02. Agenda 04 06 22 Work Session CITY OF SCANDIA CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA Wednesday, April 6, 2022 6:30 P.M. Location: Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th St. N. Online Streaming (Boxcast and Zoom) 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Approval of the Agenda 3. Discussion and possible consideration of sponsoring a Community Wide Garage Sale 4. Approve Contract with MSA for the Parks and Open Space Comprehensive Plan 5. Consider adoption of Resolution No. 2022-15, Declaring Sufficiency of Petition and Setting a Public Hearing on the Proposed Vacation of a Pedestrian Easement to Goose Lake 6. Discussion and possible consideration of adopting Ordinance No. 2022-01, An Interim Ordinance Placing a Temporary Moratorium on New Development of Distribution Scale Solar Energy System Facilities (Solar Farms) in the City and Directing a Study to be Conducted. a) Consider adopting Resolution No. 2022-16, Summary Publication of Interim Ordinance No. 2022-01. 7. Discussion and possible consideration of A/V Equipment Purchase for Board Room 8. Discussion and possible consideration of Server Replacement 9. Update on Bliss Nitrate Reduction Project 10. Discussion and possible consideration of a funding request for the Sister City Charter Signing event on April 20, 2022 11. Consider nominations to Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District Board of Managers 12. Discussion and possible consideration of Midco proposal for 2022 internet buildout and authorization for staff to negotiate contract. Additional updates and discussion related to future buildouts, and State internet expansion efforts. 13. Discussion on 2023 budget priorities 14. Adjournment Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97331961888?pwd=b2RFWmdHNXQvazAwcXhudjZtT2tUdz09 Meeting ID: 973 3196 1888 Passcode: 839598 Dial in phone by calling 1 312 626 6799 (Chicago) and using the meeting ID and passcode above.