08.a1PRC By-Laws Proposed ChangesTwo proposed changes to SPRC by-laws: Section 5.A Meetings. This will clarify our meetings, especially around Labor Day and Memorial Day weekends, and resolves a conflict with EDA on the 2nd Monday of each month. A. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings will be held on the first Monday of each calendar month at 7:00 p.m. Any regular meeting falling upon a holiday shall be held on the next following Monday Thursday at the same time and place, unless otherwise determined by a majority vote of the SPRC. Meetings shall be held at the Scandia Community Center, 14727 209th. Street North, unless notice of the alternate location is given to the members and the public at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Section 6.C Agenda Public notice of meetings is three days. This will make timing of the meeting notice (see Section 5.D) and agenda consistent. C. Agenda. The clerk shall prepare an agenda of business for each regular SPRC meeting and file a copy in the office of the clerk not later than seven three calendar days before the meeting. The agenda shall be prepared in accordance with the order of business and copies shall be delivered to each SPRC member and posted at the community center as far in advance of the meeting as time for preparation will permit. No item of business shall be considered unless it appears on the agenda for the meeting or is approved for addition to the agenda by a majority vote of the SPRC members present. Process: Per Section 7 below, these proposed changes will be presented to the SPRC at the July 12 meeting and voted on in August. The changes will then be presented to the city council for approval at the August city council meeting. Section 7. Amendments. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the SPRC by a majority vote of the membership, provided that notice of the amendment has been given to all members in writing one regular meeting prior to the meeting at which the amendment will be voted. These bylaws and amendments thereto are subject to approval by the City Council.