8.c IAC Minutes 04 21 2022 CITY OF SCANDIA INTERNET ACTION COMMITTEE AGENDA Thursday, April 21, 2022 6:30 p.m. Location: Online Streaming (Boxcast and Zoom) and Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th Street North (Committee Members attend in person.) Members in Attendance: John Carney, K.C. Douglas, Vice Chair Marshall Smith, and Chair Robert Wilmers. Absent: Steve Collier. Others in Attendance: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, Mayor Christine Maefsky ( arrived 6:47pm), City Council Liaison Steve Kronmiller, and City Council Liaison Patti Ray. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Wilmers at 6:32pm. Approval of Agenda – Motion to by Wilmers, seconded by Smith to approve the agenda with amendments to add discussion of Midco Day (7.b) and updates to the website on internet buildout progress to be included with the discussion of housing data(5.a). Motion carried. Approval of Minutes from the March 17, 2021 meeting – This item was tabled until the next meeting. Public Comments – No public comments were presented. Discussion and Consideration of Housing Data Used in Planning – Kronmiller explained that historically we have been using addresses from Midco and Frontier, Census Data, and County general housing data. He suggested that we start using the County’s cumulative data on housing units. It was noted that there was no way exactly the data of what is served but we have been able to get confirmation that the number of addresses served as ISPs consider this information to be proprietary. However, the City has been able to obtain fairly reliable data from service availability data from the ISPs and the data from state, federal, and local buildouts. It Motion by Wilmers, seconded by Carney, to use quarterly housing data submitted to the state by Washington County to track buildout progress. Motion carried. Discussion on Website Update – Motion by, seconded by , to update the web Update and discussion on the 2022 Midco buildout plan proposal Discussion and Consideration of Continued Planning for Broadband Buildout a. Estimated internet expansion costs and long-range plan (see spreadsheet and attached email from Council Member Kronmiller). SCANDIA INTERNET ACTION COMMITTEE April 21, 2022 Page 2 of 2 Items for Future Discussion Next Meeting – Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 6:30 PM Adjournment To watch a live stream of the meeting without interactive capacity visit the City’s Boxcast page: https://boxcast.tv/channel/heb1rus0rmpm1yorwlud Join the Zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/93936738314?pwd=dEV4MFdkTFJPcGE3TFE2U0xzVU9OZz09 Meeting ID: 939 3673 8314 Passcode: 995033 One tap mobile 13126266799,,93936738314#,,,,*995033# Dial Number: 312 626 6799