UPDATE Midco Followup 08-09-20228/16/22, 5:01 PM Mail - Kenneth Cammilleri - Outlook
Fwd: [EXTERNAL] - Scandia - MidCo / Washington County Grant for 2023 Project
Robert Wilmers <robert.wilmers@icloud.com>
Tue 8/16/2022 1:51 PM
To:Marshall Smith <Marschall.smith@gmail.com>;Kenneth Cammilleri <k.cammilleri@ci.scandia.mn.us>
FYI part 2.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Robert Wilmers <robert.wilmers@icloud.com>
Date: August 16, 2022 at 1:49:44 PM CDT
To: Melissa Wolf <Melissa.Wolf@midco.com>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] - Scandia - MidCo / Washington County Grant for 2023
I understand, thanks.
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 16, 2022, at 1:42 PM, Melissa Wolf <Melissa.Wolf@midco.com>
No problem! I am hopeful that if we can put at least some of the projects together we
could apply to supplement the city funds, we do need more details and maps, etc., to
apply for the grant so we will just have to pull some of that together. One thing I
should men on too is that we know Fron er applied for a grant for areas of Scandia, if
they are to receive a grant for those areas, we would remove them from our proposed
project areas, just an fyi as we work through this!
Melissa Wolf
Government Relations Manager
Office: 6512145493
8/16/22, 5:01 PM Mail - Kenneth Cammilleri - Outlook
From: Robert Wilmers <robert.wilmers@icloud.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2022 1:36 PM
To: Melissa Wolf <Melissa.Wolf@midco.com>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] - Scandia - MidCo / Washington County Grant for 2023 Project
Thanks Melissa,
I know you folks are very busy and this moves your planning forward from the normal
cycle with Scandia, but I didn’t want us to miss an opportunity with Washington
County before the funds are gone.
The homes le number looks right.
I appreciate your a en on to this ma er.
Thanks again!
On Aug 16, 2022, at 12:46 PM, Melissa Wolf <Melissa.Wolf@midco.com>
Hi Bob!
Apologies for the late response! Thanks so much for your note and the
heads up on the remaining Washington County funds. We have set up
me for next week with our regional team to look at the remaining areas
we see in Scandia and will put together homes and ini al costs. Based on
that, we can put together another applica on for Washington County. A
quick check looks like approx. 425 homes le . I know you also sent some
areas where roads will be under construc on in the next few years so we
will take that into considera on as well.
We did submit grants this round for the border-to-border round, but had
commi ed to two communi es last year (when we though there would
be a grant round in 2021 and much smaller than the $95MM) so we
commi ed to comple ng and submi ng those applica ons this year.
Thank you!
Melissa Wolf
Government Relations Manager
Office: 6512145493
8/16/22, 5:01 PM Mail - Kenneth Cammilleri - Outlook
From: robert.wilmers@icloud.com <robert.wilmers@icloud.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 10:47 AM
To: Melissa Wolf <melissa.wolf@midco.com>
Cc: Jus n Forde <jus n.forde@midco.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] - Scandia - MidCo / Washington County Grant for
2023 Project
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Hi Melissa,
Jus n told me last week that MidCo has decided not to apply for a
Minnesota Broadband Grant for Scandia for the current grant period. I
understand MidCo must carefully choose which areas to apply for state
grants and Jus n explained there are other MidCo projects much larger
than Scandia’s with a greater need for grant money from Minnesota.
However, I’m asking MidCo to work again with Washington County to
help us leverage the $432,000 Scandia has set aside for an Internet
expansion project in 2023.
Today I learned there’s only $640,000 le in the Washington County grant
program out of the $2 million they started with. My concern is that those
funds will run out before MidCo can submit a plan for a grant given the
planning for next year may not be ready un l the end of the year, as has
happened in the past.
Is there any way for MidCo to accelerate the planning process for
Scandia’s 2023 project and get in line with the county for a grant before
the funds run out?
We’re grateful for all the past support MidCo has provided to Scandia and
hope you’ll be able to help us again to get, “the most band for our buck”.
Bob Wilmers
23219 St. Croix Trail N.
Scandia, MN 55073