03.07.2022 PRC Minutes City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, March 7, 2022 A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and on Zoom. Committee members present: Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice -Chair), Thomas Hinz. Kimberly Johnson participated via Zoom. Absent: Dustin Hegland. Staff Charles Fischer (Director of Public Works) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant via Zoom) also attended. The meeting was called to order by Gorham at 7:01 p.m., a quorum was present. PUBLIC FORUM None APPROVAL OF AGENDA Gorham requested Summer Recreational Program Discussion in New Business as item 7.b. Motion to approve the agenda as amended by Zauner, seconded by Hinz. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the February 7, 2022 minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. Chair Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the February 15, 2022 Joint City Council Special meeting minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. Chair Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the February 22, 2022 Special meeting minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. REPORTS Chair Report Chair Gorham reported meeting with representatives of the Scandia Heritage Alliance with Charles Fischer to discuss PRC’s support in the Water Tower Barn project, in particular grant options with trail additions that would include the Community Center and other park grounds. Gorham stated his chair report will continue by comments on other agenda items. Public Works Report Fischer provided a written report. Gorham requested feedback over the first seasonal use of the Zamboni. Fischer indicated that two full propane tanks were insufficient to meet the needs at Vinterfest and one additional tank will be necessary in the future. Fischer will contact R&R Specialties to service the Zamboni later this year. OLD BUSINESS Chair & Vice-Chair Nominations Zauner nominated Gorham to serve as Chair for the next term of 2022, seconded by Hinz. Motion passed by roll call vote, 3-0. Gorham nominated Zauner to serve as Vice-Chair for the next term of 2022, seconded by Hinz. Motion passed by roll call vote, 3-0. Park Planning Proposals Update Gorham reported City Council approved accepting MSA’s proposal for A Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan. Fischer stated Cammilleri is drafting a contract for Council’s consideration at their March 15, 2022 meeting. Zauner requested MSA include incorporating community involvement in Taco Daze and contacting Scandia Elementary School directly, even if it would mean delaying their start date as their proposal schedule completes this phase prior to Taco Daze. Zauner inquired if the approval from the Watershed is on schedule for this spring. Fischer reported that preliminary watershed feedback indicates the location recommended by PRC possibly will not require a full wetland delineation report. More information will be available later in the spring. March 7, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3 Playground Update Fischer referred to PW written report. The DNR grant awards are announced in July, the request would be $110k or so, depending on some matching fund commitments. Gorham will follow up with the Lions to see if they will be able to complete their request process in time for Council’s deadline for the March 15, 2022 regular meeting to consider approving the application Fischer is preparing. Zauner inquired if other grant opportunities are been pursued. Fischer replied that other grants are expired or did not fit into the scope of this project. However, the Carnelian-Marine St Croix Watershed District is working on 500 sq ft rain garden plans to contribute to this project. Friends of Scandia Parks & Trails or the Real Housewives of Bone Lake may be sources of potential volunteers to help plant this rain garden. Fischer asked if any PRC members have reached out, or if there is a future plan, to local businesses for local support. Staff will locate the letter drafted for this purpose. PRC Operational Calendar No changes NEW BUSINESS On-going and Future Projects • Gorham reported that Ray is requesting that a PRC member consider taking over the role of liaison between PRC’s Children’s Story Path and Scandia Elementary School . Johnson indicated she is interested, and will reach out to Ray for further details. • Zauner inquired as to the state of the StarWatch Party deposit and rescheduling. Discussion included incorporating this event with the potential dinner event in Lilleskogen Park in the fall, at Vinterfest 2023 or Hay Lake Park in any season. Zauner strongly discouraged Vinterfest with the cold weather challenges and distraction from the Village Center events. Gorham requested staff get clarification on the status of the donated funds and address rescheduling the StarWatch Party in the April PRC meeting. • Stignani inquired if the Park Ambassador suggestion by Ray will be implemented now that conditions have improved for PRC members to more regularly visit parks. Staff will locate details on which park each committee member volunteered to report back needs or project ideas periodically, as well as to use the Public Works online requests for service to report missing signage, down trees or the like. • Stignani inquired if the School Forest Project is still being considered or not. Johnson indicated an interest to communicate with Gorham to get up to speed on this DNR program and contact the current Scandia Elementary School principal to see if there is still an interest to pursue this arrangement. Summer Recreational Programming Discussion • Gorham asked staff to contact St. Croix Festival Theater to see if they were still interested in hosting a summer Art in Action camp this year. Zauner inquired if there is still a possibility to partner with the local Girl Scout troop for the Camp Lakamaga summer camp programs. Stignani explained that Camp Lakamaga fills up their programs, but has dropped Scandia’s Park and Recreational requests to host a camp because these camps have consistently not met the minimum registration requirements. Other organizations or Girl Scout troops have filled their programs instead over the past few years. Stignani asked if the Share your Skills class concept suggested by Ray has any renewed interest. Gorham will see Ann Rinkenberger to see if she has any interest later this week. Fischer commented that PW relocated bins with PRC craft supplies and recreational items (most notably, a large number of dodgeballs) from cold storage to the Annex building. Staff will research if there are official inventory lists of any i tems. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING March 7, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 3 The proposed agenda for the Monday, April 4, 2022 meeting: 1. Review PRC Bylaws and Duties & Functions documents 2. StarWatch Party Reschedule 3. Summer Recreational Programing 4. Park Planning Update 5. Playground Update 6. Park Ambassadors ADJOURNMENT Motion by Hinz, seconded by Zauner, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously by roll call. The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator