02-15-2022 MeetingFebruary 15, 2022 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with modifications. Due to the health advisory issued by the State regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, to avoid public gatherings and limit social contact, the meeting was conducted over an electronic platform. All council members and staff who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions. City Administrator Cammilleri and City Clerk Eklund were present at City Hall. Cammilleri was the presenter and displayed the meeting materials for participants to view on their remote screens. The Scandia Community Center meeting room was open to the public for participation to the meeting. Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. The following were in attendance: Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Patti Ray, and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, City Planner Evan Monson, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, City Attorney Chris Nelson, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Charles Fischer, and City Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Maefsky announced the addition of Agenda Item 10.e) Discuss in person meetings. Fire Chief Hinz added Agenda Item 9.b 1) Generator quotes to consider for approval. Council member Kronmiller added Agenda Item 8.c 1) Internet Action Committee motion from August meeting and Council response. Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. LAW ENFORCEMENT REPORT A written police incident report for January was provided. Council member Kronmiller asked if the nuisance ordinance could address snow banks piled along neighboring property lines, a problem occurring in the Bliss neighborhood. Administrator Cammilleri said it could be looked into, but typically the ordinances do not address conflicts between neighbors. Kronmiller said the height at 15' is hazardous for the neighbor and could cause flooding problems in spring. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public comments. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) January 18, 2022 Special Meeting 2) January 18, 2022 Regular Meeting 3) February 2, 2022 Work Session b) Treasurer's Report c) Payment of Vouchers d) Appointment of Planning Commission Chair and Vice -Chair e) Request to Waive Community Center Rental Fee by the Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Anonymous Club f) Appointment of Tourism Committee Chair and Vice -Chair February 15, 2022 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 7 Council member Ray corrected the January 18, 2022 Council meeting minutes to state that the Tomte contest will award $250 in prize money. Benson second by Ray, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended with a correction to the January 18, 2022 Council meeting minutes. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE 2021 Annual Report PRC Chair Terry Gorham highlighted the numerous collaborations with other community groups over the past year, and said he looks forward to Committee activities in 2022. Lions Club Request for Contribution Gorham explained that he is looking for approval of a grant request in the amount of $10,000 to the Scandia-Marine Lions Club in support of the proposed playground improvements. Ray, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the grant request to the Lions Club Contribution Committee to support the playground equipment project. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. PLANNING COMMISSION Variance from the right-of-way setback to construct an Accessory Dwelling Unit at 21450 Pomroy Avenue North. Susan Rodsjo, Applicant. Resolution No. 2022-08. Planner Monson presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve a variance to locate a detached accessory dwelling unit closer to the right-of-way than the principal structure at 21450 Pomroy Avenue. Because the property is less than 5 acres, a variance is needed for a location closer to the road than the house, proposed to be approximately 270 feet from Pomroy Avenue. The Staff report outlined ADU requirements, and noted that the applicant will reduce the floor area to under 1,000 square feet. Monson explained that the Commissioners discussed difficulties of the site with the applicant, and reasoned with findings that variance criteria were met: an existing and secondary septic system limit available locations, as does natural drainage flow along the north. Trees and vegetation are located throughout the lot, screening views of the proposed structure from the road. A resolution with findings and six conditions was presented. Council member Benson said the property is well screened, and appreciates the applicant's offer to add additional screening. Benson questioned where a driveway to this building would be located. Planner Monson stated that the site plans shows that the existing driveway will be utilized for access. Council member Cusick said he was at site visit with the Planning Commission, and noted there is past history of denial for requests to build structures closer to the road, and said the same criteria should be applied here. Cusick said the applicant built their home far back on the lot and have made their own difficulties. February 15, 2022 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 7 Council member Ray said there is no other place to construct this ADU due to septic locations; this is a completely different situation as there were other options to construct an addition with the other variance. Planner Monson explained that due to difficulties related to drainage and septic, the variance meets criteria within the development code. Council member Kronmiller noted that a public comment letter had a number of questions. Planner Monson stated that the property meets the standards to allow an ADU; if there are any changes to the proposed service road that will fork off the existing driveway, those changes should be noted in the administrative approval letter. Council member Cusick reiterated that the applicant built their home in a location that now needs a variance for an accessory structure, a similar situation that resulted in denial of a variance request last year as brought to the City by a property owner in Tii Gavo. Cusick said the septic areas could have been in other locations, adding that approving this request because it is a Swedish historical structure is not right. Applicant Susan Rodsjo explained that they were not able to build their house any closer to the road due to drainage and ponding areas along Pomroy Avenue, where water collects in wet years. Ray, second by Maefsky, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2022-08, Approving a Variance for 21450 Pomroy Avenue North. Ray — yes; Kronmiller — yes; Benson — no (opposed because no additional screening requirement in the resolution); Cusick — no; Maefsky — yes. Motion carried 3-2. SCANDIA INTERNET ACTION COMMITTEE Council member Ray reported that no meeting was held in January nor in February. The Committee is waiting for Midco's 2022 expansion plan. The Washington County grant program is proposed to open for applications near the end of March, a process Ray said she is closely monitoring. Internet Action Committee motion from August meeting In December, the Council directed staff to ask Midco for a 1 -year project proposal for the continued broadband expansion project. Council member Kronmiller explained that according to the Internet Action Committee minutes from August 29, 2021, the IAC actually voted to request Midco develop a 2 -year project proposal. Kronmiller said the City should honor the IAC's intent, which could also affect future grant opportunities. Council member Ray considered that the motion was to address project planning and budgeting, and said there is no rush to act on this. Ray added that IAC Chair Bob Wilmers would instead like this brought to their March meeting to discuss. Mayor Maefsky agreed that working through the IAC is the best approach, and the IAC can bring it forward to the Council if needed. TOURISM COMMITTEE Tourism Committee member Sarah Porubcansky reported that Scandia's ice sculpture, part of the metro -wide Ice Sculpture Exploration, will be installed on Thursday morning behind the bench near the Community Center building. Donations of $1,800 have been collected so far, with the February 15, 2022 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 7 EDA adding $1,000 towards the cost. Newly appointed Chair Sue Dickens has promoted the event and its business sponsors on social media. Council member Ray said the Tomte story award ceremony will be held at the ice sculpture site this Saturday morning. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EDA representative Benson reported on the February 14th meeting of the EDA. The EDA work plan priorities were identified: development of the fagade improvement program, to work with the Planning Commission and City Council for development code changes that would eliminate barriers to business development, and to reinstitute site visits to area businesses. The EDA will submit a letter in support of the Heritage Center for consideration of state bonding funds. Board member Mark Porubcansky submitted his resignation, and applications are being accepted to fill his term. The next business breakfast is tentatively scheduled for March 16th WASTEWATER COMMITTEE Council member Kronmiller reported on a short meeting held in January to discuss the Big Marine Sewer budget request at the State capital. Staff is drafting a sample letter to send to legislators to lobby for the state bonding effort. The Committee plans to conduct quarterly meetings, with the next meeting planned for April 21 st BUILDING OFFICIAL The January building activity report was received from Building Official Joel Hoistad. Last month 15 permits were issued at a valuation of $1,832,493. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Hinz reported on the fire department's January activity, averaging a call a day. Last month the department responded to 36 calls; 6 fire and 25 medicals. A new recruit has passed his EMT certification, with the others in the process of scheduling their testing. Generator quotes Hinz explained that three new quotes were received following FEMA's recent grant award for a natural gas backup generator for the PW/Fire Station, a capital improvement project. Hinz recommended accepting the low quote from Allied Generator with monitoring system in the amount of $73,775.00, with the city funded portion being $21,300.60 or less. Kronmiller, second by Ray, moved to direct staff to proceed with the quote from Allied Generator with monitoring system in the amount of $73,775.00. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. CITY ENGINEER Engineering Updates City Engineer Goodman provided monthly engineering updates in a written report. Goodman stated that in addition, the Bliss Stormwater project with the Watershed was awarded $270,000 in grant funding to support water quality improvements to Big Marine Lake. Construction should remain on track to begin next year. The City will pay for 12.5% of the project cost, which Administrator Cammilleri said is an excellent situation for city. The funds are scheduled to come from the 401 general capital fund, with Cammilleri saying stormwater is an internal operation of the city, and typically done as part of a road reconstruction project. February 15, 2022 Scandia City Council Page 5 of 7 Discussion and possible consideration of construction contract award for the 2022 Street Improvement Project for Melonie Trail N and a portion of 238th Street N. Engineer Goodman reported on the results of the February 91h bid opening for the 2022 Street Improvement Project. The alternate includes installation of an overflow storm structure on the east side of Melanie Trail, being funded by the Watershed District. Contractor Base Bid Alternate Base Bid + Alt Asphalt Surface Tech. Corp. $446,615.13 $ 7,278.50 $453,893.63 Valley Paving, Inc. $447,353.30 $11,045.00 $458,398.30 North Valley, Inc. $446,203.00 $13,198.09 $459,401.09 Park Construction Company $500,001.18 $16,508.10 $516,509.28 T.A. Schifsky & Sons, Inc. $507,317.39 $12,045.66 $519,363.05 Northwest Asphalt $504,222.51 $18,770.00 $522,992.51 Bituminous Road Inc. $542,449.00 $ 8,347.00 $550,796.00 Goodman recommended the city award the Base Bid and Alternate to the lowest bidder, Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation. Goodman added that road project bids are coming in 30-40% higher than a year ago due to material and labor shortages, and adjustments to the City's future road projects should be considered during budget planning. Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to award the Base Bid and Alternate to the lowest bidder, Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation, in the amount of $453,893.63. Motion carried 4-0 by roll call vote, with Ray abstaining. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Director Charles Fischer reported that staff has been working to clear roads after a number of snow events this season. Favorable comments were received on the great ice conditions for the Vinterfest hockey tournament last month. Fischer is completing a DNR grant application for the new playground equipment. A new freezer was installed in the Community Center kitchen. Broadband testing has been completed for the 209th Street/Quality Trail project, and confirmed this project did meet the City's minimum speed standard. CITY ADMINISTRATOR Administrator Cammilleri reported on general updates. There is a joint Council and Planning Commission meeting on February 16th to discuss accessory structure regulations within the development code update project. Preparations for the financial audit has begun, with report gathering for the remote audit taking place in early March. The front door of the Community Center is being replaced on February 21St. Regarding legislative updates, the Heritage Center Water Barn Project is strong and moving forward with lobbyist support. The Gateway Trail and Bliss Sewer Improvement projects didn't make the governor's state budget but are moving through the revisor's office. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED DRAFT CHARTER WITH SISTER CITIES INTERNATIONAL TO ESTABLISH FORMAL RELATIONSHIP WITH MELLERUD SWEDEN Council member Ray reported that a generous patron has paid the initial fee to join the Sister Cities International organization at no cost to the City. A draft charter was prepared to formalize February 15, 2022 Scandia City Council Page 6 of 7 an official connection with Mellerud, Sweden. Each community has a population of 4,000, common geography, cultural institutions, and a historical connection to founding families. Ray estimated an approximate annual fee to the organization to be $190. Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to approve an agreement for the establishment of a Sister Cities relationship between the City of Scandia and Mellerud, Sweden. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION ON CHANGES TO THE ORIENTATION OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AS IT PERTAINS TO WORK SESSIONS AND MEETINGS HELD ON THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Staff prepared a memo describing three general models that Minnesota cities have used with regard to arranging City Council meetings. Council concluded to continue with less formal work sessions, but to clarify and make clear on the agenda that business may be conducted. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION OF COMPENSATION POLICIES FOR CITY COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Staff prepared a memo describing the city's policy to compensate members of the Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Committee, with pay for other committees at the discretion of the Council. Mayor Maefsky stated that there should be more equity to recognize the membership of other committees that meet regularly. Staff was directed to research the financial impacts and what changes would be needed to adopt a compensation policy for other advisory committees. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE REFERRAL OF DRAFT ORDINANCE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR A MORATORIUM ON DISTRIBUTION SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS At a previous City Council meeting, it was requested that a moratorium be considered to address concerns related to the effectiveness of the current distribution solar ordinance, which is intended to address commercial solar farms. Cammilleri explained that if it meets the Council's criteria, the next step is for the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on the ordinance. Council member Kronmiller stated that the draft ordinance language on a temporary moratorium, to allow time to study the solar ordinance, did address the concerns. Kronmiller, second by Ray, moved to refer the draft ordinance for a moratorium on Distribution SES to the Planning Commission for review and approval. Motion carried 4-1 by roll call vote, with Cusick opposed. DISCUSSION ON IN-PERSON MEETINGS At their December 21, 2021 meeting, the Council voted to conduct all city meetings remotely due to the high transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Mayor Maefsky said the virus appears under control and the risks of meeting in person has lessened. Benson, second by Ray, moved to resume in-person meetings beginning immediately for all committees. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. February 15, 2022 Scandia City Council Page 7 of 7 ADJOURNMENT Benson, second by Ray, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund City Clerk