08.b1 CC Staff Report Future Land Use Map Amendment
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To: Scandia Planning Commission Reference: Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Copies To: Brenda Eklund, Clerk
Ken Cammilleri, City
Project No.: 18408.000
From: Evan Monson, Planner Routing:
Date: August 11, 2022
SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan Amendment request by the City of Scandia to amend
the Future Land Use designation of 21820 Lofton Avenue North from Mining
to General Rural
MEETING DATE: August 16, 2022
LOCATION: 21820 Lofton Avenue North, PID
OWNER: Evan Johnson
ZONING: General Rural (GR), Mining Overlay
During a recent review of an amendment to the Future Land Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan, the
commission moved to review an amendment to the future land use designation o f an adjacent parcel,
21820 Lofton Avenue North. The property is designated as ‘Mining’ in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The
property is zoned GR while also being in the Mining Overlay.
This property is currently occupied by a single family residence. Single Family residential is a permitted
use in the GR zone, but is not permitted in the Mining Overlay. As a nonconforming use, the property
owner would have additional red tape if adding onto or making changes to the house in the future. By
amending the future land use designation of this parcel from ‘Mining’, the property could eventually be
rezoned out of the Mining Overlay zone.
An amendment of the Comprehensive Plan requires review by the Planning Commission, and approval
by the City Council with a 2/3 majority. Any city approval would be contingent on approval by the
Metropolitan Council, who would review the request for consistency with their regi onal 2040 Plan. The
Planning Commission reviewed the request at their August 2nd meeting, and recommended approval of
the comprehensive plan amendment.
Future Land Use Map Amendment Staff Report August 16, 2022
Scandia City Council Page 2
Parcel description: The subject property is 6.81 acres in size, and is located at the northwest corner of
the intersection of Lofton Avenue and 218th Street North. The property is east of the Dresel Mine operated
by Martin Marietta (formerly operated by Tiller Corp.). The property has a house (built in 1915) and
detached garage (built in 2004) on it. The site has some trees spread throughout, and has some slopes
down towards Lofton Avenue. Apart from the mine, nearby properties are predominantly large-lot single
family residential or agricultural in use.
Land use: Single Family Residential
Figure 1: Aerial of subject property and surrounding area, from Washington County GIS
Comments on the Request
Martin Marietta/Tiller Mine
Staff for the mine noted that the subject parcel is not included in future mining plans, and had no
objections with the requested change of the future land use designation for the parcel. If the request is
approved, the AOP and CUP for the mine will have to be updated at the time of renewal to no longer list
this parcel as part of the mine.
Future Land Use Map Amendment Staff Report August 16, 2022
Scandia City Council Page 3
Development Code Requirements
Zoning District Requirements
The base zoning of the subject parcel is General Rural (GR), which permits single -family residential and
agricultural uses as permitted uses. As a result of being within the Mining Overlay zone, though, the
parcel is not permitted to be used for single-family residential (Chapter Two, Section 2.12). This means
the current residential use of the parcel is nonconforming, which would create a number of issues if the
owner wishes to add onto or make changes to the residence on the property. Chapter One, Section 13.4
of the Development Code covers nonconforming uses.
To resolve this issue, the lot will need to be rezoned out of the Mining Overlay zone. The Mining Overlay
zone matches the extent of the Mining Zone in the Future Land Use Map in the city’s 2040
Comprehensive Plan. If the future land use designation is changed from Mining to General Rural, the lot
can then be rezoned out of the Mining Overlay.
The parcel meets the lot requirements of the Development Code (Chapter Two, Section 2.6) for the GR
zone. The lot is over the minimum lot size and buildable area requirements, and has over 300 feet of
frontage along both of the streets it fronts.
Amending the Future Land Use Map of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan
An amendment to the Comprehensive Plan follows a similar process as amending the Development
Code. For this request, the proposed change would be to have the Future Land Use Map designate the
subject parcel as ‘General Rural’. The Comprehensive Plan describes the General Rural future land use
designation as:
“The General Rural area land use category is a residential area of mixed lot sizes. It recognizes areas of
Scandia that have been developed in the past at densities of ten acre or less and areas that have larger
parcels still used for agriculture. The area includes 10-acre parcels, but also a number of existing smaller
parcels and some parcels enrolled in the Agricultural Preserves Program. Single -family residential
dwellings are the primary land use for the General Rural area at densities of 4 units per 40 acres.
Secondary land uses include agricultural production, including small-scale production, parks and
recreation, and public and private institutions. Recreational commercial uses are allowed as a conditional
use. This designation corresponds with the General Rural District in the current zoning ordinance.”
The current base zoning (GR), and current use of the site (single-family residential) are consistent with
the General Rural future land use designation.
The site’s use for mining is no longer applicable; the parcel itself is currently being used for a single-family
residence, and the parcel to the west has already been reclaimed and is under the process to be
removed from the Mining designation in the Future Land Use Map. In conversations with Martin Marietta
staff, the subject parcel is not a part of their future mining plans.
If the City approves of changing the future land use designation, the request would be reviewed by the
Metropolitan Council for “conformance, consistency, and compatibility” with their regional 2040 Plan.
If the Comprehensive Plan amendment is approved by the Metropolitan Council, the landowner could
then request a rezoning to no longer be within the Mining Overlay zone.
Future Land Use Map Amendment Staff Report August 16, 2022
Scandia City Council Page 4
The City Council can do one of the following:
1. Approve, with findings
2. Deny, with findings
3. Table the request
The Planning Commission recommended that the requested amendment to the Future Land Use Map be
approved by the City Council, pending approval by the Metro politan Council. Findings for approval are:
1. The requested amendment would ensure consistency with the future use map and the current
base zoning designation of the parcel of General Rural (GR).
2. The proposed amendment would be consistent with the designatio n of other adjacent and nearby
3. The requested amendment would be consistent with the current residential use of the parcel.
4. The requested future land use designation amendment would not conflict with the future mining
activity of the nearby Scandia Pit.