08.b1 CC Staff Report Maher Variance
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To: Scandia City Council Reference: Maher Variance Application
Copies To: Brenda Eklund, Clerk
Ken Cammilleri, City
Melinda Maher, Applicant Project No.: 18407.000 Maher Variance
From: Evan Monson, Planner Routing:
Date: October 11, 2022
SUBJECT: Variances to remodel and construct an addition onto an existing
nonconforming cabin, and construct a detached accessory structure within
required setbacks of wetlands and the St Croix River
MEETING DATE: October 18, 2022
LOCATION: 16955 197th Street North, PIDs,,, &
ZONING: Agricultural Core (AG C), St Croix River Overlay
REVIEW PERIOD: 60-day period ends October 31, 2022 (30-day DNR review period ended
October 1st)
The property owner is looking to remodel an existing seasonal cabin. Along with the remodel, they would
like to add a 450 SF addition onto the west end of the current cabin. The property currently consists of
multiple nonconforming parcels located along the St Croix River. The cabin is currently within the required
setbacks of the river, as well as a nearby wetland and the north side property line.
The owner is also looking to build a small detached garage on the west end of their site, which would
replace a small shed currently located on the southwest corner of the property. This proposed structure
would also require variances from setbacks from a nearby wetland, as well as property lines.
As a result of the application being received prior to the adoption and publication of the recently adopted
Unified Development Code (UDC), the standards and requirements of the Development Code were used
in review of this request.
The Planning Commission reviewed the request at their October 4th meeting. After reviewing the request,
and discussions regarding the variance criteria and proposed plans, the commissioners voted to
recommend approval of the requested variances with a number of conditions. Their recommendation is
found at the end of this report.
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Parcel description: 16955 197th Street North is located east of St Croix Trail North, off of 197th Street
and along the scenic St Croix River. The property consists of multiple parcels that total just under 22,000
SF in size; if combined they are nonconforming to the minimum lot sizes required in the applicable zoning
districts. A small wetland resides on the west end of the property, while another wetland is to the north of
the property. A small shed and outhouse reside on the site as well. The site is fairly flat, before sloping
near the cabin down towards the river. An old outhouse and shed are located on the site; they are
proposed to be removed as part of this project. A permit for the septic system on the site was issued in
2020; the septic line for the property runs through the right-of-way to another parcel to the west where the
drain field lies.
Land use: Single-Family Residential
Figure 1: Subject property shown in red, via City of Scandia GIS
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Staff Comments on the Variance Request
The City Engineer noted the following:
Confirm with County the existing septic will accommodate the new cabin addition and remodel.
Existing 4-20” pines along centerline of creek within wetland area shall not be removed, in order
to prevent erosion and root structure within this critical drainage area.
Construction will damage existing tree canopy, a tree replacement plan is recommended as a
MnDNR shall review for compliance specifically related to viewshed of the riverway.
Grading plan shall be required prior to building permit issuance.
All site work shall be within compliance of Washington Conservation District and Watershed
The Carnelian Marine St Croix W atershed staff noted the following comments regarding watershed rules
and what would apply:
Rule 2 Stormwater Management – This rule is triggered by the proposal to increase site
impervious above 5% of the parcel. Compliance with the District’s Small Residential Stormwater
Worksheet will be required for the new and reconstructed impervious surfac es (cabin addition,
new garage, stone patio and steps, and any other improvements such as gravel drives that may
not be currently shown on the proposed site plan). Onsite soils are mapped as HSG D, so
filtration is the recommended method of stormwater management. Details for routing of
stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces will be required. A planting plan for BMPs will also be
required. Finally, a declaration for maintenance of stormwater management facilities will be
required for permit issuance.
Rule 3 Erosion & Sediment Control – An erosion and sediment control plan is required. Minimum
requirements include perimeter control down-gradient of disturbed areas, protection of
stormwater BMPs during construction or staging of BMPs after stabilization of disturbed areas,
revegetation specifications, and a construction entrance to minimize tracking of sediment from the
Rule 4 Buffers – Due to variances from the city ordinances, this rule will be triggered. The District
will require a wetland boundary determination and District Wetland Management Category
classification for the onsite wetland to verify compliance with buffer width requirements. The
buffer(s) will need to be field monumented by a licensed surveyor and shown on the site plans. A
planting plan to establish native vegetation is required for any areas of the buffer area that will be
disturbed by the construction activities. A declaration for buffers will be required for permit
• Rule 4.9.4: For properties where the existing primary structure location does not
conform to the setback under the applicable shoreland ordinance and the structure
location is not required to be brought into conformance with the applicable setback,
the buffer width shall be 50% of the existing distance between the structure and the
OHWL, bluff line, delineated wetland edge, or top of bank as applicable to the
Reviewing the site plans, it appears that if the City approves a variance from
wetland setbacks, you will be able to meet the watershed 50% from existing
structure buffer requirement.
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The National Park Service has a scenic easement over the property, as a result of its proximity to the St
Croix River. NPS staff sent a letter out on September 29th noting the submitted plans would be in
compliance with the scenic easement.
A delineation of the wetlands near the cabin was conducted this summer. There were two wetlands
identified, both were determined to be a ‘Manage 1’ wetland.
The East Metro Area Hydrologist had not provided comments at the time of this staff report.
Development Code
The required setback from the St Croix River is 200 feet, as is required in the Lower St Croix River
Bluffland & Shoreland Management Regulations. Nearly all of the property is within 200 feet of the
ordinary high water level (OHWL) of the river.
The Shoreland Management Chapter of the Development Code outlines required setbacks from
wetlands. The wetlands on the site are ‘Manage 1’ wetlands, which requires a minimum setback of 75
feet. The existing cabin is within the wetland setbacks. The proposed detached garage would also be
within the setback from the wetlands. Table 1 outlines the setbacks of the cabin (current and the
proposed addition), as well as the proposed garage from the wetlands and the river. The addition onto the
cabin would encroach closer to both wetlands than the existing cabin. The proposed detached garage
would also encroach into the required setbacks from the wetlands. As a result of most of the property
being within the setback from the river, the current cabin, the proposed addition, and the proposed garage
would be within the 200 foot setback.
Table 1: River and wetland setbacks. Highlighted are variances for new structures/additions
Setback from
north wetland
Setback from west
Setback from
Cabin – Existing 26’
Variance: 49’
Variance: 11’
Variance: 112’1”
Cabin – Proposed
West Addition
Variance: 60’7”
Variance: 35’8”
Variance: 81’
Detached Garage
Variance: 22’11”
Variance: 59’7”
Variance: 6’
Chapter Two, Section 2.4(7) of the Development Code lists the minimum setback from side property lines,
which is 20 feet. Table 2 on the following page outlines the setbacks from the lot lines. The existing cabin
is already nonconforming to multiple setback requirements (north side lot line, wetlands, and river). The
proposed cabin addition would be within the north side setback, though it would encroach less than the
current cabin. The proposed garage would be within the required setback from the south lot line. The
proposed accessory structure is closer to the front lot line than the principal structure on the site (the
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Detached accessory structures are only permitted closer to the front property line than the principal
structure if certain criteria are met, such as being a lakeshore lot, or the property being over 5 acres in
size (Chapter Two, Section 3.2(2)(B)). Since this property is unable to meet those criteria, a variance
would be necessary to place the structure closer to the front line than the cabin and within the front
setback of 40 feet. The detached garage is limited in potential locations to build in, due to setbacks,
wetlands, and requirements of the scenic easement on the property. placing it further north on the site
would get it closer to the wetlands and the septic system on the site, while shifting the structure further
from the front property line would place it further into the setback from the river.
Table 2: Property line setbacks. Highlighted are new structures/additions
Setback from side line
Setback from side line
Setback from front line
Cabin – Existing 2’1”
Variance: 17’11”
Cabin – proposed west
Variance: 13’
>40’ 81’1”
Proposed Detached
>55’ 5’1”
Variance: 14’11”
Variance: 29’11”
Non-conforming Lot & Structure
The subject property is located within the AG C zoning district, as well as the St Croix River overlay zone.
The minimum lot size for the AG C zone is 2-5 acres, or 20 acres or greater; the St Croix overlay zone
utilizes the lot standards of the AG C zone. The subject property is less than an acre, so it is not
conforming to the minimum lot size. The AG C zone also sets a minimum buildable area (areas outside of
setbacks, waterbodies, and bluffs/steep slopes) of one acre, and a minimum frontage of 160 feet. The
overlay zone sets a maximum impervious surface coverage of 20% of the lot.
The property is meeting the impervious surface coverage currently, and will continue to be below the 20%
threshold under the proposed plans. The size of the subject property being less than an acre means that
the property is unable to conform to the buildable area requirement. The required setback from the river
covers most of the property; the setback from the wetlands and required setbacks from lot lines cover the
rest. The site does have access to 197th Street, and also fronts some unimproved right-of-way (ROW)
present along the north side of the property. A portion of the ROW along the west side of the property
was previously vacated by the city.
Chapter One, Section 13.3(1) covers nonconforming structures in the city. If a nonconforming structure is
altered to an extent that the cost of repair or replacement would exceed fifty percent (50%) of the
appraised value of the original structure, a variance is required. With the alterations proposed to the
existing cabin exceeding that threshold, a variance to alter the structure is necessary.
Variance Criteria and Findings
Chapter One, Section 6.0 of the Development Code includes the criteria and required process for
considering variance requests. Each item to be considered for a variance is identified below in italics,
followed by the Planning Commission’s findings regarding the requested variances. Refer to the October
4th Planning Commission meeting for the materials and Planner’s findings for the request.
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Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan and
general purposes and intent of the official control.
The Comprehensive Plan has an objective in the land use section to “conduct development in a
manner that is sensitive to the impact upon natural features and to environmental constraints,
including but not limited to scenic views, surface water, wetlands, slopes, woodlands, vegetation,
drainage ways, shore lands, and flood plain areas”. The small size of the lot, and locations of the
wetlands, trees, existing cabin and septic greatly limit where one can build. The proposal by the
applicant is to place the addition away from the river, which will prevent impact to existing trees
south and east of the cabin and keep the project within what is allowed for the NPS Scenic
easement that is applicable to the site. The detached garage would occupy the location that a
sm all shed currently resides in. The structure would be large enough for one vehicle to park in it.
Due to the required setbacks, the areas one can build a garage on this site at are very limited.
The proposed remodel and addition, and detached garage appear to be in harmony with the
Comprehensive Plan and the official controls. Conditions of approval are added in order to ensure
the project does not negatively impact the existing natural features of the site.
The property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner under the conditions
allowed by official control(s).
The current use of the property is a seasonal cabin, which would not change if this variance
request is approved. Neighboring parcels are also occupied by seasonal cabins. Proposing to
continue to use the property for seasonal residential use is a reasonable use.
The practical difficulties are not caused by the landowner and are unique to the property.
The practical difficulties are due to nearly all of the property being located within required
setbacks, and the property not conforming to minimum size requirements. The existing cabin is
located within three different required setback areas; it was built prior to the current ordinances
being adopted. While a property of this size being within the 200 foot setback of the river is not
uncommon in this area of the city, the subject property is uniquely limited in the amount of
buildable space it has due to the two wetlands, with one of the wetlands running through the lot
itself. The practical difficulties of the site were not caused by the current landowner and are
unique to the property.
The variances would not alter the essential character of the area.
The use and function of the property would remain as it is currently; the proposed improvements
would be consistent with and maintain the current character of the surrounding area. Granting the
variances for the garage or addition would not alter the essential character of the area.
Economic conditions alone shall not constitute practical difficulties.
The practical difficulties are related to the size of the property and the limited amount of land
located outside of required setbacks. The practical difficulties are not only economic in nature.
The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or
substantially increase the congestion of the public streets, or increase the danger of fire, or
endanger the public safety, or substantially diminish or impair property values within the
Granting the requested variance would not result in limiting light or air to neighboring properties.
The land use will not change, so increases to congestion, fire danger, or pu blic safety are not
expected. The property values of neighboring values should not be negatively impacted, either, if
the request is granted. The requested variance will not impair the supply of light or air to adjacent
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properties, increase congestion, endanger the public, or substantially diminish or impair property
values in the neighborhood.
The requested variance is the minimum action required to eliminate the practical difficulty.
Most of the property is located within the required setback from the river and two wetlands;
without a variance from those setback requirements, the lot is unable to be used. The wetland
setbacks would be encroached by the proposed addition. Conditions are rec ommended to ensure
the wetlands are not negatively impacted. The proposed garage is located where a small shed
currently resides. The garage would be located within the setback of both wetlands, the river, and
two property lines. Due to the unique characteristics of the site, and the intent of the applicant to
make practical improvements to the site, the variances as requested appear to be the minimum
action necessary to eliminate the practical difficulty of there being no buildable areas on the
Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar
energy systems.
N/A; the variance is not related to a need for direct sunlight for solar energy systems.
The findings from the Planning Commission support granting the requested variances.
The Scandia City Council can do one of the following:
1. Approve, with or without conditions
2. Deny, with findings
3. Table the request
The Planning Commission recommended approval of Variances to remodel and construct an addition
onto an existing nonconforming cabin, and construct a detached accessory structure within required
setbacks of wetlands, property lines, and the St Croix River, located at located at PIDs,,, AND The following
conditions for the approved variance is recommended:
1. The proposed project shall adhere to the site plan reviewed and approved, and received as
part of this request.
2. The parcels for the property shall be combined onto one deed through the lot line adjustment
3. Applicant shall verify and demonstrate Washington County’s approval of the existing septic
system to accommodate the remodeled cabin.
4. The applicant shall secure applicable permits from the Watershed District, and comply with
their requirements.
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5. A grading plan and erosion control plan shall be submitted to the City for review prior to
issuance of a building permit, showing any areas of soil disruption and locations of any trees
to be removed and added, in order to ensure that drainage is not directed to adjacent
properties and proper erosion control measures are taken.
a. A tree replacement plan shall be submitted to the City for review prior to issuance of
a building permit, showing replacement of removed existing trees with new trees on
the site.
6. The applicant shall secure any other applicable Federal, State, County, and local permits
required for the project.
7. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrows associated with this application.