IAC Minutes 04 21 2022
Thursday, April 21, 2022
6:30 p.m.
Location: Online Streaming (Boxcast and Zoom) and
Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th Street North
(Committee Members attend in person.)
Members in Attendance: John Carney, K.C. Douglas, Vice Chair Marshall Smith, and Chair
Robert Wilmers.
Absent: Steve Collier.
Others in Attendance: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, Mayor Christine Maefsky (arrived at
6:47pm), City Council Liaison Steve Kronmiller, and City Council Liaison Patti Ray.
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Wilmers at 6:32pm.
Approval of Agenda – Motion to by Wilmers, seconded by Smith to approve the agenda with
amendments to add discussion of Midco Day (7.b) and updates to the website on internet
buildout progress to be included with the discussion of housing data (5.a). Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes from the March 17, 2021 meeting – This item was tabled until the next
Public Comments – No public comments were presented.
Discussion and Consideration of Housing Data Used in Planning – Kronmiller explained that
historically we have been using addresses from Midco and Frontier, Census Data, and County
general housing data. He suggested that we start using the County’s cumulative data on housing
units. It was noted that there was no way exactly the data of what is served but we have been
able to get confirmation that the number of addresses served as ISPs consider this information to
be proprietary. However, the City has been able to obtain fairly reliable data from service
availability data from the ISPs and the data from state, federal, and local buildouts. It Motion by
Wilmers, seconded by Carney, to use quarterly housing data submitted to the state by
Washington County to track buildout progress. Motion carried.
Discussion on Website Update – Wilmers noted that we need to update the website to put it in
digestible form. It was agreed that a draft update will be based on the information previously
developed by staff and Wilmers for a recent newspaper publication. It was agreed that this
would be formatted for publication on the website. Kronmiller would provide updated data with
Scandia Internet Action Committee meeting minutes
April 4, 2022
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Update in Citizen Expansion Inquires – Wilmers reported that there have been a few citizens
who have reached out to him in some of the more rural areas of the community inquiring about
the progress of internet buildout to their areas. He noted there are still intentions to bring
services to their areas, but given their remote locations, their connections would be more
financially challenging to reach these areas. As a result, a time frame was not able to be
Progress on 2022 Buildout - Wilmers reported that the City Council previously accepted Midco’s
buildout proposal and passed approval of their support for a Washington County Broadband
Expansion Grant. Cammilleri reported that Midco is starting a contract template based off of last
year’s direct buildout agreement. He noted that it may take some time.
Kronmiller expressed his disappointment that Midco only agreed to a $100,000 grant, and he
noted that he would have rather seen a $500,000 request. Wilmers reported that Midco had
indicated that the proposed Oakhill Buildout area for this area was “self-contained” and met all
of the County’s requirements. Other build outs planned for this year had complications of
overlapping funding sources were considerable onerous. Midco noted that they would be more
willing to consider longer-term arrangements. The committee discussed the nature of
commitments that the City can agree to. It was agreed that we want to consider putting together
a letter of intent earlier in the year to help Midco plan earlier and make earlier orders for
materials such as fiber including 2023-2024 fiscal construction years. It was further agreed that
a budget discussion should take place as soon as possible.
Midco Days Update – Ray reported that Midco Day is scheduled for August 31, 2022, which will
include a cookout picnic and storyboard contest in Lilleskogen Park and an Internet Action
Committee information stand will be at the Scandia Farmers Market at the Community Center
earlier that day. The gift bag for this year will be red. (The Sister City Committee, which
originally had a promotion stand at the August 31st Farmers Market was moved to the August 24th
so that the IAC’s stand would be available for the Midco Day event. Scandia Elementary
Students will be providing stories for the story board competition. Midco will be providing all of
the contest prizes and photography for the event. IAC committee members requested that ice
cream be at information stand for this year’s event, and staff noted that this would be arranged.
Items for Future Discussion – The Committee requested to review of the 2023-2024 Capital
Improvement Plan, discussion on Website Updates, and a Midco Day Update for their next
meeting agenda.
Next Meeting – It was noted that the next committee meeting will be held on Thursday, May 19,
2022 at 6:30 PM.
Adjournment – Motion by Smith, seconded by Douglas, to adjourn at 7:43pm. Motion carried.