3. Draft Internet Action Committee Minutes12-16-21SCANDIA INTERNET ACTION COMMITTEE (IAC) Held in-person at Scandia Community Center and online on Zoom December 16, 2021 at 6:30 P.M. Meeting Minutes Members Present: Robert Wilmers, Marschall Smith, KC Douglas, John Carney Liaisons Present: Patti Ray 1. Call to Order Chair Robert Wilmers asked John Carney to take minutes for present meeting of the IAC. 2. Approval of Agenda Chair Robert Wilmers moved agenda be approved as written. John Carney seconded the motion. All members voted for motion. 3. Approval of Minutes Chair Robert Wilmers explained no minutes are available from the November 2021 meeting to approve and will be provided at a later time for review and approval. 4. Public Comments No public comments were heard as no one from the public attended the meeting. 5. 2021 Construction Update (Chair Robert Wilmers) MidCo has substantially competed both the DEED Grant and Direct Aid projects in Scandia for the 2021 construction year. https://www.midco.com/about/service-areas/scandia/ Connected Nation (connectednation.org) will confirm the performance of the Direct Aid portion with a report to the city, per their contract. 6. 2022 RDOF Update (Chair Robert Wilmers) Here is the latest on RDOF winning bidders in Scandia: LTD Broadband is yet to receive approval from the FCC for any of their RDOF areas, including those in Scandia. See document ‘LTD Broadband Sues Iowa Utilities Board’ for additional information on recent LTD news. MidCo has received approval from the FCC and will proceed with their RDOF project in Scandia during the 2022 construction season according to Justin Forte at MidCo. This will add about 65 more households next year. Justin Forte also said that MidCo is working with both Marine of St. Croix and Franconia on potential expansion in these neighboring communities to Scandia. This is good news as any construction adjacent to Scandia will help facilitate expansion at our northern and southern borders. 7. Washington County 2022 Funding Update (Liaison Patti Ray / Chair Robert Wilmers ) Matching funding for Internet projects from Washington County is expected to be available sometime in January 2022. The county is currently working on developing procedures to apply for these funds. The county will require ISPs to apply for the money and have hired Baker & Tilly to help them manage this program. http://www.bakertilly.com/ It’s expected this procedure will be like the Minnesota Broadband Grant Program. Patti Ray has learned the contact person for these projects is Tabatha Hansen who is the Washington County Accounting & Finance Director. Tabatha’s contact information has been sent to Justin Forte at MidCo so they may introduce themselves and provide a foundation for future activity. Chair Robert Wilmers moved a recommendation by the IAC to the City Council to the effect that the Council write a letter to Midco authorizing them to apply for a matching grant of $319,000 from the Washington County Broadband Fund for Scandia Internet projects. KC Douglas seconded the motion. All members voted for motion. 8. East Central Energy Fiber Project Announcement (Chair Robert Wilmers) On November 19, the East Central Energy (ECE) Board of Directors voted to move forward with developing a plan for a full fiber to the home project. The plan will be designed based on fiber only and will lay out a phased approach for a project that could cost as much as $300M. The far northeastern corner of Scandia, including the Cedar Cliff Neighborhood, is included in the plan, which Chairman Wilmers estimated to be 25 to 30 homes. 9. Items for Discussion Chair Robert Wilmers moved the IAC request City Council approval for the Committee to commence online Zoom-only meetings going forward until further notice based on health considerations and the spread of the Omicron Covid virus. John Carney seconded the motion. All members voted for motion. Chair Robert Wilmers moved the IAC request City Council approval for staff secretarial support to record and distribute minutes for all IAC meetings going forward. John Carney seconded the motion. All members voted for motion. 10. Items for Future Discussion Member Nick Santrach has resigned from the IAC Committee in communication to Chair Robert Wilmers. A new Committee member must be found and appointed. 11. Next Meeting - Set Time and Date After discussion by the members and liaison present Chair Robert Wilmers announced the January IAC meeting will be held on the usual third Thursday of the month on January 20, 2022 at 6:30 PM. It will be conducted and attended only on the online Zoom platform, if so approved by the City Council. 12. Adjournment Moved by Chair Robert Wilmers. KC Douglas seconded the motion. All members voted for motion. Submitted by John Carney, Member of IAC. Saturday, December 18, 2021