08.d 09.27.2022 Minutes TC DRAFT
Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes
September 27, 2022 – 5:00 p.m.
Meeting at Community Center, Zoom and Boxcast.com
Members in Attendance: Sue Dickens, Lynne Moratzka, and Sarah Porubcansky. Members
Absent: Lisa Schlingerman. Additional Attendees: Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant).
Call to Order –Chair Dickens called the meeting to order at 5:013 p.m., a quorum is present.
Approve the Agenda – Porubcansky moved, Moratzka seconded, to approve the agenda
with Flexibility. Motion carried unanimously.
Approve the Minutes – Porubcansky moved, Moratzka seconded, to approve the August 23,
2022 minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
EDA Budget Allocations –
Dickens reported the EDA has set aside funds for the Tourism Committee. Staff clarified that the
EDA manages funds separate from the City. Expenditures anticipated from City funds require
approval from the Council. Event fees for vendor participants in the Best of Scandia Holiday
Shopping Extravaganza were approved by Council, and staff emphasized the requirement to be clear
between the two different processes for use of EDA approved funds and City funds, supported by
event fees collected.
• $300 for Explore Minnesota or other training costs – offered to the Tourism Committee
members for registration in training events
• $2,000 allocated for Shrpa and Ice Sculpture – Porubcansky to connect Dickens with the
organizer of Get Knit events to participate in the 2023 Ice Sculpture event. Preliminary
discussion of designs to consider included logging or ice harvesting, snowflakes, ice fish, dala
horse, log cabin, water tower barn, and straw goat. Shrpa revisited – staff to explore
embedding Shrpa Scandia Community page on city website page without the supported link
that is now not available. TC members to continue creating and posting adventures.
• Explore Minnesota Advertising – continue to explore what is most desirable and useful for
Scandia in this publication.
• Scandia Evening Adventures – 3rd Thursday evening in October, November, and December.
Porubcansky will investigate a digital map as similar to the Garage Sale map. Staff will add
these events to the Community Calendar, Dickens Pickens has event specific information on
their Facebook page, Dickens will post on NextDoor and investigate costs and processes to
place inserts or advertisements in local newspapers (Country Messenger, Osceola Times,
Forest Lake Times, Stillwater Lowdown). The Forest Lake Chamber of Commerce will list
these events.
Flexibility – Best of Scandia Holiday Shopping Extravaganza Update
Dickens reports 30 vendors registered. Discussion of providing an exit brochure for shoppers to
explore more in Scandia, including information of where to go in Scandia on this evening and for
future trips in Scandia. Elim Church is considering an informal Open House during the Best of
Scandia sale, and Gammelgarden’s Butik will be open in addition to the Vinterlights festivities.
Discussion of how to facilitate Vinterlights event activities in the parking lot conflicting with the of
the Best of Scandia vendors’ need to load vehicles in the same space. Recommended dedicated
Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes
September 27, 2022
2 | P a g e
parking spaces for vendors and utilizing multiple doors with some type of a queuing system
Adjournment –Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Dickens, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant