and a fifth is expected to be ready soon. Gorham reported contacting two area businesses, Our Home Café and Apothecary’s Daughter. Both seemed interested in supporting the parks this way. Ray asked the status of the Lilleskogen Park sign. The fabricator of the sign states they have all of the material now, but it is a project for “next week” consistently. Staff will continue to follow up. OLD BUSINESS Vinterfest Planning Update Zauner provided a written schedule of events and task assignments. Zauner asked if the indoor activities are cancelled in light of the change to remote city meetings. Cammilleri responded to cautiously continue to plan, but be prepared to cancel if necessary. Discussion included the following items: • Staff to use the website for announcements of changes or cancellations • The Chili Contest must be at Elim Lutheran Church, and their council will be discussing it soon. The community center is not practical, as all participants would be required to prepare their chili on site to be able to serve it to the public. • Public Works requests an aerial map or something more clear for the new Director to plan • Food trucks have been added, Zauner will follow up to make sure each schedule Washington County inspections as required as the city does not require any permit for operation. • Zauner will work to collaborate with the Lions over the Medallion Hunt, and a source for the $50 prize • Vinterbeans is suggested to be set up on the playground • Zauner will connect with Lion Lynnette Welch regarding making the buttons o Staff will update the existing 6 button boxes, and additional acrylic ‘locked’ collection boxes o Gorham will contact the following businesses and maintain weekly boxes at the bank, liquor store, the Mercantile, Dicken’s Pickens, Apothecary’s Daughter and Our Home Café if they agree to host a Vinterfest Button Donation Box. January 3, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3 o Hegland will contact the following businesses and maintain weekly boxes at Cenex, the Big Marine Store, Thirsty Buffalo Meisters and Rustic Roots winery if they agree a Vinterfest Button Donation Box. • Zauner has been unsuccessful in contacting Alex Bildeaux regarding the fire pit and wood. Ray will contact Bone Lake residents, asking to borrow firepits, Zauner will contact Helke regarding wood. Two smaller pits at the ice rink and Zauner will investigate to see if one at Hay Lake Park during the Star Gazing Party would work or not. • Press releases and publicity, staff will submit press releases to the Messenger by January 14th for publication on January 19th. Ray will assist in composing a press release regarding the Star Party • Staff will order port-a-potties for Hay Lake and the Community Center • The Vinterbeans sign up table will be at the Snow Sculpture table, Zauner will manage on the day of, and Johnson will assist as able • Staff will prepare the cash prize envelopes for all events for Gorham to pick up on Friday, Jan 28th • Ray will confirm with Lions Club for permission to borrow 4 ‘sandwich boards’ stands • Zauner will confirm with Gammelgarden regarding cleaning up after the craft event and the library to ensure they understand to leave the facility in the same state it is when they arrive. Bylaws Change Recommendation Staff provided a written report, outlining the history and purpose of the proposed bylaw change. Gorham referred to the report and opened up the meeting for any discussion or questions. Hearing none, Hegland motioned to approve, seconded by Zauner, recommending the following bylaw change to City Council, “Section 3. Membership. The SPRC is made up of Scandia residents or individuals from neighboring communities, with a majority being Scandia residents, appointed by the City Council according to the requirements of the City’s Code of Ordinances, chapter §30.08, Advisory Committees and Commissions.” Motion carried 3-0. PRC Operational Calendar Membership Review in January prompted clarification that Kimberly Jonson is seeking to fill the term vacated by Emmy Lundeen. Cami Van Abel’s term expires February 28, 2022. Staff has not received any applications to fill this potential vacancy. NEW BUSINESS 2021 Annual Report Draft Gorham led the committee through each line of the 2021 accomplishments and 2022 goals and projects. Committee members suggested the following changes for 2021 accomplishments: • Add to Parks: Removed some invasive plant species at the southern park on Orwell Avenue with members of Friends of Scandia Parks & Trails • Correct Hay Lake Park to: Applied for Tree Trust’s Green Futures Program to plant 30 trees. Add Volunteers weeded and planted new pollinator friendly flowers and shrubs on the east side of the pavilion, near the park entrance. • Add to Lilleskogen Park: o Continued the Children’s Story Board program with contests throughout the year. o Dala Horse Contest with Ice Sculpture collaboration with Scandia Elementary School o Kindness Story Project in connection with the City’s 1,000 Acts of Kindness Project o New woodchips in path o Recommended location for the future pavilion • Edit Taco Daze to include only the total participants and net proceeds January 3, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 3 • Edit Wojtowicz Skating Park advertisements to 4 or 5, depending on which year payment is received. • Support the efforts of the SHA for placement of the water tower and additional community amenities at the south ballfield. Partner with the PRC for additional planning, funding, and possible development of community center connecting trails around and possibly a boardwalk across the wetland areas adjacent to the site. Committee members suggested the following changes for 2022 goals and projects: • Park and Recreation Planning – edit to 5th annual World-Famous Taco Daze Pickleball tournament and add Art in the Park in June at Lilleskogen Park • Programming, Hegland will check with past yoga instructor, Carol Schwinghammer, to see if offering classes again are something she is considering. • Park Improvements: o Edit “complete assessment of a water fountain at Hay Lake Park” o Edit Trolls to Tomte in Bone Lake Park, add survey the community for a name change and add “meet with members of the Forest Lake Comfort Lake Watershed District and the Bone Lake Association to discuss possible future plans and ideas for on-going collaboration” o Edit to Continue planning and pursue funding for a pavilion at Lilleskogen Park o Investigate signage at Hay Lake Park o Add Continue collaboration with the Friends of Scandia Parks and Trials to the Liten Park improvement New Story Contest @ Lilleskogen’s Children’s Story Path Ray presented the material from the Dala Horse Story Contest produced in collaboration with Gammelgarden that coincided with the Get Knit community Ice Sculpture event in 2021. Ray proposes the PRC recommend a Tomte contest this year, again working with Gammelgarden and the timing with the current Get Knit community Ice Sculpture event February 18-20, 2022. Ray highlighted the positive press over the 2021 event and hopes to replicate this again this year. Motion by Gorham, seconded by Hegland, to recommend to City Council to sponsor the Tomte Story contest prize awards from the City’s Events budget in the amount of $50 to the contest winner, and $200 to the contest winner’s classroom teacher. Motion carried, 3-0. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The proposed agenda for the Monday, February 7, 2021 meeting: 1. Park Planning Proposals Update 2. Membership Review 3. Chair & Vice-Chair Nominations 4. Vinterfest Recap ADJOURNMENT Motion by Zauner, seconded by Hegland, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator