07.12.2022 PRC Minutes Special Meeting City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Tuesday, July 12, 2022 A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and via Zoom. Committee members present: Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice-Chair), Tom Hinz, Kimberly Johnson, and Dustin Hegland. Patti Ray (City Council Representative via Zoom) and staff members, Charles Fischer (Public Works Director) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant), also attended. The meeting was called to order by Gorham at 7:00 p.m., a quorum was present. PUBLIC FORUM None APPROVAL OF AGENDA Gorham requested to amend the agenda to add discussion of a proposed bylaw change as item 7.f. Fischer requested adding Playground Donation Letter Follow-up as item 5.b 1. Motion to approve the agenda as amended by Hegland, seconded by Hinz. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the June 6, 2022 minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. Chair Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the June 21, 2022 Joint PRC & City Council minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved to go to City Council for approval. REPORTS Chair Report Chair Gorham will make comments on agenda items as appropriate. Public Works Report Fischer provided a written report with the following updates and clarifications: Public Works has started excavation for the memorial bench pads in Lilleskogen, the first bench has been shipped and will be installed, the Prairie Restoration grant in Lilleskogen Park concluded June 30th, the City will continue to maintain their service as needed, one panel of the lights at Wayne Erickson Memorial Ball Field were out and Public Works will be addressing animal damage and prevention, the DNR matching grant amount that is in process is anticipated to be $112,500, and the Futures Green tree project application was submitted but not responded to yet. Staff Report Stignani submitted a written report. Fischer will provide Stignani with a different map of potential locations for the Memorial Park Benches on the website, and Gorham volunteered to assist in Stignani’s request to get feedback on organization of items included on the Parks website page that are not governed by the City. OLD BUSINESS Scandia Arts & Crafts Event Zauner recommends scrapping this project. Another organization in Marine has opted to plan and organize an event in Marine on the day Scandia was considering and is contacting the same vendors. Lilleskogen Park Dinner Event Ray recommends planning a 2023 event. Discussion tabled for a future meeting. Park Ambassadors’ Reports Committee members reported visiting their parks, but all concerns have been addressed. July 12, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3 PRC Operational Calendar Gorham commented that the Capital Investment Committee and updating of the Master Park Plan addresses all that is needed at this time. Next month the form for Pickleball at Taco Daze has already been submitted and discussions will commence for Vinterfest 2023. NEW BUSINESS MSA Survey Gorham facilitated discussion of the MSA draft of the community survey in preparation of the August 1, 2022 meeting with MSA. Discussion included providing a map of parks and bike trails for reference, expanding fields to allow entering the number of residents visiting parks instead of a check box as yes/no, adding the missing parks including Tomteskogen & Wayne Erickson Memorial Ball Field from response options, adding to the list of currently used amenities, rewording some questions to avoid implying something is available that is not available and other suggested wording change recommendations. Playground Support Letter Follow-Up Fischer requested assistance as the Council directed staff to follow up on the playground financial support letters sent to 148 EDA supporters last month. SPRC members agreed to contact 5-10 parties each after staff prepares a more usable list by the end of this week. Fischer confirmed that donations could be received at any time between now and Spring 2023 to be included in this build. Tomteskogen Park Gorham reported Council officially named the park at Bone Lake “Tomteskogen Park.” Gorham will resume conversations with the Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District and the Bone Lake Association to collaborate in developing Tomteskogen Park. Ray will request a sample of Tomte painted rocks from local artists to present an idea of a way to promote the park with these rocks at a future meeting. Spring Grand Re-Opening Community Center Playground Planning Ray requests considering a Grand Re-Opening ceremony of the Community Center playground to include ribbon cutting with the giant scissors. Brainstorms are needed for what activity to suggest to bring kids and parents to this event besides a press release invitation. Consider naming this park. Fischer confirmed the removal of the current equipment is planned after Taco Daze 2022, but cannot predict a Grand Re-Opening Date until the equipment is ordered to see if there are delays in manufacturing or shipping that have plagued so many businesses recently. Discussion tabled until more information is available. Set September PRC Meeting By consensus, the September Parks and Recreation Committee meeting will be Thursday, September 8 th as the City is closed on the first Monday in September in observance of Labor Day. Discussion of Proposed By-Laws Change Gorham provided a written document for consideration to alter Section 5.A Meetings of the SPRC By-laws to schedule any regular meeting which falls on a holiday to be held on the following Thursday instead of Monday. The second Monday of every month has a regularly scheduled EDA meeting. A second proposed change would be to alter Section 6.C Agenda to stating that agendas will be prepared no later than three calendar days before a meeting instead of seven. This change would make the publication of meeting packets and agendas consistent with other committees and meet the state requirements for public notice of meetings. Per Section 7 of the by- laws, this written report and discussion was presented formally in preparation of voting at the next SPRC meeting to determine if these changes will be recommended to City Council. July 12, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 3 AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The proposed agenda for the Monday, August 1, 2022 meeting: 1. MSA survey 2. Tomteskogen Park 3. Lilleskogen Park Dinner - Date Selection 4. Vinterfest Planning 5. Park Ambassadors 6. Operational Calendar ADJOURNMENT Motion by Zauner, seconded by Hegland, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator