08.b2a CC Staff Report - Tii Gavo Second Addition
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To: Scandia City Council Reference: Tii Gavo 2nd Addition
Copies To: Brenda Eklund, Clerk
Ken Cammilleri, City
Jaren Johnson, Applicant Project No.: 18407.000
From: Evan Monson, Planner Routing:
Date: August 12, 2022
SUBJECT: Preliminary Plat for a Major Subdivision, Variance from setback requirements
from a Natural Environment Lake, and an amendment to the previously
approved Conditional Use Permit for the Tii Gavo subdivision to permit Tii
Gavo 2nd Addition
MEETING DATE: August 16, 2022
LOCATION: Outlots I, J, and K of the Tii Gavo subdivision - PIDs,,
APPLICANT: Jaren Johnson - J. Johnson Development
OWNER: Big Marine Lake Development, LLC
ZONING: General Rural (GR), Shoreland Management Overlay
REVIEW PERIOD: 60 day period ends August 1, 2022, 120 day period ends September 30,
ITEMS REVIEWED: Application and plans received June 2, 2022; additional materials received
June 14th
The applicant is looking to subdivided three outlots in the Tii Gavo subdivision - outlots I, J, and K. The
proposed subdivision would create eight buildable lots that would be available for single family
development. The lots would all have access onto Meadowridge Trail North, which would be completed
as part of this proposed development.
The three outlots and the unconstructed portion of Meadowridge Trail North were platted out as part of
the initial approval for the Tii Gavo subdivision back in 2007. The development was approved as an
‘Open Space Design’ subdivision and a Planned Unit Development, which under the ordinances in effect
at that time required a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to be approved with the subdivision’s Final Plat . As
part of the review and approval of the proposed plat for the 2nd Addition, the 2007 CUP will be amended
as well.
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Scandia City Council Page 2
Parcel description: The three outlots all are located along an unconstructed portion of Meadowridge
Trail North in the Tii Gavo subdivision. Newgate Avenue is located east of the subdivision, while
Lakamaga Trail is to the north. Outlot I is located between Rasmussen Pond and Meadowridge Trail, and
totals approximately 4.5 acres. A small wetland is located on its southeast corner. Outlot J is located
south of Outlot I, and totals approximately 3.5 acres. Outlot K is a long, narrow lot that is just under 3
acres in size; a wetland and drainage easements occupy portions of Outlot K.
Land use: None/vacant
Figure 1: Outlots I, J, & K shown in red, per City GIS
Comments on the Request
The submittal was forwarded onto city staff and other agencies for review and comment (engineering,
watershed, DNR). The Planning Commission reviewed the request at their meetings in July and August,
and recommended approval of the request with a number of conditions at their August 2 nd meeting.
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Scandia City Council Page 3
The comments from the City Engineer are included in the meeting materials in a letter dated July 8, 2022.
The Carnelian Marine St Croix Watershed District recommended conditional approval of the project at
their July board meeting. The watershed’s permit is included in the meeting materials.
At the time of writing this staff report, the DNR Area Hydrologist had not provided comments.
Development Code Requirements
Previous Approvals
The Tii Gavo subdivision was approved in 2007, which predates the current zoning ordinance. Under the
zoning ordinance at the time of the initial approval for the Tii Gavo subdivision, the site was zoned
‘Agricultural’ (AG). The site at that time was also within the Shoreland Overlay zone; the city at that time
used the county’s shoreland ordinance. The approval of the Tii Gavo subdivision was done as an ‘Open
Space Design’ (OSD) subdivision, which was a special kind of subdivision under the previous ordinance
that allowed the site to have differing lot design standards and increased density in exchange for
preserving a certain percentage of the site as undeveloped open space. The 2007 ordinance required at
least half of the site to be preserved as open space. These areas are located throughout the subdivision
today, and preserve wetlands, vegetation, and other features from being developed. OSDs under the
previous ordinances required both a CUP and a preliminary and final plat to be approved; standard or
conventional subdivisions followed the preliminary and final plat process. To build this next addition in the
subdivision, the existing CUP for Tii Gavo will be amended.
The approval of the subdivision in 2007 planned for 37 total lots to be developed in the subdivision, with
29 in the initial first phase. This was identified in the Development Agreement as well as the Conditional
Use Permit (CUP) approved as part of the project. The future eight lots that would bring the subdivision to
a built-out total of 37 lots would occupy the areas that are currently platted as outlots I, J, and K. The
applicant’s proposed preliminary plat creates eight buildable lots, keeping in line with the original approval
and plans for the Tii Gavo subdivision.
Preliminary Plat Design
The preliminary plat shows eight lots for development. The lots vary in size, as well as buildable area
(areas not within setbacks, wetlands, or easements). See Table 1 below. Block 1 corresponds to Outlot I,
Block 2 corresponds to Outlot K, and Block 3 corresponds to Outlot J.
Table 1: Proposed lots and sizes
Lot Size (acres) Buildable Area (acres)
Lot 1, Block 1 1.04 0.20
Lot 2, Block 1 1.04 0.37
Lot 3, Block 1 1.00 0.34
Lot 4, Block 1 1.40 0.50
Lot 1, Block 2 2.92 0.42
Lot 1, Block 3 1.00 0.65
Lot 2, Block 3 1.14 0.74
Lot 3, Block 3 1.38 0.86
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These lots sizes are different than those found in ‘standard’ or ‘conventional’ subdivisions; as an OSD the
Tii Gavo subdivision was permitted smaller sized lots in order to preserve land in the development as
open space. The County shoreland ordinance in effect at the time permitted a minimum lot size of one
acre in OSDs (Section 20.2(6)). The city’s zoning ordinance at the time permitted different setbacks for
OSDs (Chapter 2, Section 12.10(2)(B)), as shown in Table 2 below. The applicant would like to follow the
design from the first phase of the development, and have the same front, side, and rear setbacks for the
proposed addition.
Table 2: Setbacks
GR zone
(current Development
AG zone
(2007 ordinance)
Open Space Design
subdivisions (such
as Tii Gavo)
Front 40’ 40’ 30’
Side 20’ 20’ 15’
Rear 50’ 50' 30’
Rasmussen Pond is located north of the site. As a ‘Natural Environment Lake’, a structure setback of 200
feet is required from its ordinary high water level (OHWL). Phase I of Tii Gavo was permitted a 100 foot
setback from the pond’s OHWL; the applicant is looking to maintain that same setback on the newly
proposed lots as well in order to maintain consistency in design of the neighborhood. A variance is
needed to permit this setback. Without the variance allowing a 100 foot setback instead of the 200 foot
setback, the proposed lots along Rasmussen Pond would have little to no buildable areas, and each
individual lot would have to request a variance from the lake setback at the time of their development.
The existing subdivision is already served by a community septic system, which the new eight lots would
also be served by. Each lot would utilize wells for drinking water . The proposed new lots will all front
Meadowridge Trail North; the unfinished portions of the road would be completed as part of the project.
Lot 1, Block 2, and Lot 4, Block 1 are proposed to utilize a shared driveway, as shown by the access
easement that runs north between the two lots. Wetlands and easements prevent individual driveways
from adequately serving those two lots. Lot 4, Block 1 has a Manage 3 wetland on it, while Lot 1, Block 2
has a Manage 1 wetland on it. Drainage easements also cover portions of each lot.
Parkland Dedication
Creation of new lots through the subdivision process triggers the park dedication requirements of the
city’s subdivision ordinance. This requirement calls for either land in the subdivision be dedicated to the
city for parks, or a cash payment in lieu of land be paid to the city. The Development Agreement from
2007 for the Tii Gavo subdivision noted a $1,500 parkland dedication fee is to be paid for each created
lot; for this second phase the cash in lieu fee required would total $12,000.
Variance Criteria and Findings
Chapter One, Section 6.0 of the Development Code includes the criteria and required process for
considering variance requests. Each item to be considered for a variance is identified on the following
pages in italics, followed by the Planning Commission’s findings regarding the requested variance to
reduce the setback from Rasmussen Pond to 100 feet.
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Scandia City Council Page 5
Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan and
general purposes and intent of the official control.
The Plan notes an objective in the Land Use section to “conduct development in a manner that is
sensitive to the impact upon natural features and to environmental constraints, including but not
limited to scenic views, surface water, wetlands, slopes, woodlands, vegetation, drainage ways,
shorelands, and flood plain areas”. The subdivision was designed to have a 100 foot setback
from Rasmussen Pond; without the variance the proposed lots on the north side of Meadowridge
Trail would have little to no buildable area and would be inconsistent with the design of the rest of
the subdivision. The request is in general harmony with the Comprehensive Plan and
Development Code.
The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner under the conditions
allowed by official control(s).
The proposed use would be for single family residential lots, which is a permitted use. Proposing
to use the property for residential use is a reasonable use.
The practical difficulties are not caused by the landowner and are unique to the property.
The practical difficulties are due to the limited amount of land not located within required setbacks
as a result of what was previously approved by the city in the initial approval of the subdivision.
Without the variances, the proposed lots along Rasmussen Pond would be unable to be
developed as was planned for in the Development Agreement for the Tii Gavo subdivision. The
practical difficulties are not caused by the current landowner and are unique to the property.
The variances would not alter the essential character of the area.
The use and function of the proposed lots along Rasmussen Pond would be residential. If
approved, the proposed lots would have consistent front, side, and lake side setbacks with the
rest of the subdivision. Granting the variances should not alter the essential character of the area.
Economic conditions alone shall not constitute practical difficulties.
The practical difficulties are due to the limited amount of land not located within required
setbacks. The practical difficulties are not only economic in nature.
The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or
substantially increase the congestion of the public streets, or increase the danger of fire, or
endanger the public safety, or substantially diminish or impair property values within the
Granting the requested variances would not result in limiting light or air to neighboring properties .
Increases to congestion, fire danger, or public safety are not expected. The property values of
neighboring values should not be negatively impacted, either, if the request is granted. The
requested variance will not impair the supply of light or air to adjacent properties, increase
congestion, endanger the public, or substantially diminish or impair property values in the
The requested variance is the minimum action required to eliminate the practical difficulty.
The subdivision was designed to have a 100 foot setback from the pond. Increasing the setback
to a distance of more than 100 feet would limit the ability of the proposed lots to remain consistent
with the design of the rest of the subdivision, and could require variances from the front or side
yard setbacks to create enough buildable area to make the lots along the north side of
Tii Gavo 2nd Addition Staff Report August 16, 2022
Scandia City Council Page 6
Meadowridge Trail developable. The requested variance appears to be the minimum action
required to eliminate the practical difficulty of the lots.
Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar
energy systems.
N/A, the variance is not related to a need for direct sunlight for solar energy systems.
The findings support granting the requested variance to the setback requirement from Rasmussen Pond.
The City Council can do one of the following:
1. Approve, with or without conditions
2. Deny, with findings for denial
3. Table the request for further review/study
The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request for a Preliminary Plat for a Major
Subdivision, Variance from setback requirements from a Natural Environment Lake, and an amendment
to the previously approved Conditional Use Permit for the Tii Gavo subdivision to permit Tii Gavo 2nd
Addition. The following conditions of approval were recommended:
1. The applicant is permitted to create eight lots, as shown on the plans submitted to the city and
reviewed with this request.
2. The proposed eight lots shall have the following setback requirements, as shown on the plans
submitted to the city and reviewed with this request:
a. Front: 30 feet
b. Side: 15 feet
c. Rear: 30 feet
d. Rasmussen Pond: 100 feet
3. The applicant shall acquire any required permits from the watershed district, and comply with
their requirements.
4. The applicant shall address the comments from the City Engineer in the letter dated July 8, 2022.
5. The applicant shall update the current Development Agreement and Conservation Easement to
include the proposed improvements for Tii Gavo 2nd Addition prior to approval of a Final Plat.
6. All other requirements of the existing Conditional Use Permit shall remain in full force and effect.
7. The applicant shall secure any other applicable Federal, State, County, and local permits required
for the project.
8. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrows associated with this application.