08.01.2022 PRC Minutes City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, August 1, 2022 A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and via Zoom. Attended by Greg Zauner (Vice-Chair), Tom Hinz, Dustin Hegland, Patti Ray (City Council Representative), Charles Fischer (Public Works Director) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant). Kimberly Johnson and Emily Herold (MSA consultant) attended by Zoom. Absent: Terry Gorham (Chair). Zauner called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m., a quorum was present. PUBLIC FORUM None APPROVAL OF AGENDA Zauner requested to change the order of the agenda to accommodate MSA Survey, item 6.a to be first. Motion to approve the agenda as amended by Zauner, seconded by Hegland. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice Chair Zauner called for any additions or corrections to the July 12, 2022 minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. OLD BUSINESS MSA Survey MSA Consultant Herold led the committee through the survey, taking notes on suggested edits from all members. Fischer will send to MSA updated trail maps for inclusion in the final survey. Discussion of how to get the survey out included presenting at a Lions’ meeting, table at the Farmer’s Market, posting on the City’s website, Facebook and NextDoor pages, press release for local newspapers, printing flyers to post (including using the “Take One” flyer stand used with the Ice Sculpture), posting at National Night Out tomorrow evening, and hosting a booth at Taco Daze with a free item to entice residents to stop at the booth to learn about the survey. Herold stated the usual timeframe to collect surveys is 2-3 weeks, and consensus is that Taco Daze is most important to reach the largest number of people at this community event. REPORTS Chair Report Gorham provided written comments for the MSA Survey. Public Works Report Fischer provided a written report, adding a recommendation to place signs at the donated bench or at the 5 prepared concrete pads prior to Midco Day about the Memorial Bench program. Ray suggested staff prepare a press release. Ray requested staff contact the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District to treat Lilleskogen Park. OLD BUSINESS Tomteskogen Park Ray has an artist lined up to paint a rock Tomte sample, but not the right rock yet. Stignani offered to provide a variety of rock options. Ray detailed the idea of numbering the painted rocks and encouraging Tomteskogen Park users to find these rocks (near the trail) and post selfies with them on social media to allow one winner each week. Ray indicated that Gorham may be organizing volunteers to re-chip the path. Lilleskogen Park Dinner Event Ray facilitated a discussion, concluding with Johnson organizing the proposed dinner event in Lilleskogen Park on September 23, 2023. The vision is for a catered, ‘date night’ event (Rustic Roots, Scandia Creamery, or others) and staff would reserve the Community Center as a backup in case of rain. August 1, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3 Proposed By-laws Change Vice Chair Zauner outlined the two recommended changes discussed at the last PRC meeting as provided in the meeting packet to substitute “Thursday” for “Monday” in case of a scheduled meeting falling on a holiday in section 5A and substituting the number “three” for “seven” as the number of calendar days prior to a meeting to publish the agenda in section 6C. Motion by Hegland, seconded by Hinz, to recommend to Council the two proposed by-laws changes as discussed. Motion carried unanimously. Park Ambassadors’ Reports • Lilleskogen Park – o Ray has put out extra painted rocks on the path o Requested more woodchips on path before Midco Day on 8/31 – Public Works will distribute the chips Helke donated over the next few weeks o Need to advertise the purpose of the concrete bench pads in time for Midco Day on 8/31 to raise awareness when participants ‘earn’ their free burger dinner by walking the path and voting for their favorite story. o Additional garbage cans discussed, litter not an issue and it’s a walking path currently. Installing a picnic pavilion will add the need of permanent cans in the future. • Leonard Wojtowicz Skating Park - Hegland requested repair on the skateboard ramps – Public Works will repair with plywood in the near future • Liten Park – Hinz reports that he cannot identify clearly the property boundaries. Discussion confirmed the intent to provide a park sign and simple improvements in the next year. • Hay Lake Park – Fischer confirmed budget planning includes a sign for Hay Lake Park • Wind in the Pines – Fischer confirmed the removed highway signs from Hwy 95 are in storage PRC Operational Calendar No suggested changes. NEW BUSINESS Midco Day Ray has scheduled final planning meeting with Midco. There will be a cookie added to the meal, but kid sized burgers are not available this year. The 300 red tote bags are in and the table scheduled at the Farmer’s Market on Wednesday, August 31st to distribute them, beginning at 3:30. Ray indicated that details are coming together seamlessly in this 3rd annual event. She will pass off this working system to another coordinator for next year. Vinterfest Planning Zauner reported that he will reach out one more time to the Pretzel food truck, but has secured the Kettle Corn truck that will also serve mini doughnuts and pop. Vinterfest 2023 will be the last weekend of January (27th & 28th). Other activities discussed: • Kubb – either done or a different group of people, the trail blocked with fireworks set up is a problem – perhaps a different location? South Ballfield or Gammelgarden? • Children’s Story Path Contest – celebrate winter? • Lilleskogen Park – Dogsled race with little dogs? • Medallion Hunt – to contact Scandia Marine Lions • Buttons – work out details with Lynette Welsch and the Lions’ button maker • Invite the Cloggers and Norwegian Dancers • Chili Contest at Elim – unlikely August 1, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 3 • Ray suggested trying one new activity each year. She will forward something she saw to Zauner for consideration. • Vinterbeans improvement – relocate game closer to the beer tent AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The proposed agenda for the Thursday, September 8, 2022 meeting: 1. Midco Day Recap 2. Taco Daze 3. MSA Update 4. Lilleskogen Park Dinner Event 5. Vinterfest Planning 6. Park Ambassadors 7. Operational Calendar ADJOURNMENT Motion by Hegland, seconded by Hinz, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator