ADDITION Fair Housing Month NoticeBETTED AGENTS * BETTER COMMUNITIES SpaaC SAINT PAUL AREA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS@ March 24, 2022 Greetings, APR 0 4 2022 CITY OF SCN. DIA I would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce myself as the Saint Paul Area Association of Realtors® (SPAAR) Government Affairs Director for the Central Metro. As you may know, SPAAR is a professional organization of over 8,000 Realtors® in 12 Minnesota counties and 200+ cities and townships. SPAAR's Realtor® members and staff are committed to working with you to further strengthen Minnesota's vibrant communities through the dream of homeownership, fair housing, and sustainable community development. April marks the start of Fair Housing Month. As it draws near, we would like to highlight the significance of the Fair Housing Act. With the homeownership gap continuing to widen, this issue is more important than ever. The pandemic has emphasized the value of homeownership for many. We hope your city will join us in continuing to uphold fair housing laws by signing on to the attached Fair Housing Month Proclamation. In addition to signing on to the proclamation, SPAAR believes it would be productive if the City Council would take some time to further discuss this issue. SPAAR is happy to have a conversation about what that could look like. Realtors® and local governments know a strong and fair housing market can be the foundation of a lively community. I look forward to working with you and your staff on public policy initiatives to best serve the housing needs of residents in your community. If SPAAR, our members, or I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. Best, Si n Opatz Government Affairs Director sopatz�-Dspaar.coin 763-489-3306