8.a 05.02.2022 PRC Minutes DRAFT
City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, May 3, 2022
A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center
and via Zoom. Committee members present: Terry Gorham (Chair), Kimberly Johnson, Dustin Hegland and
Thomas Hinz. Absent: Greg Zauner. Patti Ray (City Council Representative) participated via Zoom. Staff Charles
Fischer (Public Works Director) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant) also attended. The meeting was
called to order by Gorham at 7:01 p.m., a quorum was present.
Motion to approve the agenda by Hegland, seconded by Hinz. Motion carried unanimously.
Chair Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the April 4, 2022 minutes. No additions or corrections
were submitted. The minutes stand approved.
Chair Report
Chair Gorham reported communicating with the Scandia Lions in regard to the recycling plastic campaign to earn
a free park bench. Gorham encouraged the Lions to reach out to other Scandia organizations as the bench looks
very nice, but does not meet the City’s Bench Standard.
Public Works Report
Fischer provided a written report. Fischer highlighted the park sign research and asked for PRC feedback to
develop a park sign standard for parks outside of the Village Center to recommend to Council. Discussion
concluded the presented option is reasonable in price and has the look that meets the sign design standards.
The two-toned engraving is preferred and Fischer supported this sign design is resistant to most vandalism
attacks, with etchings the most difficult to address. Fischer directed to prepare quote for Liten Park, on Orwell
Ave recommendation to the Council with installation goals of late fall or early spring.
Gorham asked if there would be any indicators from the DNR how the grant application is going, or if there are
only announcements of final decisions. Fischer confirmed no notice will be given until the award letters are sent,
expected in July. Public Works will schedule work in 2022 if the DNR grant is awarded, to include removal of the
playground equipment and setting the grade for the future equipment and concrete pads. All work would be
scheduled after Taco Daze.
Staff Report
Stignani provided a written report.
Park Planning Proposals Update
Fischer reported the Park Planning agreement is in its final stages, and Council has authorized staff to complete
the process when MSA completes their review process.
Playground Update – Support Letter
Fischer offered an edited version of a support letter. Hegland clarified the letter would be sent to businesses
instead of individuals. Gorham stated other options for raising support can be discussed at a later date.
Members agreed this letter would be recommended to Council to be sent the EDA mailing list. Ray
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recommended a press release sent to the Country Messenger as residents may know of other business
connections in Scandia who are not on the EDA mailing list.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Gorham, to recommend sending this financial support letter to Martin
Marietta and the EDA mailing list. Motion carried unanimously.
PRC Operational Calendar
Gorham asked if the Capital Improvement Committee will schedule any meetings in the near future. Discussion
concluded the process of updating the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan is enough to address the
item of Park Capital Planning on the Operational Calendar.
Park Ambassadors’ Reports
Gorham visited parks and encouraged other PRC members to report issues via the Service Request form on the
City’s website. Wind in the Pines has a tripping hazard Gorham identified and Fischer confirmed reporting
through the website is helpful and staff will address this hazard. Gorham encouraged PRC members to bring
ideas of improvements for specific parks as appropriate after these visits.
Bone Lake Park
Gorham recounted a brief history of interaction with the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District and Bone
Lake Association with some PRC members in considering development of Bone Lake Park. Discussion concluded
to seek Council support to continue to establish connections with these groups in an effort to develop the park.
Gorham reported the current conditions of the walking trails and asked if the City would have a source of free
woodchips if another volunteer group would supply the labor to spread the chips. Staff will contact tree
companies who work in the area, the Washington County recycling centers, the Hugo Northern Yard Waste Site
and the Forest Lake’s Compost Site to see if any free woodchips can be arranged.
Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hegland, to seek Council support to work with the Comfort Lake Forest Lake
Watershed District and the Bone Lake Association to establish a concept plan to develop Bone Lake Park.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hinz, to recommend to Council to pursue Bone Lake Park trail improvements
with volunteers from the Bone Lake Association. Motion carried unanimously.
Lilleskogen Park
Fischer reported PW staff have replaced new stories in the storyboard stands on schedule. Ray, Johnson and
Gorham will meet with Scandia Elementary School principal Julie Hall, to discuss the level of interest the school
has in future activities at Lilleskogen Park. Topics will include the Children’s Story Path and the DNR School
Forest program.
Midco Day
Midco will sponsor Midco Day on August 31st. 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. in Lilleskogen Park after hosting a booth at the
Scandia Farmer’s Market where they will pass out red tote bags. Ray presented a list of suggestions to improve
the third annual event to present awards to winning student’s stories about the internet with a boxed meal from
Meisters. Ray included a need for 5 volunteers. Johnson, Hinz and Gorham indicated they will assist. Fischer
will investigate borrowing Lions’ tables. Ray continues to coordinate details with Midco and will include the list
of suggested improvements in the next PRC meeting packet for further feedback. Fischer requested requesting
some kid sized burgers. Gorham asked if Scandia should notify the Washington County Sheriff’s Office for traffic
or safety concerns. Discussion concluded that parking was sufficient and a courtesy notice to Zach Boesel would
be all that is necessary.
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1,000 Acts of Kindness Project
Ray requested Parks recommend to Council to sponsor the 1,000 Acts of Kindness Project with $300 for the prize
money and treat bags to be distributed at the awards ceremony to the students who participate. The prize
money would be $50 to the winning student, $200 to the winning student’s classroom teacher and $50 for the
treat bags for student participants. Ray requests these funds come from the budgeted “City Activities” fund
rather than a park’s account. If approved by Council, the children’s story contest would be May 5 th – 16th. The
1,000 Acts of Kindness stories would be displayed in the Children’s Story Path beginning June 1st.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Hinz, to recommend to Council to sponsor the 1,000 Acts of Kindness project
with $50 to the winning student in the Story Contest, $200 to the winning student’s classroom teacher and
$50 for treat bags for students participating in the Story Contest.
Park Clean Up Day
Ray presented a request from a resident to organize a Park Clean Up Day, perhaps as an annual Spring Earth Day
event. Further discussion expanded to define cleaning up a park could include planting, spreading woodchips,
or picking up tree debris (branches) after City staff concludes brush cutting. Volunteers could bring branches in
Lilleskogen Park to the path where staff could rent a woodchipper City use. Suggestions to conder included
choosing one park each year to focus on, adopt a flower garden patterned after the Adopt-A-Highway concept,
or if enough volunteers sign up, choose one day and divide the efforts between multiple locations. Perhaps host
a table at Taco Daze for signing up potential volunteers for contacting in the spring. Volunteers to clean up
Lilleskogen Park in the middle of August, prior to Midco Days suggested. In addition to social media posts, staff
could reach out to groups like the Boy Scouts and National Honor Society who often search for volunteer
opportunities. Fischer will check to see if Sentence to Serve is operating again. Gorham tabled the topic for
June meeting to allow time to gather feedback from potential organizations who might provide volunteers.
Scandia Arts & Crafts Show
Gorham reported that Council supports the concept of an Arts & Crafts show in Scandia. Johnson has been in
contact with the past organizers of the annual arts & craft show in Marine. Marine has cancelled 2020 & 2021
shows, and has already determined they do not plan to start it back up again. Marine organizers have provided
Johnson with a contact list of 68 past vendors. Hinz will help Johnson to communicate and see if there is an
interest if Scandia hosts a show on the same date as Marine’s would have been. If they’re interested in
participating, would they be interested in volunteering to organize. Find out their needs for setting up in a park,
including if they must have vehicle access to their table spot on the path. Ray suggested contacting participants
of the Best of Scandia sale at Vinterlights. Discussion concluded that starting small would be preferred, and
reaching Scandia crafters first.
New Ideas
Gorham called for New Ideas on this open-ended agenda item.
• Ray suggested increasing the PRC size for more individuals to be able to provide more volunteer efforts.
Discussion concluded that rather than increase the committee size, work to connect with more
volunteers who could be drawn on a “project – by – project” basis. Reach out to the Scandia Marine
Lions with specific projects, like a Park Clean UP Day.
• Ray will pick up painted rocks from the Scandia Elementary School students to be placed around
Lilleskogen Park’s trail, and asked if there were other parks to consider putting the rocks in. Concluded
not all decorated rocks should be put out at once, as some may wander away over time.
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The proposed agenda for the Monday, April 4, 2022 meeting:
1. Park Clean Up Day Planning
2. Park Ambassadors
3. Park Planning Update
4. Scandia Arts & Crafts
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Hinz, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator