07-19-2022 MeetingJuly 19, 2022
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with modifications.
The meeting was conducted in-person at the Scandia Community Center and over an electronic
platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute
to discussions.
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. The
following were in attendance: Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve
Kronmiller, Patti Ray, and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City Administrator Ken
Cammilleri, City Attorney Chris Nelson, City Planner Evan Monson, Deputy Zach Boesel, Fire
Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Charles Fischer, and City Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Ray, second by Benson, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Deputy Boesel provided a report on police activity. Boesel is working with County staff to
address excessive calls from group homes. There was an isolated Code Red incident last
evening; no threats to the public and all are safe. Boesel is coordinating the National Night Out
event for August 2nd. A motorcycle rally hosted by Meisters was held over the weekend, with no
issues or unusual speeds. Boesel is assisting with starting a neighborhood watch program with
the Bliss neighborhood.
Adopting the 2022 Proclamation for National Night Out -- August 2, 2022
Scandia will host National Night Out on the Community Center grounds on August 2nd
Benson, second by Ray, moved to adopt the 2022 Proclamation for National Night Out.
Motion carried 5-0.
Ellen St. Sauver, Oldfield Avenue, addressed the Council regarding the public access to Goose
Lake, saying the Simpson's bought Swenson's property and have asked twice to vacate the
public easement. St. Sauver asked that the easement be left the way it is right now, saying she
borders the Simpson property where an alternate trail is proposed, and said she is not in favor of
relocating the easement.
Dean West, Lofton Avenue, presented a written request with resident signatures asking the city
to mark the boundaries of the unopened Lake Lane easement to Bone Lake. Dean said the area
residents would like to access the lake on foot and use the access to come ashore while out
boating. They would like the city to mark the boundaries so as not to trespass on adjacent
property, and to maintain access at the shore by clearing the vegetation. Mayor Maefsky directed
staff to prepare a report for the next meeting so that the Council has a better understanding of the
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Scandia City Council
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Scandia Good Neighbor Award — Scandia Fire and Rescue Department
Mayor Maefsky presented Scandia Good Neighbor Proclamations to the Scandia Fire and Rescue
Department and to its 25 volunteer firefighters, in recognition of their dedication and skills in
serving the community.
a) Minutes
1) June 21, 2022 Regular Meeting
2) July 6, Joint Meeting with Park and Recreation Committee
3) July 6, 2022 Work Session
b) Treasurer's Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
Ray, second by Benson, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion
carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
Council member Ray, liaison to the PRC, reported that at the July 12th meeting the PRC
discussed the memorial bench installation at Lilleskogen Park, ambassador reports, the pickleball
tournament for Taco Daze, a community survey for the parks plan, a playground support letter
for fundraising, the new Tomteskogen park at Bone Lake, and naming the Community Center
Variances from the Development Code requirements to build a deck within the required 100 -
foot setback from Big Marine Lake, and within the required 20 foot side yard setbacks from
the east and the west property lines at 12090196th Street North. Applicant Greg Fernholz.
Resolution No. 2022-25
Planner Monson presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve
variances at 12090 196th Street for the construction of a deck within setbacks. The deck would
encroach into the 20 foot setbacks from the east and west side property lines, and into the 100 -
foot setback from Big Marine Lake, proposed as 47.6' from the lake, 8.7' from the west property
line and 13.3' from the east property line. Monson said the Commission found the request to
meet the criteria to approve the variances. The legal non -conforming lot has little land located
outside of setbacks, and the deck is modestly sized.
Findings and conditions of approval were presented in a resolution. The applicant must construct
the deck as shown on the submitted survey, obtain a Watershed permit, and pay all fees
associated with the application.
Council member Kronmiller questioned the finding that the proposal would not alter the
character of the neighborhood. He said the adjoining homes are further set back from the lake,
around 60' to 80' feet away, while this house with proposed deck encroaches closer to the lake.
Kronmiller said if the city keeps allowing structures to get closer, others will follow. 100' is the
requirement — this could set up the city for more encroachment. They need to be careful in
considering variances in order to protect water quality.
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Council member Ray asked about the DNR's response. Planner Monson said that the DNR was
sent a notice but no comments were received. Ray said she is concerned that the deck could be
covered in the future, become living space, and then another deck added onto that, saying she
wants reassurance that could not happen. Administrator Cammilleri said that a building permit
would be needed in order to cover the deck, which would be the opportunity to catch that.
Council member Kronmiller said he would like to see past history of the residence, as part of the
report. Administrator Camilleri reported no prior variances for this property are on file with city
Mr. Fernholz addressed the Council and described the house to the right has just got a building
permit, as well as on the other side with variances. Fernholz said his deck will not be much
closer. He said he understands the concern to protect the water and will have an approved
Watershed permit.
Mayor Maefsky said if they begin to set boundaries, then they need to reevaluate the ordinance.
If a variance is not changing neighborhood character, and the deck is in line with other structures
along the lake, there is a problem with their evaluation. If they want to really say no to structures
closer to the lake, they would need to say the city will not allow any variances from the
minimum setbacks required. Maefsky said the city has the ordinance in order to consider each
individual request.
Council member Ray said there is not a big request here for the deck.
Cusick, second by Ray, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2022-25, Approving Variances for
12090 1961h Street North as presented. Motion carried 4-1, with Kronmiller opposed.
Conditional Use Permit to expand an existing Local Solar Energy System (SES) to 1,296
square feet at 23290 Quentin Avenue North. Applicant Donna Pickard on behalf of property
owners Randy & Kathy Ferrin. Resolution No. 2022-26
Planner Monson presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve a
Conditional Use Permit to expand an existing residential (Local Solar Energy System) solar
array system to a solar panel footprint of 1,296 square feet at 23290 Quentin Avenue North. The
ordinance allows an 800 square feet footprint, with allowance for a CUP for a larger footprint.
Findings and conditions of approval were presented in a resolution. The Commission added a
finding that the existing vegetative screening be maintained. Conditions of approval included
that the applicant adhere to the zoning code requirements for a local SES, and obtain all other
Council member Ray said she likes the request as being good for the environment.
Council member Benson asked what uses the additional solar panels will serve. Monson
explained the applicant will power a car charger and an outbuilding in addition to his residence.
Mayor Maefsky said the 800 square foot limit in the ordinance was to set a reasonable size, but
more solar power is needed in the wintertime. Maefsky said this is a reasonable request.
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Cusick, second by Ray, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2022-26, Approving a Conditional
Use Permit for 23290 Quentin Avenue North as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
Amendment to the Future Land Use Map to remove Mining Overlay designation from PID Applicant Michael LaBelle. Resolution No. 2022-27
Planner Monson presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve an
amendment to the future land use map to remove the mining overlay designation from PID The approximately 10 -acre vacant lot is adjacent to the Tiller Mine on 218th
Street, but outside the mining area. The applicant is looking to develop the property as a single-
family residence in the future. In order to use the parcel for residential use, it must be rezoned
out of the mining overlay. The first step in this process of rezoning is to amend the future land
use map as an amendment to the 2040 Comp Plan.
Planner Monson explained that the underlying zoning is General Rural. Martin Marietta, the
gravel mine operator, responded that the parcel is not in future plans for mining. The site was
reclaimed in 2014, then sold off. Monson said the Planning Commission found the request to be
consistent with current zoning of nearby properties, and not in conflict with mining activities.
Findings and conditions of approval were presented in a resolution.
Administrator Cammilleri said there is buildable land outside of the reclamation area. The
building permit process will review the land area for soil suitability. Cammilleri said he is not
overly concerned that the site is unusable for development of single-family residential. This
action will minimize future impacts to a non -conforming property by removing the mining
Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to adopt Resolution No. 2022-27, Approving an
Amendment to the Future Land Use Map for PID as presented. Motion
carried 5-0.
Administrator Cammilleri provided a report from IAC Chair Bob Wilmers. Midco is on track
with this year's buildout project; the design is complete, materials ordered, a contractor
scheduled for this fall, but there could be supply issues. Midco is reviewing the contract to
address amendments, and the IAC is waiting to hear back. Cammilleri said a contract should be
going to the Council shortly.
Frontier Communications is interested in pursuing Border to Border broadband grants, but
haven't given specific Scandia areas. Frontier will be at the next IAC meeting.
Council member Ray reported on Midco Days at the Farmers Market on August 31, where free
bags will be distributed. A park picnic and children's story walk with prizes are also planned.
Tourism Chair Sue Dickens presented a report on Zoom. The Committee voted to ask the
Council to budget funds in 2023 to develop a wayfinding sign master plan with MnDOT.
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The Committee is working on the holiday shopping extravaganza (November 27th) with a vendor
fee of $25. The fee provides for stability from the vendors and to help pay for a food truck, in
addition to advertising and signage costs.
Benson, second by Ray, moved to approve a $25 vendor fee for the holiday shopping
extravaganza. Motion carried 5-0.
The EDA did not meet in July. The next meeting is scheduled for August 8, 2022.
No meeting was held in the past month.
Council member Ray reported that the Sister City Committee is working on a promotion for the
August 24th Farmers Market, to distribute hand painted tomte magnets. They are connecting with
the Mellerud school and farms, and will be participating in the Taco Daze parade. The
Committee is proposing a Zoom meeting with Mellerud officials in August.
The June building activity report was received from Building Official Joel Hoistad. Last month
28 permits were issued at a valuation of $1,643,348.00.
Fire Chief Hinz reported on the fire department's June activity. Last month the department
responded to 22 calls (one cancelled); 2 fire, 19 medicals, no dive calls. Hinz said he is
addressing the high volume of calls and excessive use of services to certain addresses, trying to
alleviate this -- a growing issue this year.
Engineering Updates
City Engineer Goodman provided a written engineering update. Construction of the road project
on Melanie Trail and 238th Street started on Tuesday, June 28th. Base paving was completed on
July 13 -14th. The contractor plans to come back to the site in early August to complete work
related to the no loss permit and to pave the wear course.
Public Works Director Charles Fischer reported on the department activities. Right-of-way
mowing continues through the summer months. During the Melanie Trail reconstruction, extra
reclamation material was hauled to Paris Avenue and its intersection with Pilar Road, raising the
elevation of Paris Avenue where surface water can now be diverted off of the roadway. Crack
sealing is underway by Nugent Sealcoating and about half of the scheduled work has been
completed in the city. A Big Marine Sewer pump failed earlier this month and was fixed the
same day. Brush was cleared by volunteers at Lilleskogen Park, and the chipped material was
reused on the trail. The crew finished up the concrete bench pads for future memorial benches in
the park. The a/v installation in the Council Chambers is waiting on equipment delivery.
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Approval of Outdoor Recreation Grant Contract
In June, the DNR notified the City it had been awarded the Outdoor Recreation Grant for the
construction of the playground at the Community Center in the amount of $112,500.00. The
contract was reviewed by legal counsel and found to be in order for acceptance.
Ray, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve Outdoor Recreation Grant Contract with
the MN DNR for the replacement of playground equipment. Motion carried 5-0.
Consider Road Striping Project
Public Works Director Charles Fischer Public Works presented quotes for yellow line striping of
the city roads, calculated at 39,520 linear feet of double yellow center line to be completed this
year. With the use of an epoxy base material Public Works is planning a four-year cycle for
reapplying center line markings. The Public Works Contractual Road Maintenance fund will be
used to support the project.
Fischer described the available options and quotes, and recommended Option 4:
Options: Latex: least durable material
Option 1: WarningLites $9,098.60
Option 2: LinesALot $10,432.80
Option 3: Miller $31,189
Epoxy: more durable material
Option 4: LinesALot $22,234.40
Option 5: WarningLites $25,292.80
Ray, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the quote for road striping from LinesALot
in the amount of $22,234.40. Motion carried 5-0.
Administrator Cammilleri reported on general updates. Tech support for the server project is
finalizing the move of the database from the old equipment to the new. The Bliss Stormwater
project in partnership with Carnelian -Marine Watershed had a productive public meeting, and
updated the design to address resident concerns. There was an unexpected development recently
on this project — staff is not sure all elements of the project qualify for the grant funds, to address
water quality only, such as the stormwater management elements. Staff is looking to introduce as
many water quality improvements to the design as they can. Cammilleri said the lobbying efforts
for the Gateway Trail Project grant request with LCCMR is looking to get support at the staff
selection stage. Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails obtained a grant for invasive species work at
Wind in the Pines. Staff will be meeting with them on a plan. Cammilleri stated that code
enforcement has identified nuisance issues for corrections.
Lions member Lynnette Welsch presented the request for approval of a Special Event Permit for
the annual Taco Daze community festival planned for September 10th. This year's theme is Go
Green, to show support for the environment. Last year, the City Council approved to reimburse
the Lions for the cost of extra police deputies, trash and porta-potty services, up to $2,500.
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Kronmiller, second by Ray, moved to reimburse the Lions Club up to $2,500 for police,
trash and porta-potty expenses for Taco Daze. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
Ray, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the Scandia-Marine Lions Club Special
Event Permit for Taco Daze. Motion carried 5-0 by roll call vote.
Administrator Cammilleri explained that by request of the mayor, he prepared a draft Request for
Proposals to solicit quotes for the city's planning services. The city will be looking for
competitive proposals based on criteria in the RFP. A tentative schedule allows for an
appointment of planning services by October. Cammilleri stated that the city has been with
TKDA for 20+ years.
Kronmiller, second by Ray, moved to issue the Request for Proposals for planning services.
Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Maefsky described communications she received from a resident concerned about short-
term rentals in their area, resulting in loud noise, parking and other issues. Maefsky said she is
aware there are STRs in Scandia and has only heard from this one complaint against. Maefsky
asked if the issues can be addressed with existing ordinances, such as parking restrictions along
the street.
Administrator Cammilleri said it's difficult to enforce parking, but the noise ordinance can
enforce this issue. The council can consider some changes with a licensing program if they want
to go this direction. He said the rental landlord can register with the city, and a license can be
revoked if requirements are not followed, saying this is the better way to enforce STRs.
A resident on Langly Avenue addressed the council and explained the loud weekend parties
going on all year long. He said he knows of two homes being used, and possibly more.
City Attorney Nelson said the city can put conditions on the rentals, but enforcement can still be
difficult. The city can adopt penalties, and enforce the public nuisance ordinance with fines and
potential misdemeanor charges.
Mayor Maefsky said they should first try addressing the issues with the nuisance ordinance.
Administrator Cammilleri noted that calls need to be made to the Sheriff's Department and to
document the disturbance as it is occurring.
Ray, second by Maefsky, moved to recommend Chris Loth for re -appointment to the
Comfort Lake -Forest Lake Watershed District. Motion carried 5-0.
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Administrator Cammilleri explained unpaid charges from a 2019 zoning application for Th Gavo
additional dock slips, totaling $4,044.02, and recommended a small claims submission to collect
the charges.
Ray, second by Benson, moved to file a claim in small claims court to collect unpaid arrears
for zoning application #2019-010. Motion carried 5-0.
Benson, second by Ray, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund, City Clerk