8.f Wastewater Committee 4-27-22 minutesApril 27, 2022
A meeting of the Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date with modifications. The
meeting was conducted in-person at the Scandia Community Center and over an electronic platform. All
participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by Chairperson Steve Kronmiller. In attendance were committee
members Steve Kronmiller and Perry Rynders. A quorum was not achieved as Peter Nora and Dan Cartier
were participating remotely, and Richard Bohrer and Doran O’Brien were absent. City Staff in attendance
were City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, Public Works Director Charles Fischer and City Treasurer
Colleen Firkus. City Engineers Ryan Goodman and Seth Peterson participated remotely.
As there was no quorum there were no motions only information presented.
Cammilleri reported on system performance, conditions, and connections being permitted. Funding through
the state legislature does not look likely so project will be downsized to take out Lift Station #2
replacement. Project will start in September/October by ordering renderings and specifications. Cammilleri
hopes to get bonds for financing and to consult with financial advisor Ehlers about financing it and setting
rate structure to accommodate costs. A joint meeting between Wastewater Committee and City Council
may be held to present options.
Fischer presented flow charts from Jan 2021 through April 2022 for Anderson-Erickson system. While
spikes were seen during February and March due to spring runoff I&I issues, operating levels in general
were below permitted gallons per day (GPD). Flows were determined by pump run times until meters were
installed in February 2022. Actual times/inspections were just done this week and waiting on a report from
the contractor. There was a pump issue in March as pump running but no flows, so error was in control
Uptown flows are measured by pump times. Flows were well below permitted 5,000 average per day
(APD) in 2021, except for a spike in July when there was a draw-down of a tank for inspection causing
extra pump run times. 2022 running as allowed under permit. Not seeing I&I issues especially with fast
melt and rain this year.
Manhole cover replacements complete in A&E. Bliss inspected this spring, handful of covers to be replaced
to address I&I. All properties were inspected except two; one bank owned, one unoccupied. No I&I issues
found on all inspected properties.
Bliss flow charts in 2021 showed a March peak from spring as ground was still frozen and went above
permitted APD. December’s chart appears to have a data entry error. Spikes in April 202 were due to snow
melting on drainfields and going into sand filters. Graphs are comparable for each year with January
plateaus, March peaks, and April spikes. Measurements between pump time readings and metering are
There are a couple of properties that may be needing to connect soon. One has a nonconforming drainfield
located on a property across the road from the house, not owned by the homeowner. City ordinance
requires the city to do the permitting, but there are no new connection specifications in place to provide to
contractors, or inspectors to handle permitting, or a contract with the County to handle new connections.
City engineers are preparing connection specifications which will need to be reviewed by the Committee
Wastewater Advisory Committee
Aril 27, 2002
Page 2
and City Council. The City follows the County ordinance is permitting based on number of bedrooms
which could be modified to include number of bathrooms.
Bolton & Menk needs to know if the City wants to consider future expansions in the utilities’ facility
studies, and if the City wants to allow more than 5,000 GPD which moves permitting from the County level
to the State level at the MPCA.
Engineer Goodman indicated there is capacity in the Bliss system. The A-E side has unconnected homes in
the newly designated service area which would be allowed to connect. Homes in the service area can be
rebuilt but not to exceed the current number of bedrooms.
Bliss is eligible for state funds. But other funding would need to be found for A-E and Uptown systems
such as a community septic program through the MPCA or grants through US Corp of Engineers. Federal
infrastructure bills may provide assistance. Replacing the original infrastructure needs to be addressed.
Scandia Heritage Alliance & Arts Center Water Tower Barn has momentum in the legislature and is in the
Governor’s proposed budget. Can it be served by Uptown system? Estimated average daily flows are 215
GPD, with a peak of 800 GPD. During large events the bathrooms would be closed and portable toilets
would be used. Engineer Peterson indicated there is capacity in the Uptown System to add the Heritage
Center with the condition of closing toilets for big events and using portable toilets. Staff will be sending a
letter to Heritage Alliance group to notify them a connection will be allowed with conditions. Kronmiller
stated it seemed it was running at half capacity. There are residential systems uptown that are noncompliant
and would like to connect. Would the city need to expand to cover new connections? How would cost of
expansion be handled? Design capacity is not well defined. City staff has been unable to find original plans
and specification documents that show allowed capacity, only through past correspondence. There are no
records at the county.
The Committee will need to discuss grants, facilities studies, design review for permits, SAC/connection
fees. Engineer Peterson stated the analysis is done on Uptown system and we have the capacity and average
treatment flow (Permitted Average flow 3500, Max 5000) and have anticipated the Heritage Ctr flows. The
only unknown is the question of expanding the service area. Projections can’t be made until we know
extent of service area. Cammilleri indicated he planned to survey residents in the potential service area.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 23rd at 6:30 p.m. Need to meet in person to have a
Meeting ended at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Colleen Firkus, City Treasurer