06.a3 Draft minutes 07-06-2022 Work Session
July 6, 2022
A work session meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with
modifications. The meeting was conducted in-person at the Scandia Community Center and over
an electronic platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other
and contribute to discussions.
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. The following were present:
Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Patti Ray, and Mayor Christine Maefsky.
Absent: Council member Steve Kronmiller. Staff present: City Administrator Ken Cammilleri,
Public Works Director Charles Fischer, and City Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Mayor Maefsky announced amendments to the agenda:
• Removal of Item #4) Gammelgarden Museum request to reduce or waive rental fees.
• Added #10) Mayor’s comments
Benson, second by Ray, moved to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 4-0.
At the June 21st meeting, the City Council appointed a list of election judges to serve for the
2022 primary and general elections. Clerk Eklund reported that the County Auditor had since
supplied additional names of interested election judges from the party caucus list, to be
appointed conditioned on their completion of the required training.
Ray, second by Benson, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2022-24, Appointing Judges for the
2022 Primary and General Elections. Motion carried 4-0.
Administrator Cammilleri explained the modifications to the zoning map - removed rural zoning
from the small lots and defined them as Rural Residential (RR-N), and identification of
subdivisions with a PUD overlay. Council member Ray said the VN and RR-N are too close in
color. Cammilleri said he will recommend higher contrast colors.
Mayor Maefsky said she finds the map confusing, and would like to see the roads identified.
Cammilleri recommended adding the Goose Lake Estates plat into one zoning district of VN
instead of dividing it in two zoning districts.
Cammilleri explained the introduction of RR-N for lake properties to make them as conforming
as possible for future improvements. The new UDC also introduces a CUP process for a lower
level of threshold to constitute a practical difficulty.
Council member Ray said lots on water should be paid attention to, as applying for a variance
does. Cammilleri said that site standards will still be in place for setbacks and lot coverage, but
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this eliminates lot size as a trigger for a variance, an extra hurdle that may not be necessary. A
variance still comes into play if a proposed structure is encroaching into setbacks, and Watershed
rules will still be an added layer. Cammilleri said this is really a matter of lot size currently being
a 2.5 acre minimum. Cammilleri said staff could do some additional evaluation so as not to have
any dramatic changes. Council member Ray said she would be more comfortable to have
consultant Jennifer Haskamp be present for questions.
Council member Benson asked if Sandager’s request to change the zoning map is being done.
Cammilleri said yes, he will direct SHC to update the map.
Mayor Maefsky asked if visual examples for the amended accessory structure table of size and
number can be provided. Maefsky said she looked at surrounding communities, and Scandia’s
current standards are most in line with Forest Lake and Hugo, and she doesn’t see a reason to
increase the size and number of accessory structures. Cammilleri explained that the Planning
Commission recommended allowing larger allocations because the current regulations are too
restrictive, such as a limit of 2 structures on a 20-acre parcel, but there is no harm in keeping as
is. Maefsky said she didn’t find a rationale for increasing the size of storage structures, and this
recommended increase is not doing the city a favor by allowing larger pole barns. Cammilleri
said there will be added flexibility with the CUP process to allow up to an additional building
depending on lot size, but remaining within the allowed number of square feet.
Mike Hinz, Olinda Trail, addressed the Council with concerns about the zoning map, saying the
VN and Village Center have different standards, and the Comp Plan shows future development
of the VN. Hinz recommended the Village Center extend upward to the larger lots north of town.
Cammilleri noted that the Rural Center was identified as an area of growth here, but has lower
density than VN, and questioned if the density level of the VN should be increased to match the
VC. He said he will talk with the consultants on this.
Cammilleri summarized the next steps with Haskamp – discuss density around VN density, RR-
N on lakes with a focus on the impact on this district that may allow for construction that
wouldn’t otherwise be allowed and to give an understanding of what may be different with
Shoreland standards staying the same.
Regarding accessory structures, Cammilleri said he will have lot size examples to show scale.
The Planning Commission also addressed larger sizes for Accessory Dwelling Unit’s in floor
area to 1,500 square feet. He said he does have a concern that the ADU remain no bigger than
the principal structure, and that it may be better to have a formula ratio to ensure the ADU be no
larger than principal structure.
Cammilleri explained the added language to be flexible with home occupations is good, as it
allows a home occupation to get a CUP for open house events.
Regarding a change to residential solar, Cammilleri said the current standards for Local SES are
outdated for the size of the solar array footprint to serve a residence. An amendment to increase
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square footage of solar array footprint without needing a CUP is a consideration requested by a
The Council reviewed the changes in permitted encroachments as recommended by the Planning
Commission, and asked the language to be cleared up.
The Council asked that the next discussion on the UDC be scheduled with Haskamp present.
PW Director Fischer provided an update on a rough draft of the contract with the DNR grant
award for the community playground. Equipment supplier Webber Design reported supply chain
issues and wouldn’t start manufacturing until later this year, for installation in 2023. Fischer
proposed they could start land alterations and concrete work this fall with finishing work next
Cammilleri explained the grant agreement in the meeting packet as a standard contract. Before
the City can promote the project, the DNR will need to give its approval yet.
Council was asked to table consideration of the contract to the next meeting.
Cammilleri explained that the Midco buildout agreement was not in the meeting packet because
they had not supplied a complete address list for the buildout. This will be on the next agenda for
approval for all homes included in the buildout.
Council member Ray said she is concerned the City is running out of time. Cammilleri said he
will check with Midco; if the agreement needs to be expediated the Council can hold a special
meeting. Cammilleri explained this agreement is different from last year’s contract drafted by the
City Attorney. This year Midco drafted the contract.
Cammilleri explained that Jim and Peg Simpson have requested the City temporarily close the
pedestrian easement from Oren Road to the northern edge of Goose Lake, saying the Council is
only being asked if it wishes to give consideration to this request. If so, given the level of public
interest, Cammilleri recommended this request be tabled to provide public notice for discussion
at an upcoming meeting.
Council member Cusick said yes; Council member Benson said no.
Jim and Peg Simpson addressed the Council regarding the public easement running through their
property that was denied to be vacated at the June 21st meeting. Mr. Simpson said he found
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footprints in the mud on his property, off the easement as evidence that users are trespassing.
Simpson said if the speakers at the June 21st meeting were telling the truth about using the trail
only, they were definitely trespassing as the easement is too wet to walk through. As well, one
cannot get on the easement from Oren Road without trespassing. Simpson said he is very
concerned of this; he wishes to expand his tree farm but cannot without the easement properly
closed or maintained.
Council member Benson questioned how would this help your farm to improve the easement?
Mr. Simpson said it doesn’t make things better; he is asking to close the easement so that he can
then farm the west side. Simpson said the easement to the lake cannot be used without major
Council member Ray said she walked it last fall and it was mowed, now there is no mowing. Ray
said she wants to see the trail mowed. She observed tractor marks on the path and damage to
bushes when walking it last month after a rain. She said she is concerned that the path be kept
path walkable and not equipment damaged.
Council member Benson said she is frustrated they are rehashing the same thing with different
words, and this is really contradictory to say that no one uses the easement so it can be vacated.
Benson said that Simpson admitted it was suddenly being used and cleared in response to his
request to vacate. Benson said that the trail is used primarily by the neighborhood who can
access it through their backyards; why is Simpson suddenly concerned about safety. Benson said
this can be solved by marking the easement to prevent trespassing. Simpson said that 5 months
out of the year, the easement can’t be traveled through due to the wetland.
Cammilleri said right now the City does not have the proper equipment to clear it, and it needs to
be cleared all the way to Oren Road to be accessible to the greater public, not only the private
HOA residents.
Council member Ray said the Simpsons knew about this easement when they purchased the
Peg Simpson said they assumed it would be vacated because it is not usable. Their request to
vacate the easement only brought attention to it last year.
Mr. Simpson explained a staff proposal to convey an easement along the northern part of his
property to the west, and then south to the Goose Lake public access, but said he would still have
concerns of an easement near his operations.
Mayor Maefsky directed staff to work up provisions for future discussion on this possibility,
with a potential public hearing. Staff will provide options for the next Council meeting.
Staff advertised the expiring term on the CLFLWD Board of Managers. No residents indicated
an interest in being endorsed for the position. Current Board member Chris Loth is interested in
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reapplying for his ending term. The deadline to notify the County is July 26th. The Council will
discuss any endorsements at their next meeting.
Mayor Maefsky announced that Travis Loeffler resigned from the Planning Commission last
evening, saying it is unfortunate that he indicated he is having a difficult time on the Planning
Commission and the Council should do everything we can to support the Commission.
Cammilleri said the Commission is having some challenges since his arrival and introduction of
procedures that are consistent with the ordinance process. His goal was not to push anyone out,
but was challenging for staff to continue under the old path. There could be litigious financial
risks when considering zoning applications and the Commission must follow the steps outlined
in the development code – difficult for some members. Cammilleri said Loeffler’s resignation is
unfortunate because the Commission is doing a very excellent job.
Maefsky said she is concerned that directions were changed, but the way it’s done is important --
Loeffler felt not valued and that concerns her. Maefsky asked for joint Council and PC training
in how to conduct meetings so that all have the understanding of the how and why of the
ordinance process.
Ray, second by Benson, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City Clerk