09.08.2022 PRC Minutes City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Thursday, September 8, 2022 A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and via Zoom. Attended by Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice-Chair), Tom Hinz, Charles Fischer (Public Works Director) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant). Absent: Kimberly Johnson and Dustin Hegland. Gorham called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., a quorum was present. PUBLIC FORUM John Maloney, 22190 Olinda Trl N, inquired if the PRC is working to move forward on surveying or any other steps for the trail near Goose Lake. Gorham clarified that this is not a trail, but an easement and it is topic being handled by the Council as PRC is only in an advisory role. Fisher provided further clarification regarding the use of an easement and how the public use of an easement is by a permit or agreement with the city. Maloney has gathered volunteers who are willing to assist city staff if needed on this project. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Gorham requested to add item 5.c City Staff, to discuss Winter Skating Program. Motion to approve the agenda as amended by Zauner, seconded by Hinz. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the August 1, 2022 minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. REPORTS Chair Report Gorham stated his comments will be later in the meeting on topics. Public Works Report Fischer provided a written report adding that a volunteer has continued to assist staff with mowing when able. The playground replacement project is scheduled to begin after Taco Daze, working with the Washington County Watershed over the winter to collaborate on the raingarden design, and may be completed as early as May 2023. Zauner requested staff place some type of notice at or near the existing playground in time for Taco Daze on Saturday announcing the project. Possibly include donation information with photos of the future equipment. Gorham provided further clarification regarding the MSA Park planning discussion that the Capital Improvement Committee is working and currently has 60-80k in parks line items that would need to be considered for the two signs (Liten Park & Hay Lake Park), a pavilion at Lilleskogen Park and development of trails. Staff asked to get feedback from MSA on the status of the community survey to see if efforts should go into the elementary school’s Digital Backpack notice to parents or not with the September 12th survey end date. Ken Cammilleri joined the meeting to give a Gateway Trail Update. The state grant application has been approved for 88% of the estimated $3.07 million project. There is additional $100k funds from the DNR that can go toward the shortfall. Staff proposes to remove the parking lot from the current project, to delay this expense for a later phase in order to move forward with the trail and tunnel aspects with the current funding options. Staff Report Staff contacted both of the Winter Learn to Skate program teachers from last year, Margaret Gerty and Ellen Krueger. They have affirmed they would like to teach the same program as last season with the same payment of a stipend as a percentage of the registration fees. Motion by Zauner, seconded by Gorham, for staff to prepare a recommendation to Council to offer the same Winter Recreation Learn to Skate program as last season. Motion carried unanimously. September 8, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3 OLD BUSINESS Midco Day Recap Ray provided a written report and added requesting shade over the picnic tables. Fischer and Hinz commented that their families limit computer and internet use for their young children, and perhaps other families do the same as a contributing factor to the difficulty in collecting 8 stories for this specific project. MSA Update Hinz asked if staff could create a direct link on the city’s webpage to the survey as the embedded MSA page is difficult to maneuver to find the survey. Staff to inquire to find out how many surveys have been completed, if PRC should work to find another way to get the word out. Staff to follow up with Scandia Elementary School to see if a notice could be sent to students via the Digital Backpack if MSA agrees it would be useful and would support extending the survey past September 12th. Lilleskogen Park Dinner Event Topic tabled for October meeting as Johnson is absent, and PRC will need to discuss partnering with another entity who can process donations (i.e., Cycling Scandia, Friends of Scandia Parks & Trails or the Lions.) Vinterfest Planning Some banners need to be replaced. Zauner requested staff collect information for the October PRC meeting for the options and costs. Fischer requests darkening the lettering on future banners as the light colors fade in the white background of the banner in the common glare from the white snow piles. Zauner reported securing two food trucks, the returning pretzel truck and a Kettle Corn truck, plus intends to ask trucks at Taco Daze for one more. Franconia Sculpture Garden will formalize a suggestion of an event or something for their participation in Vinterfest. PRC members support a return of Vinterbeans, but moved closer to the beer tent. An ice fishing event on Bone Lake is in the works for Friday or Sunday evening. Park Ambassadors’ Reports Committee members have contacted PW directly and this system seems to be working. PRC Operational Calendar Staff suggests changing discussing the Winter Recreation Programs to a September topic in order to request Council approval for all programs prior to publishing the Fall Newsletter. NEW BUSINESS Taco Daze Pickleball Gorham reported 11 teams have signed up, Hinz indicated he would sign up as the 12th team. The event starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday and should be complete prior to the start of the parade. Star Gazing Party – October 1st Staff reported Mike Lynch has booked a different group on our confirmed date of October 1st. Likely from the confusion of a second party in Scandia which has rescheduled for Vinterfest. Discussion concluded to wait until after Vinterfest 2023 to contact Mike Lynch to reschedule another date in 2023, perhaps in connection with a meteor shower or other event. Staff will communicate with the original event sponsor, Security State Bank, about the delay. September 8, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 3 AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The proposed agenda for the Monday, October 3, 2022 meeting: 1. MSA Update 2. Taco Daze Recap 3. Lilleskogen Park Dinner Event 4. Vinterfest Planning 5. Park Ambassadors 6. Operational Calendar ADJOURNMENT Motion by Zauner, seconded by Hinz, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator