09.c1 Engineering Updates 7-19-2022 City of Scandia Engineering Updates 7/19/2022 Engineering italics = old information · 2022 Street Improvement Project (Melanie Trail N and 238th Street N)  City Council authorized Plans and Specifications for the 2022 Street Improvement Project at the June 15th City Council Meeting.  Staff met with Scandia Public Works on November 23rd to discuss scope of the project, as well as go over any questions or concerns.  Received final Geotechnical report from AET December 2nd, 2021.  We plan to request Approval of Plans & Specifications/Authorize Ad for Bid at the January 18, 2022 Council Meeting.  Bid opening was completed on February 9, 2022 in which the City received 7 bids.  Project awarded to Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation at 2/15/2022 City Council Meeting.  Wetland Delineation near cross culvert on south end of Melanie Trail N work started week of May 9.  Astech is anticipating a June start date. Preconstruction Meeting is scheduled for May 24, 2022, 10:00am.  Contracts have been executed.  Wetland delineation completed and submitted June 2, 2022. · Wetland no loss permit approval for watershed and city improvements expected in July.  Construction started on Tuesday, June 28th. Base Paving was completed on July 13th and 14th. Contractor will be off site after this week and plan to come back to site in early August to complete work related to the no loss permit, once approved, and pave the wear course. · Scandia Wastewater New User Connection Spec/Details  Draft specifications and some details for new user guiding the requirements for a new user connection to one of Scandia’s sewer systems has been submitted to the City on April 13, 2022 for review and comment. · Bliss Drainfield System  Both the 2020 permit application for this system and the “final report” for nitrogen mitigation have been completed and submitted to the MPCA. The memo which serves as a final report doesn’t present final solutions for the nitrogen issue, but instead outlines the issues that have been found and solved in this treatment system, as well as some additional testing that will now be recommended to get a handle on the nitrogen, BOD, and TSS entering and leaving the facility. The hope is to gain us a little more time from the MPCA before they mandate action. We’ll use this time to perform the aforementioned testing and evaluate options for removing nitrogen at Bliss.  City received on February 22, 2021 a Pre-Public Notice Review of Draft Permit - Bliss Collector WWTP (#MN0054119) that also included a statement of basis outlining any changes or new requirements to the draft permit. This 30 day pre-public notice review period starts on February 22, 2021 and ends on March 24, 2021. Once your pre-public notice review is complete the draft SDS permit will be placed on public notice for 60 days. · First thing that needs to be done is complete a Facility Evaluation Report within 180 days of issuance of the new permit they requested. Based on the report, MPCA will then ask the City to follow either Track 1 or Track 2. Track one is the new monitoring well. Track two is a facility upgrade. There are a few other changes to the permit, they include some additional monitoring required over this permit. Also, MPCA is requesting flow monitoring at WS 004, WS 005 and WS 006. These are to each of the infiltration trenches. We are in the pre-public draft notice stage where just the City received these draft documents and can comment. We can review and suggest changes or modifications prior to March 24th. · Current updates: Under track 1, the requirement to abandon GW 008 is included because using this well for monitoring is problematic, since we have no information on the well’s construction nor well boring records. Based on the limited information we do have, it is the opinion of MPCA hydrologist, Steven Stark, that this well is too deep to be used as a monitoring well and may be sampling a confined aquifer. All monitoring wells should be sampling the surficial aquifer and have well screens that bisect the watertable. · The justification for proposed timeline is sufficient and the new timeline will be incorporated into the draft permit. Shown below (last page of this report) is a revised compliance schedule. Flow monitoring requirements at WS 004, WS 005, and WS 006 will become effective upon installation of the flow monitoring equipment. The permit will continue to the 60-day Public Notice period.  The final permit has been issued. The assumption is that we’ll end up on Track 2, with required system improvements due to the nitrate issue. Only thing that needs to take place in the next 6 months (February 28, 2022) is for new flow meters to be installed at the system, something we’ll begin working on. At the one year mark (September 1, 2022), we’ll need to have a Facility Evaluation Report drafted to summarize the system’s ability or inability to meet the nitrate limit. · Washington County Projects  County Highway 3 (Olinda Trail) · Construction begins summer 2022. · Location - Olinda Trail (County Highway 3) from 170th Street (County Highway 4) to Old Marine Trail. Proposed Improvements – replace pavement full depth, increase road and shoulder pavement thickness, culvert cleaning and driveway culvert replacements, new signing and striping, driveways will be tapered with gravel to provide access to and from the roadway. · Preconstruction Meeting was held July 11th. Project is anticipated to start the week of July 25, 2022 pending weather and going through middle to end of September 2022.  County Highway 15 (Manning Avenue) Pavement Improvement Project · Construction begins summer 2022. · Reclaimed shoulders north of Highway 97 are being shaped/tolerance this week, in preparation for paving next week. Paving north of Highway 97 is anticipated to be completed by the end of next week. · Several pipe crossings underneath Manning Avenue will be replaced starting next week throughout the project corridor. The pipe will be installed ½ at a time, and traffic will be maintained with flaggers. Please exercise caution and maintain safe speeds while driving through the jobsite. · Major road work is anticipated to begin south of Highway 97. The contractor will begin milling the road, in preparation for bituminous paving which will follow shortly after. · Bituminous paving on Manning Avenue between Square Lake Trail and Highway 97 will occur throughout the month of July and into August. Expect delays during this operation, so please exercise caution while driving through the jobsite. To avoid delays, traffic is encouraged to use alternative routes. · Floodplain Risk Assessment  Online Workshop held, January 5, 2021  The Brown’s Creek Watershed District (BCWD), Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District (CMSCWD) and the Comfort Lake – Forest Lake Watershed District (CLFLWD) are jointly evaluating approaches to conducting a floodplain mapping/flood risk assessment with two goals in mind: · The short-term goal is to outline potential approaches the watershed districts could take to map and quantify future flood risk. · The long-term goal for these watershed districts is to build a common understanding of risk and prioritize projects and other resiliency actions.  Recommendations from consultants were to: 1. Conduct a GIS-based flood hazard assessment and workshop and 2. Model both historical and projected rainfall data to evaluate current design practices and inform future planning and management decisions.  CMSCWD has a completed Hydraulic and Hydrologic Model that was updated and calibrated in 2021. This model will be the foundation for any future climate resiliency modeling we conduct.  CMSCWD has identified climate resiliency/floodplain risk assessment work to be conducted in the 2023 in the CMSCWD Draft 10 Year Management Plan. The public comment period for the Management Plan ends October 15th and the public hearing for the final plan is scheduled for November 18th.  Staff is working with our respective boards to approve submitting a collaborative grant application to the MPCA by December 21st. (Planning grants for stormwater, wastewater, and community resilience)  From the December 8, 2021 CMSCWD Board Meeting Minutes: · Administrator Isensee reminded the Managers of a prior presentation by EOR to partner with CLFLWD and BCWD to review floodplain mapping and flood risk assessment across the 3 watershed districts to better prepare for large rain events and/or flooding. The proposal is for 4 organizations (CMSCWD, CLFLWD, BCWD, and MSCWMO) to jointly apply for a grant for resiliency planning. Manager White moved for Administrator Isensee to work with CLFLWD, BCWD and MSCWMO to submit a collaborative grant application to the MPCA for resiliency planning for an amount not to exceed $116,597 with a match from the CMSCWD of $3,615.00. Seconded by President Johnson.  The grant application was not awarded. There was over $3 million dollars of requests for only $1 million of funding and presumably did not score well in the category of underserved communities. The CMSCWD Board of Managers will be determining next steps during the 2023 budgeting process which will begin in July 2022.  The CMSCWD is planning to reapply in 2023 for the resiliency planning grant. · Bliss Addition Stormwater Planning  Meeting scheduled with City Staff and Watershed District to discuss Clean Water Fund Grant Application on Thursday, July 22nd.  The CMSCWD has been notified a CWF grant award. The application was ranked 7th of 53 projects and will be awarded for a total of $272,400 for the installation of Bliss Addition water quality practices identified in collaboration with the City of Scandia. I anticipate the grant will be fully executed by May, 2022 and will expire on December 31, 2025. The CMSCWD is planning to post an Engineering RFQ for plan development and construction administration in March. The goal is to complete construction documents in December 2022 and put the project out to bid in January 2023 with substantial completion of construction in 2023. · CLFLWD & Scandia Staff Quarterly Meetings  Meeting held on October 19, 2020.  Meeting on February 9, 2021.  Meeting on May 11, 2021 covered the following topics: · Permitting Update (Nick) · Roadway Projects (Ken) · Bone Lake projects status: SE wetland restorations, NE wetland restoration, agricultural practices (Blayne) · FY22 Clean Water Fund grant award – Moody Lake projects (Emily/Blayne) · Greenway Corridor Planning & Parks Update (Nick) · CMSCWD Management Plan (Mike Isensee) · Uptown Drainfield System Capacity Review  Recent inspection of interior of pumped-down EQ tank by Smilie’s didn’t detect any apparent sources of I/I – we still don’t know where the additional flow that seems to be reaching the treatment system is coming from.  Recently received some info which confirms flows to the Uptown System, including the now-open café.  After a final review we’re looking at allowing the proposed Heritage Center to connect to the existing system without modification.  Scenario if the Heritage Center would lock the bathroom doors during Amphitheater events and require people to use porta potties: Average (gpd) Max (gpd) System Capacity 3,543 5,062 Existing Flows 2,500 4,000 Heritage Center Flows (no amphitheater) 607 773 Total Future 3,107 4,773 · Regional Update – Highway 243 Osceola Bridge  MnDOT are in process of designing the reconstruction of the Hwy 243/Osceola Bridge over the St. Croix National and Scenic Riverway, in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). The Osceola Bridge was built in 1953.  The purpose of this project is to maintain a reliable highway connection over the St. Croix River for Hwy 243 between Washington/Chisago counties in Minnesota and the Village of Osceola and Polk County in Wisconsin. The project team will work with federal, state and local interests to minimizing project impacts to the St Croix River and other natural resources in the area.  MnDOT is working in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to design the reconstruction of the Hwy 243/Osceola Bridge over the St. Croix River. An online virtual public meeting was held March 3rd, to learn about the possible design options for the bridge and share comments.  Project website: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/metro/projects/hwy243osceola/index.html  March 3 virtual public meeting was held online. Meeting link - http://www.dot.state.mn.us/metro/projects/hwy243osceola/meetings.html  See updates below (end of report).  Schedule: · Environmental documentation and preliminary design: 2021 through 2023 · Final design: 2023 through 2025 · Anticipated construction: 2025 through 2026 Denise Workcuff Dmitry Tomasevich Communications and Engagement Project manager denise.workcuff@state.mn.us dmitry.tomasevich@state.mn.us 651-775-0025 651-245-4406 · CMSCWD 2022-2031 Watershed Management Plan and Rule Revision  The Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District (CMSCWD) has completed the public notification period to consider the Draft Fourth Generation Watershed Management Plan (2022-2031). Final response comments received during the 60-day comment period are attached to this report.  In addition to receiving written public comment, the CMSCWD held two public hearings at the Scandia Community Center, City of Scandia on September 8, 2021 and November 18, 2021 and at which time all interested persons will had the opportunity to address the CMSCWD Board of Managers concerning the proposed draft plan and the draft response to comments. Additional information can be found on the District website at https://www.cmscwd.org/10year-management-plan-update.  There were no comments on the revised rules from the Technical Advisory Committee or from the public comment period. The revised rules were adopted and effective Jan 1, 2022. The following steps have been completed for the CMSCWD Watershed Management Plan with no substantial changes to the draft plan: Public comment period completed, draft response to comments approved by the CMSCWD Board of Managers and posted on the website, second public hearing for the proposed revised plan based on public comment (no additional comments received), final draft plan submitted to the Board of Water and Soil Resources.  The On April 13, 2022, the Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District (CMSCWD) Board of Managers adopted the 2022 Watershed Management Plan (WMP). The plan was approved by the Board of Water and Soil Resources on March 23, 2022. · Gateway Trail Planning  Meeting with Washington County has been scheduled for Monday, November 29, 2021 to discuss partnership on Gateway Trail Planning opportunities within Scandia. · Residents asked for input on proposed yard waste transfer site in center of County  Washington County residents are being asked to provide input on a yard waste transfer site that the county is proposing to locate in the central portion of the county.  The proposed site is on the north side of 40th Street and east of the Washington County Fairgrounds. It would provide county residents a centrally-located drop-off location for grass clippings, leaves, garden waste, brush, tree debris, and food scraps.  Residents are invited to an in-person open house about the site 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 27, at the Baytown Township Community Building, 4020 McDonald Drive N. This will be an opportunity to meet with the project team, share comments, and learn more about the schedule and next steps for the project.  The county will also have an online engagement tool open until July 29. · https://www.co.washington.mn.us/CentralYardWasteSite