4. 5YR CIP Draft 8-02-2022 w-proj prioritiesCapital Improvement Program City of Scandia, Minnesota PROJECTS BY DEPARTMENT FY '23 FY '27thru TotalFY '23 FY '24 FY '25 FY '26 FY '27Department Project # Priority Administration A-011 19,44819,448Development Code Update n/a A-008 688,216407,000 281,216Broadband Development Grants to MIDCO 1 707,664426,448 281,216Administration Total Community Center CC=016 58,49358,493Large Hall and Heritage Room Carpeting n/a CC-013 40,00040,000Council Chambers remodel 2 CC-014 14,00014,000Security Improvements CCTV for Park 3 CC-015 33,74633,746CC AC Condenser Replacement n/a CC-017 17,54817,548Additional Comm Cent Elec Locks n/a CC-018 189,798189,798Community Center Design & Planning n/a 353,58554,000 33,746 76,041 189,798Community Center Total Fire F-027 17,54817,548Lucas CPR Device n/a F-042 9,1259,125Washer/Extractor n/a F-041 21,90021,900Station Bay floor coating n/a F-040 86,52886,528Utility 1 truck n/a F-039 65,00065,000Panel Joint Replacement Fire Hall 1 F-037 40,94540,945Homatro 4050NCT Cutter Twin Line R-1 2 F-034 9,7339,733Thermal Imaging Cameras n/a F-032 53,99353,993Exhaust removal system 3 F-016 227,757227,757Second Fire Station 3 F-015 818,901818,901Engine 1 - 5176 Replacement 3 F-014 292,465292,465Tanker 5178 Tender 2 Replacement 3 F-009 28,12228,122Warning Sirens 3 F-003 17,54817,548Fire Department Radio Replacement 1 F-033 42,58342,583UTV & Trailer n/a 1,732,148443,993 82,115 894,942 83,341 227,757Fire Total Parks and Recreation PR-055 35,69335,693Lilleskogen Park Picnic Shelter 3 PR-057 12,87812,878Lilleskogen Praire/Wetland Restoration Project 3 PR-044 66,68266,682Playground Equipment - Erickson ballfield 3 PR-045 32,44832,448Gateway Trail Improvements @ Annex 4 PR-048 42,70042,700Nature park trails 3 PR-050 101,226101,226Hay Lake Park Shelter water & doors n/a PR-052 33,74633,746Arts & Heritage Center Amphitheater 3 PR-066 37,96037,960Settlers MonutPossible Reloc/Imp n/a PR-058 12,65312,653Expanded Pleasure Rink 3 PR-059 44,28644,286New Ballfield to Replace South Ball Field n/a PR-061 134,984134,984Replace rink boards n/a PR-063 8,6538,653Park signage at Orwell Park (Liten) n/a Tuesday, August 2, 2022Page 1DRAFT for 2021-2030 7/29/2022 TotalFY '23 FY '24 FY '25 FY '26 FY '27Department Project # Priority PR-064 60,53360,533Tennis Court/Pickle Ball - repaint n/a PR-065 123,735123,735Arts & Heritage Center Sidewalk and Walkways 2 PR-054 8,6538,653Hay Lake Park - sign n/a 756,83085,447 292,465 122,260 60,533 196,125Parks and Recreation Total Public Works PW-051 335,000335,0002026 Seal Coating Project 2 PW-052 272,000272,0002025 Seal Coating Project and Boring 2 PW-056 45,02921,632 23,397Seal Boring 2 PW-058 98,00098,0002027 Seal Coating and Boring 2 PW-063 389,329389,329201-14 Mack Single Axle w/Plow 2 PW-066 9,3599,359PJ Skid Trailer 14,000 lbs 3 PW-022 78,74078,740104-13 Ford F550 w/sander, plow mount, compressor 2 PW-065 19,88819,888Utility Trailer 3,500 lbs 3 PW-047 81,89081,890Cold Storage Building n/a PW-017 337,459337,459203-11 Mack Dump Truck/Plow Replacement 2 PW-015 67,49267,492308-12 New Holland Skit Steer 2 PW-012 40,94540,945312-08 Asphalt Patching Equipment Trailer n/a PW-006 425,829425,829202-17 Western Star Double Axle Truck/Plow 1 PW-005 67,49267,492303-17 Kubota F39000 Mower w/Broom & Blower 3 PW-050 183,000183,0002023 Seal Coating Project 2 2,451,452620,831 134,984 447,479 1,150,158 98,000Public Works Total Road Projects PW-034 916,764916,7642024 Local Road Improvement Project 2 PW-035 1,000,0001,000,0002026 Local Road Improvement Project 2 PW-043 811,200811,2002023 Local Road Improvement Project 2 PW-053 678,518678,5182025 Local Road Improvement Project 2 PW-057 1,000,0001,000,0002027 Local Road Improvement Project n/a 4,406,482811,200 916,764 678,518 1,000,000 1,000,000Road Projects Total Stormwater SW-003 223,735100,000 123,735Bliss Additions Stormwater plan 1 223,735100,000 123,735Stormwater Total GRAND TOTAL 10,631,8962,541,919 1,865,025 2,219,240 2,294,032 1,711,680 Tuesday, August 2, 2022Page 2DRAFT for 2021-2030 7/29/2022