6.c Addition to Payment of Vouchers6.c ADDITION TO PAYMENT BATCH 05/17/2022 Refer LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Cash Payment E 101-41000-361 Liability/Property Ins Property insurance $4,568.15 Invoice 10002603 Cash Payment E 101-41910-361 Liability/Property Ins Property insurance $2,005.53 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-42200-361 Liability/Property Ins Property insurance $6,685.09 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43000-361 Liability/Property Ins Property insurance $10,361.91 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-45000-361 Liability/Property Ins Property insurance $7,910.69 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-45180-361 Liability/Property Ins Property insurance $2,562.62 Invoice Cash Payment E 602-43210-361 Liability/Property Ins Property insurance $1,002.76 Invoice Cash Payment E 612-43210-361 Liability/Property Ins Property insurance $334.25 Invoice ____________ Transaction Date 5/17/2022 Checking*01 SSB 10100 Total $35,431.00