ADDITION Wilmers -IAC Midco Progress Report 3-16-2022
MidCo Report for March 17 Scandia Internet Action Committee
2021 Recap:
- State Grant area – 78 homes
- Midco RDOF – 16 homes
- City/Midco project on St. Croix Trail – 64
- 11 homes picked up on 239 Street as part of a MidCo expansion project in Chisago County.
- Total – 169 homes
- The project on St. Croix Trail (direct aid) was slightly delayed and overbudget, which Midco
picked up, due to rocky terrain. They still completed this project by the end of 2021. This area
currently has access to 5Gig speeds which was the fastest Connected Nation had ever seen.
Since activation at the end of December, 38 customers connected out of a total of 66, a 57%
take rate in only two months. This does not account for any customers added in March.
2022 Proposal:
- Oakhill Road – 48 homes
- NW Scandia (outside RDOF) – 33 homes
- Scandia Trail – 33 homes (5 of which are RDOF and are not included in proposed project areas
- Midco RDOF – 47 homes (all covered by RDOF and Midco
- Total – 161 homes
Total homes in proposed project areas – 109
Total homes covered by Midco RDOF – 52
Total project costs - $578,736
Midco portion - $259,736 (44%)
Scandia portion - $319,000 (56%)
The current state of the world and our economy has placed enormous pressures on MidCo and the
capacity of their construction teams. With inflation, altering amounts of funding, supply chain and
resource issues, the costs for Midco and other companies to do business and complete projects has
risen drastically.
There’ve been shortages of raw materials needed for manufacturing and the most recent news of
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused additional uncertainty. There’s also concern about the ability to
move products globally, which has been an ongoing issue since the pandemic began.
In short, issues surrounding part shortages, long lead times and freight price increases have put pressure
on and pinched construction capabilities. Midco is working diligently and proactively to keep in touch
with suppliers to ensure they’re in good position now and moving forward. MidCo’s procurement and
supply chain teams are on top of all global issues that may affect us, but we are in an uncertain and
unprecedented time that does not come without impacts.