2.d SHC Interview Presentation 10052022Interview for On-Call Planning Support Services October 5, 2022 City of Scandia On-Call Planning Support Services Jennifer Haskamp, AICP Principal & Project Manager • Meeting Facilitation & Attendance • Technical Review and Analysis • QA/QC of Deliverables Jess Points Project Planner & GIS Professional • Prepare & Draft Staff Reports • Answer day-to-day inquiries • Daily Services, as needed • Meeting support, when applicable team & organization City of Scandia On-Call Planning Support Services Washington County Experience Intergovernmental Relationships »City of Scandia »City of Grant »Washington County »City of Lake Elmo »City of Cottage Grove »City of Woodbury »City of Lakeland »City of Lakeland Shores »Washington County »Watershed Districts (Rice Creek Watershed District & Carnelian- Marine St. Croix Watershed District) »Metropolitan Council »MNDOT, MNDNR municipal experience City of Scandia On-Call Planning Support Services current clients »City of Grant, Consulting Planning Services »City of Lakeland Shores, Consulting Planning Services »City of Lake Elmo, On-Call Planning Services »City of Lauderdale, Consulting Planning Services »City of Mendota, On-Call Planning Services daily and on-going planning services City of Scandia On-Call Planning Support Services »Expertise with MN Statute 15.99 on Land Use Applications subject to the 60-day rule »Conditional Use Permits »Interim Use Permits »Variances »Amendments (CPA and Zoning) »Administrative Permits »Proficiency with subdivision applications and MN State Statute 462.358 »Preliminary/Final Plat »PUDs »Excel at coordination of application process with staff members - we are an extension of your staff land use applications City of Scandia On-Call Planning Support Services »Set expectations regarding level of service with Staff, Planning Commission and City Council. »Establish Development Review Process with Staff. »Provide planning related assistance to residents, stakeholders, businesses and land owners. »Meeting Attendance (in-person and virtual). »Hold on-site or virtual office hours. »Conduct zoning/land use compliance checks . »Perform land use research and analysis. our approach to on-call services City of Scandia On-Call Planning Support Services Why Us? Scandia Experience »Current pulse on the residents, business owners and policy makers. »Familiarity and experience in Washington County - it’s important to remember our partners. »Collaborative working relationship with the Planning Commission and City Council. »Recently adopted Unified Development Code...we’re ready to help you with implementation!Ha y L a k e Sand LakeSt. Croix RiverBi g M arine Lake Bone Lake Goose Lake Wh ite Rock Lake Lake Keewahti n F00.5 1Miles Fu ncti on al Clas s R oad s Arte rial Colle cto r Zo ning Agri cultr al C ore (AG -C) Rura l Re sid entia l G ene ral (R R-G ) Vill age Ne ighb orho od (V-N ) Vill age Ce nter (V-C ) Vill age His toric Co re (V-HC ) Rura l Co mm erci al (R -C) Sho rela nd O ver lay Sain t Cr oix Rive r Di stric t Indu stria l Pa rk (I-P) Mini ng O ver lay Agri cultu ral Pres erv es (A -P) P U D Overla y Rura l Re sid entia l Ne igh borh ood (R R-N ) Zoning Map08.26.2022 9797 9797 9595 9595 3 91 15 15 50 3 52 52 205th St N205th St NP a r r i s h R d N P a r r i s h R d N Pil a r R d NPil a r R d NPomroy Ave NPomroy Ave NNolan Ave NNolan Ave NOlinda TrlOlinda TrlScandia Trl NScandia Trl NKirk Ave NKirk Ave NMa y b e r r y T r l NMa y b e r r y T r l N Old Marine Trail NOld Marine Trail NMayberry Trl NMayberry Trl N City of Scandia On-Call Planning Support Services Thank you for your time and consideration. Questions?