05-17-2022 MeetingMay 17, 2022
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with modifications.
The meeting was conducted in-person at the Scandia Community Center and over an electronic
platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute
to discussions.
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. The
following were in attendance: Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve
Kronmiller, Patti Ray, and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City Administrator Ken
Cammilleri, City Attorney Chris Nelson, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Charles
Fischer, and City Clerk Brenda Eklund.
City Administrator Cammilleri announced an addition to the agenda. 10.a) Presentation from the
Comfort Lake -Forest Lake Watershed District. Clerk Eklund reported that a payment to the
League of MN Insurance Trust Fund was added to the payment batch.
Benson, second by Ray, moved to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 5-0.
A written report on April's incident and citations was in the meeting packet.
No public comments were made.
Scandia Good Neighbor Awards — Sam Masoud
Mayor Maefsky presented a Scandia Good Neighbor Proclamation to Sam Masoud for his acts of
kindness and generosity as described by a customer who nominated him.
a) Minutes
1) April 18, 2022 Board of Appeal and Equalization
2) April 19, 2022 Regular Meeting
3) May 4, 2022 Work Session
b) Treasurer's Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Special Event Permit for Bridge the Valley Bicycle Rally, August 14, 2022
e) Approve 2022 Recycling Grant Agreement with Washington County
Benson, second by Ray, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion
carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
Playground Support Letter
PRC Chair Terry Gorham presented a draft letter the Committee would like to send out to the
EDA business list, seeking sponsorships to the playground fund for additional ADA accessible
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Scandia City Council
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features or other park amenities such as park benches, picnic tables, and shade structures or trees
that require additional funding beyond the project cost. Gorham said they have a financial goal
for donations of $25,000. Upon the dedication of the new playground equipment, a sign will be
installed to recognize sponsors of the playground project.
Ray, second by Benson, moved to approve the solicitation of donations to the playground
fund for amenities not included in the project cost. Motion carried 5-0.
Bone Lake Park
PRC Chair Gorham said the Committee is seeking Council support for a collaboration with the
Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District and Bone Lake Association on future development
concepts for Bone Lake Park. Objectives include more walking trails, water quality
improvements, park signage, fishing pier, and bicycle amenities. There was general consensus
from the Council that moving forward with concepts for the park is okay. Staff stated that any
improvements would need Council approval before implementation.
Ray, second by Kronmiller, moved to accept the Bone Lake Park objectives. Motion
carried 5-0.
Bone Lake Park Trail Improvements
PRC Chair Gorham explained that the existing walking trail in Bone Lake Park needs
maintenance. The Committee asked if the City could provide delivery of woodchips, with
volunteers from the Bone Lake Association spreading the woodchips on the trail. Public Works
Director Fischer said he is looking for a source of free woodchips.
Ray, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve wood chipping the trails by volunteers from
the Bone Lake Association. Motion carried 5-0.
Administrator Cammilleri reported that a public hearing on the Unified Development Code and
new zoning map is scheduled for May 23rd. At their May 3rd meeting, the Commission began
addressing the study of the solar farm ordinance. A solar farm site visit was held before the May
17th Council meeting, hosted by the developer of the Oldfield Avenue solar farm.
IAC Chair Bob Wilmers reported on confirmation from Midco that Washington County
approved Midco's $100,000 request for the 2022 proposed direct buildout project on the
southeastern part of Oakhill Road and nearby areas of St. Croix Trail. These grant dollars will be
deducted out of the City's share for the proposed grant agreement.
Wilmers explained that the Committee estimated that 1,794 Scandia households will be served
upon the committee's goal of broadband buildout for the entire community. The Committee is
hopeful that additional federal and state grant funds will be supporting the goal, and good
progress is being made. Council member Kronmiller said the map on the City's website has been
updated for homes served.
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Administrator Cammilleri reported that the Committee is focused on wayfinding sign solutions.
MnDOT has rigid rules and requirements which staff is working to understand.
Council member Benson reported on EDA's May 9th meeting. A quarterly business breakfast is
scheduled for June 15th. Deputy Boesel will speak on financial and banking security from a fraud
standpoint, and the Sandagers' will give an update on the winery. The EDA is focusing on three
priorities as identified in the long-term plan, a topic of the June 13th meeting.
Council member Kronmiller reported on the April 27th meeting. A quorum was not achieved; the
Committee discussed staff updates but took no action.
Wastewater Update of system capacities, grant inquires, and permit requests
Administrator Cammilleri provided background on the condition and capacities of the existing
three systems: the Bliss, Anderson -Erickson and Uptown Sewer Systems.
Public Works Director Fischer provided charts on daily flow numbers. Staff explained the
concern of adding more users which could cause the systems to exceed permitted flows. The City
Engineer is advising on the Scandia Heritage Center operations and recommending to use
portable toilets for events so as not to overwhelm the Uptown System.
Cammilleri said that financing future improvements is challenging — there are grant programs
sponsored by the State but the City may not qualify. Other avenues of financing are being
The Bliss System, the largest of the three and permitted by NPDES and SDS, has aging tanks
which could be the cause of the inflow and infiltration (I&I) issues. Cammilleri stated that this is
the most expensive project to upgrade; nitrate volume in monthly testing needs to be lowered by
nitrate treatment and replacement of the main lift station number 3. Fund balance for Big Marine
Sewer is slowly rising, but not enough to fund this major project. The City must be cautious
about adding more customers beyond the existing 83 users.
Cammilleri concluded the presentation, saying the purpose was to educate the Council and public
on the sewer issues. The City will need to consider whether or not it intends to seek expansions
of these systems. New rate structures and Sewer Area Connection fees will be shaped by these
plans and capital improvement needs.
Council member Kronmiller said the next meeting of the Wastewater Committee will be to
discuss a facility study and the issues of expansion.
The April building activity report was received from Building Official Joel Hoistad. Last month
25 permits were issued at a valuation of $1,440,529.00.
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Fire Chief Hinz reported on the fire department's April activity. Last month the department
responded to 31 calls; 7 fire, 23 medicals, and 1 dive call. Three new members will be joining
the department of June 1St pending successful medical testing. The first EMT training with the
new service went very well this year. The Relief Association held the annual appreciation dinner
this past weekend.
Engineering Updates
City Engineer Goodman provided written engineering updates. A preconstruction meeting for the
2022 street project is scheduled for next week, with construction planned to start in June.
Public Works Director Charles Fischer reported on the department activities this spring. Pothole
patching began once the asphalt plants opened. The dramatic temperature swings made the roads
brittle and prone to damage. The winter debris is being cleared from the right-of-way's by
removing dangerous leaning trees. MnDOT will repair the turtle fence along Highway 97 that
was hit by a car this past winter. The Goose Lake dock has been installed, needing modification
due to the high water. The Kubota mower is causing repair problems, becoming costly in time
and money to keep running. Staff may propose early replacement due to the many breakdowns.
Administrator Cammilleri reported on general updates. Cammilleri said he is following the
legislative progress on funding requests, working on the LCCMR grant for the Gateway Trail
project, confirming that Washington County will be the agent if awarded the grant. Election
preparations are in place for this year's primary and general elections. Code enforcement process
is on-going, utilizing the new nuisance ordinance. The audit presentation is planned for next
Watershed staff Blayne Eineichner was present to explain a proposal to acquire property in
Scandia to remediate runoff to Bone Lake. The 320 -acre tract of land would be a potential
floodwater hydrology storage site. The project would enhance the hydrology of the 120 -acre
wetland habitat and restore them to a normal wetland state, reduce nutrient loading to Bone
Lake, and improve long term water quality. Lessard -Sams funding would be pursued for the
purchase of this tract of land along Lofton Avenue.
Eineichner said the Watershed is looking for the City's support for the project. The Council was
in consensus to approve a letter of support.
Benson, second by Ray, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund, City Clerk