6. Scandia High Speed Internet Deployment Update for 2022Scandia High Speed Internet Deployment Update
Scandia’s efforts to expand high speed broadband service continues in 2022 and 2023.
This year’s construction will reach approximately 160 households and be provided by MidCo. The
project is underway now, with equipment, fiber, and other materials ready to be deployed this summer
with completion by late fall.
For 2023 Scandia has allocated $432,000 in local funding for another expansion and requested MidCo
provide a plan for the city’s approval, including additional outside grant money where possible.
Additionally, Scandia has sent a letter supporting Frontier Communications’ grant application to the
State of Minnesota. If approved Frontier’s project would begin in 2023 and be competed by the end of
2024. The project would provide high speed broadband via fiber to several hundred locations within
Scandia currently only served by slower DSL lines.
Scandia’s Internet Action Committee has been working since 2020 with the goal of bringing high speed
broadband to all of Scandia within 5 years. The work continues and is on pace. Thanks go to
committee members John Carney, K.C. Douglas, Steve Collier, Marschall Smith and Bob Wilmers for their
dedication to this important community project.
Scandia ‘MidCo Day’ Event to be held August 31st
Scandia and MidCo will host another MidCo Day event on Wednesday August 31st. The first part will
take place from 3:30 to 6:30 PM in conjunction with the Scandia’s Farmer’s Market at the community
center. MidCo will be giving away 300 tote bags. The Scandia Internet Action Committee will be hosting
a booth and be available to answer questions about the latest expansion plans and will be giving away
ice cream bars.
After the Farmer’s Market the second part of MidCo Day will be held at Lilleskogen Park where Meister’s
Bar & Grill will provide 300 Meister Burger meals. Then people can walk the path and look at stories
written by Scandia children about why the Internet is important to them. This story contest is open to
any Scandia student (home or public schooled) from the 2nd to 6th grade. 8 semifinalist stories will be on
the walking path. All semifinalists will receive $50, and the winner’s classroom will get $250.