08.b3 Memo - Labelle Future Land Use Amendment to remove Mining OverlayPage 1 of 1
City of Scandia
14727 209 th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073
Phone (651) 433 -2274 | Fax (651) 433 -5112 | www.cityofscandia.com
DATE: Tuesday, July 5, 2022
FROM: Ken Cammilleri, City Administrator
TO: Planning Commission Members
RE: Mining History at the Labelle Property
The request for consideration and recommendation this evening is to amend the future land
use plan to remove this property for the mining overlay district. If the City were to approve
this request, this means this lot would no longer have mining activities as a permissible use,
eliminating the possibility for future mineral and aggregate extract in this area.
Portions of the southern area of this property is within the mining limits, however all of the
potential aggregate deposits in this area have been exhausted. In 2014, with approval from
the City as part of the ongoing reclamation plan, this area underwent reclamation to the
condition it is today. Tiller Corp has indicated that it has no interest in further mining
activities in this area.
Buildability of this area of reclaimed land is not part of tonight’s consideration. Rather, the
question is, would amending the plan to eliminate Mining Overlay Zoning be consistent with
the future land use vision for this area.
Please let me know if you have any questions.