06.a3 Draft minutes 02-16-2022 Joint CC and PC Work Session
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
City Council attendance: Mayor Christine Maefsky, Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Patti Ray.
Planning Commission attendance: Chair Travis Loeffler, Jon Engstrand, Jan Hogle, Kirsten Libby,
Perry Rynders.
Also in attendance: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, City Clerk Brenda Eklund, SHC Planning
Consultant Jennifer Haskamp.
1. Call to Order – the meeting began at 6:12 pm.
2. Discussion with Swanson Haskamp Consulting on Accessory Building Standards of the Unified
Development Code Project
J. Haskamp explained the memo which summarized accessory building standards in the draft
unified development code. Discussion centered on keeping the standards as they are, currently
based on lot size, or change to being based on zoning districts. Haskamp offered a hybrid
solution: allow a percentage of lot area, but cap it within the zoning district.
Cammilleri explained the difficulties with the current standards of the table in determining
allowable sized accessory structures based on different neighborhoods in the city. A table based
on the zoning district approach would offer more flexibility. A consistent design approach
would be desirable as well. It appears to be a complex policy decision; small riparian lots pose
more challenges. Cammilleri asked the members to envision how they want neighborhoods to
look, and use the zoning to implement that vision.
Cammilleri noted that attached garages are defined as accessory structure area in the
development code.
Haskamp offered an approach to allow flexibility, such as allowing an extra bump in size with a
conditional use permit, as she noted that the table seems to be working in the majority of cases,
but some wiggle room would be good. Cammilleri recommended striking “rural building” from
the table, as there is no definition in the code for this. It was agreed to increase the exception for
garage space to 1200 square feet if the parcel is greater than 3 acres. Haskamp will amend the
language in the chart for further review at a future meeting.
The next discussion question asked if accessory buildings should be permitted on non-
contiguous lots under the same ownership. Maefsky noted that this question is from a resident
who was denied a variance to build an accessory structure across the street. Ray said she lives in
February 16, 2022
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a neighborhood that has at least four of these situations of pole barns across the road, and it
does not look appealing. She would rather see homes on those lots. Cindy Johnson, participant
to the meeting, explained that they proposed to build an aesthetically looking garage directly
across the street from their home. Maefsky said it could make sense in some situations as this
one, but problematic in other neighborhoods. Cammilleri stated that lake lots could potentially
have a different type of zoning. Maefsky asked staff to draw up a set of conditions that could
allow garages on non-contiguous lots for further discussion.
Next discussion question: Are design standards in Section 153.400 acceptable, or should they be
more or less restrictive? Haskamp said the language is similar to that of other communities, to be
compatible with the principal structure, and primarily when the building is in the front of the
principal structure. No changes were recommended.
Staff will coordinate the next joint meeting for further review of the draft chapters.
3. Adjournment – the meeting concluded at 7:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund, City Clerk