02.07.2022 PRC Minutes City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, February 7, 2022 A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and on Zoom. The following participated via Zoom: Committee members Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice Chair), Cami Van Able, Kimberly Johnson, Dustin Hegland, and staff member Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant). Staff members Charles Fischer (Director of Public Works), and Ken Cammilleri (City Administrator) were on site. The meeting was called to order by Gorham at 7:01 p.m., a quorum was present. PUBLIC FORUM None APPROVAL OF AGENDA Gorham requested adding Scandia Heritage Alliance Support Letter as item 7. c in New Business. Motion to approve the agenda as amended by Van Able, seconded by Zauner. Motion carried unanimously by roll call. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the January 3, 2022 minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. REPORTS Chair Report Chair Gorham stated his items for reporting are only in the new business items. Public Works Report Fischer provided a written report. Fischer facilitated further discussion regarding the DNR Grant application update and Playground Funding topics. Van Able will draft a letter to send to potential businesses who operate in Scandia to request consideration of financial support. Suggestions included contacting Midco, the local gravel pit operators, Excel Energy, other utility companies, Security State Bank and also the Scandia Marine Lions. Stignani referenced the written report provided for discussion of this topic. The DNR grant application is due the end of March and will be presented to City Council for approval on March 15, 2022. Business who support the park improvement would potentially be recognized by signage of some type, suggesting acknowledgement of different levels of support. OLD BUSINESS Chari & Vice-Chair Nominations Cammilleri advised the committee to only state nominations that will be considered on the agenda for the March 7, 2022 PRC meeting and not pursue motions which are intended to have action taken now. Zauner recommended nominating Gorham for Chair, supported by Van Able. Gorham stated he would accept a nomination in the next meeting. Gorham recommended nominating Zauner for Vice-Chair, supported by Van Able. Zauner stated he would accept a nomination in the next meeting. Membership Review Van Able’s term expires February 28, 2022 and she stated will continue as a non-committee member to support the PRC’s playground equipment replacement efforts, and consider applying for an open PRC position in the future. Staff confirmed that requests for PRC member applications have been posted on the city’s website and was listed in the community newspaper in December. No new applications have been received. Staff will repost and highlight on social media the vacancy that begins March 1, 2022. Vinterfest Recap Comments and points to improve: February 7, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3  Get button information to the elementary school earlier, by November; parts currently available for 3” buttons next year  Fireworks took up the path to the T-Ball Field – Kubb may decline future invitations as it’s a problem  Fireworks concern in proximity to the new playground – contact Fire Chief Hinz and fireworks vendor  Vinterbean contest, move over to the tent and ice rink – lost participants to food/beverages & too cold away from the firepits  Use Survey Monkey Tool to ask community for feedback – ask one thing Scandia can do better, what went well this year; short survey, Johnson to assist staff to write questions.  Bonfire – ran out of wood and many miscommunications; no need to have two rings so close, both can put out a lot of heat  Promotional posters, print regular size posters also, larger ones too big for community bulletin boards in businesses  Investigate the city or sponsors providing an additional Washington County Deputy on site, especially after fireworks until the hockey tournament concludes  Contact Food Truck vendors in September; low sales on Friday  The four large Vinterfest banners are in rough shape, replace with new banners with wind slits and space the grommets out more for the date add on banners to be single lines – easier to read and space for a two- or three-day event in two months  Snow sculpture – rough snow, but it worked  Sidewalk between the warming house to the parking lot needs something to make it safer – icy  Remove Hay Bales from the annual planning sheet  Peer Gynt dancers can perform outdoors  Use Spring/Fall newsletters to point to the website Park Planning Proposals Update Gorham facilitated discussion over park planning proposals submitted by ARI, Asakura Robinson, Ayres, Bolton & Menk, MSA, TKDA, and WSB. Consensus to interview Ayres, Bolton & Menk and MSA on February 15, 2022 in a Special Meeting beginning at 5:30 p.m., allowing 30 minutes for each contractor to give a short presentation with Q & A time prior to the scheduled City Council meeting. Staff will contact the finalists and confirm they are available, staff will contact members of City Council to potentially schedule this Special Meeting as a joint meeting instead. 2021 Annual Report Draft Review Staff requested confirmation of the volunteers improving the flower beds on Scandia Trail North. Ray recommended naming the volunteers, Real Housewives of Bone Lake and the volunteers at Hay Lake who worked in those flower beds, the Scandia Marine Lions. Ray requested correcting 2021 accomplishments at Lilleskogen to insert the words “Story” and “and Gammelgarden” in connection with the Ice Sculpture collaboration to clarify. Cammilleri noted it is the Marine Community Library who have requested support to install a children’s little library in Lilleskogen Park. Motion by Gorham, seconded by Hegland, to approve the 2021 Annual Report with 4 corrections, add Real Housewives of Bone Lake, Scandia Marine Lions, Dala Horse Story Contest with Gammelgarden in the 2021 Accomplishment section and correct Lilleskogen Park 2022 goal to support the Marine Community Library’s efforts to install a children’s library stand. Motion carried unanimously by roll call. PRC Operational Calendar No changes February 7, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 3 NEW BUSINESS Playground Grant or other Funding Discussion All discussion covered in PW report. No additional discussion. Letter of support for Gateway Trail Bonding Gorham confirmed that the letter sent in February, 2020 to Senator Housley and Representative Dettmer in support of the Gateway Trail Bonding bill do not need to be updated, they are included in the current legislative action. Letter of support for Scandia Heritage Alliance Project Gorham provided a letter of support and explained the need for this letter to come from the PRC to be sent to SHA. Motion by Zauner to approve sending this letter, seconded by Johnson. Motion carried unanimously by roll call. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The proposed agenda for the Monday, March 7, 2021 meeting: 1. Chair & Vice-Chair Nominations 2. Park Planning Update 3. Playground Update ADJOURNMENT Gorham thanked Van Able for her contributions to this committee, her service, and continued support and action in the playground project. Motion by Van Able, seconded by Zauner, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously by roll call. The meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator