08.a Draft 06.06.2022 PRC Minutes
City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, June 6, 2022
A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center
and via Zoom. Committee members present: Greg Zauner (Vice-Chair), Kimberly Johnson, and Dustin Hegland.
Terry Gorham (Chair) and Thomas Hinz participated via Zoom. Patti Ray (City Council Representative) and staff
members Ken Cammilleri (City Administrator), Charles Fischer (Public Works Director) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani
(Office Assistant) also attended. The meeting was called to order by Zauner at 7:12 p.m., a quorum was present.
Motion to approve the agenda by Hegland, seconded by Johnson. Motion carried unanimously.
Vice-Chair Zauner called for any additions or corrections to the May 2, 2022 minutes. No additions or corrections
were submitted. The minutes stand approved.
Chair Report
Chair Gorham provided a written report.
Public Works Report
Fischer provided a written report. Ray stated the Sister City Committee is looking for a garden to adopt, including
adding a sign or plaque for Sister City Mellerud, Sweden. Fischer recommended the Community Center beds at
the main entrance. Ray will check with the Real Housewives of Bone Lake to see if they will continue to work on
the garden at Olinda Trail and Scandia Trail. Fischer reported he is considering redoing the signs at Wind in the
Pines with more clear instructions and locations. May incorporate aerial photos for clarity. Ray will follow up
with Scandia Elementary School as they have indicated an interest in a new garden for the 6th grade students,
but have not yet contacted Public Works or any PRC member.
Park Planning Proposals Update
Cammilleri reported the Kick Off Meeting that is joint with Council is June 21st at 6 p.m. All are encouraged to
attend where the project overview and identifying major stakeholders will be included in the agenda.
Bone Lake Park
• Park Naming Survey Results presented. The Survey Monkey asked for one vote on three suggested
names and gave an option for additional submissions. Ray recommended submitting to Council
Tomteskogen, plus suggestions of Bensjo and Benskogar.
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Zauner, to recommend naming the park on Bone Lake to Council as “Bone
Lake Park.” Hegland – yea, Zauner – yea, and Johnson – nay. Motion carried 2-1.
• Reaching out to Bone Lake Association and CLFLWD – covered in Chair Report, Gorham added he will
attend the next possible BLA meeting
Midco Day Improvements
Ray included in the meeting packet the list of suggested improvements, written shortly after the 2021 event.
Fischer suggested utilizing “sandwich boards” to identify the entrance to the Children’s Story Path to encourage
one way traffic and assist in distributing the meal tokens. Volunteers will be stationed at this marked entrance.
Ray will contact Meisters to arrange for kid sized burgers.
June 6, 2022
Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee
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Scandia Arts & Crafts Show
Johnson recommended preparing to plan now for 2023 only and choosing a different date than the weekend
after Taco Daze. Zauner clarified the point of contacting past Marine arts & crafts sellers was to gage interest
only instead of contacting them all with all of the answers with their potential questions. Discussion concluded
that contacting Best of Scandia Arts & Crafts participants first is best to cap the number of participants to keep
it small in 2022 and offer to Scandia residents first if possible. Additionally, initial contact with Marine sellers
would only ask for interest in participating in 2022, and if not, 20223. Zauner will contact past organizers of
Marine event to see if they would give guidance for planning, including what information to collect from
participants. Ray briefly reported how Best of Scandia operated as a starting point. Consensus to continue
moving forward.
Park Clean Up Day
In addition to the information included in the Chair and Public Works report, Gorham will contact the Forest
Lake football coach and recommend Monday, June 27th as the day they volunteer to clean up Lilleskogen Park.
Park Ambassadors’ Reports
Requests for trash cans at Lilleskogen Park.
PRC Operational Calendar
The Kick Off meeting on June 21st for the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan covers all that needs
to be discussed regarding the Park Capital Planning on the Operational Calendar. Gorham confirmed Pickleball
Tournament planning at Taco Daze will start next month as planned.
Lilleskogen Park
Ray included a local children’s author’s book in the meeting packet. Discussion concluded that PRC would like
to support local authors and promote park; so asking this author to pare down this story to 16 pages to be
laminated and used as a ‘fill in’ story when needed for the Children’s Story Path is ideal. Ray will prepare a press
release at the right time to promote the park and story.
The proposed agenda for the Monday, July 8, 2022 meeting:
1. Park Ambassadors
2. Scandia Arts & Crafts
Motion by Hegland, seconded by Johnson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator