10.a City of Scandia Audit PresentationCity of Scandia, Minnesota Presentation of the Audited Financial Statements Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2021 Audit Process and Opinion Unmodified (Clean) Opinion General Procedures Obtain Records Inquiries Analytical Procedures Sampling Detail Testing Required Communications Audit went smoothly Positive Working Relationship with Management Nothing unusual noted in terms of recorded transactions or accounting policies/treatments Significant estimates include the calculation of Net Pension Asset/Liability and related balances Controls and Compliance AUDIT ADJUSTMENTS INTERNAL CONTROLS MINNESOTA LEGAL COMPLIANCE •We proposed several audit adjustments that were material to the financial statements – primarily related to the adjustment of several accrual accounts •Your City has a lack of proper segregation of duties, which is very common for a City of your size •Schlenner Wenner & Co. prepares your City’s financial statements •No instances of noncompliance were identified as a result of our procedures ❑Revenues exceeded budgeted amounts by $162,192 ❑Expenditures were under budgeted amounts by $38,192 2020 2021 2021 Budget Revenues 1,864,211$ 1,837,292$ 1,675,100$ Expenditures 1,583,713 1,739,530 1,777,722 Other Sources (Uses)(12,300) (282,690) (278,560) Change in Fund Balance 268,198 (184,928) (381,182) Fund Balance 1,535,222$ 1,350,294$ N/A Detailed Revenue AnalysisGeneral Fund Detailed Expenditure AnalysisGeneral Fund ❑City policy is to maintain a minimum unassigned general fund balance equal to 35%-50% of the total annual General Fund operating expenditures Year Percentage 2017 93.2% 2018 93.0% 2019 74.2% 2020 83.8% 2021 74.9% 50.0% 55.0% 60.0% 65.0% 70.0% 75.0% 80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 95.0% 100.0% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Unassigned Fund Balance as a Percentage of the Annual Budget Cash Trend AnalysisGeneral Fund Financial Highlights Other Governmental Funds Capital Improvement Fund Local Road Improvement Fund Revenues 111,228$ 532,199$ Expenditures 535,983 960,101 Other Sources (Uses)200,000 80,000 Change in Fund Balance (224,755) (347,902) Fund Balance 635,904$ 1,252,549$ Financial Highlights Other Governmental Funds Debt Service Fund Nonmajor Governmental Funds Revenues 445,585$ 447,984$ Expenditures 427,018 67,078 Other Sources (Uses)- 2,690 Change in Fund Balance 18,567 383,596 Fund Balance 45,963$ 753,817$ Cash Trend Analysis Other Governmental Funds Financial Highlights 201 Sewer Enterprise Fund 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Operating Revenues 86,418$ 85,518$ 81,238$ 83,175$ 98,001$ Operating Expenses 101,976 98,411 118,015 120,995 101,246 Operating Income (Loss)(15,558) (12,893) (36,777) (37,820) (3,245) Nonoperating Revenues & Transfers In 1,924 1,519 8,085 54,949 8,832 Change In Net Position (13,634) (11,374) (28,692) 17,129 5,587 Ending Net Position 851,042$ 839,668$ 810,976$ 828,105$ 833,692$ Financial Highlights Uptown Sewer Enterprise Fund 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Operating Revenues 17,371$ 21,347$ 20,535$ 12,546$ 15,132$ Operating Expenses 17,185 17,405 14,180 12,293 19,582 Operating Income (Loss)186 3,942 6,355 253 (4,450) Nonoperating Revenues & Transfers In 38 97 11 252 71 Nonoperating Expenses & Transfers Out - - 2,640 - - Change In Net Position 224 4,039 3,726 505 (4,379) Ending Net Position 161,178$ 165,217$ 168,943$ 169,448$ 165,069$ Cash Trend AnalysisEnterprise Funds Total Government-Wide AssetsFinancial Highlights Total Government-Wide LiabilitiesFinancial Highlights Long Term Debt Outstanding Currently includes: •2013 Certificates of Indebtedness •2017 Certificates of Indebtedness •G.O. Street Reconstruction Bonds, Series 2018A Upcoming Accounting Standard –GASB 87 Leases Old Method •Operating Leases •Capital Leases New Method •Short-term Leases •Contracts that Transfer Ownership •All Other Leases (most former Operating Leases) Biggest Impact •A “lease liability” and corresponding “right-to-use asset” will need to be calculated and recorded for most leases Questions? Jon Archer, CPA Partner jarcher@schlennerwenner.cpa 320-251-0286