2. Interview Questions for Scandia Park Open Space and Recreation Planning ProjectPage 1 of 1
City of Scandia
14727 209th St. N. PO Box 128, Scandia, Minnesota 55073
Phone (651) 433-2274 | Fax (651) 433-5112 | www.cityofscandia.com
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Selected Interview Questions
2022 Scandia Parks, Open Space, and Recreation Planning Project
Project candidates are asked to keep their presentations to a maximum of 10 minutes to allow for
a 10-15 question and answer period. Candidates should also be prepared to answer the
following questions within the time allotted. Should elements or all of a question be already
answered as part of a presentation, that question may be skipped.
A key component of this project is public engagement. Based on previous experiences, why
do you believe that your proposed community input methodology will be adequate enough
to establish a credible plan?
Given the changing pandemic conditions, what methods do you plan to employ to get key
stakeholder engagement from other City committees, other public agencies, and parks and
recreation related community groups? Please provide some examples.
Please share with us what you think is one of the biggest opportunities that you think can be
accomplished by this project and one of the biggest challenges.
What methodology will you use to assure this project will maintain consistency with
Scandia’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan?
(If time permits, a question may be asked to help provide better clarity about an element of
a proposal to enhance comparability.)