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08.b1 Paulsen survey_18558 Langly Avenue
OHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHESTSLSOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHEOHE945947949950953966 945944947 948 949 950 951952953955957959960965970 945946948950952955945945LANGLY AVENUE NORTH87653LANGLY AVENUE NORTHN82°44'57"E 238.47S34°10'08"E 99.82943944 945946947948 944 944944953946T943 943944945N85°55'57"W 148.42945946947948949 ****************************************************************************128.5061.00S30°05'54"W 149.04 S61°03'38"E48.85RICHARD G. ANDMARLENE L. PAULSENPID NO: 3103220140023RICHARD G. ANDMARLENE L. PAULSENPID NO: 3103220140114W9539459459 5 0 95596096597094 2 942943943943 943 9 4 4944 944944944 944947 9479499519 5 1 952953953954954956956957958958959961962963964966967968969970967968969971972973970967968969971944944 946948950951952949 946 942960959958957943944 94344.0055.0044.0033.5013.503.488.003.48CO94 4 9469459449459469459469 4 7 9 4 8 9 4 9 9 5 0 9 5 1 9 5 2 9 5 3 9 5 4 955954953 9559549539 5 3 952951950949948947946945952951950949948947946945953954955956957958959960961962963964950949948948948949.5949.5 94994894794613.50942.75943942.75943942.7594394310.00N10°26'11"W 149.85© 2022 WIDSETHPROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS:(per Certificate of Title No. 69016)Lots Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9) and Twelve (12),Block Three (3),BLISS PLAT FIRST DIVISION,according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles, Washington County, Minnesota.(per Certificate of Title No. 38412)Lot Five (5), Block Three (3),BLISS PLAT FIRST DIVISION,according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Washington County, Minnesota.(per Certificate of Title No. 39005)Lot Six (6), Block Three (3),BLISS PLAT FIRST DIVISION,In Government Lot Three (3), Section Thirty-One (31),Township Thirty-Two (32) North, Range Twenty (20) West.Together with an easement that grants to all persons who shall become owners of said land, namely Bliss Plat, First Division, Section 31, Twp. 32, Range 20, or any part orportion thereof, and to their heirs, representatives, and assigns, Forever, a perpetual and irrevocable easement over Lots One (1), and Nine (9), Block Four (4) of said Bliss Plat First Division, as follows: to be used by them and their licensees jointly with the other owners of said land and their licensees, as a roadway and passageway to said Big Marine Lake. This easement is given subject to the condition that no person who enjoys the benefits of the easement hereby granted shall be permitted to use the same as to interfere unreasonably with the use thereof by other persons having similar rights hereunder; and subject to the further condition that the rights hereby granted are appurtenant to said land and pass with the ownership thereof and may not be separately transferred or incumbered.0SCALE ( IN FEET )2040 DENOTES A FOUND 1/2" IRON PIPEMONUMENT WITH CAP MARKED 18407UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THESURVEYSETBACK LINEBUILDING WALL HATCHPROPOSED CONCRETE SURFACELEGENDBOUNDARY LINEOHEOVERHEAD ELECTRICELEC POLELOT LINERIGHT OF WAY EXISTINGMAILBOXGUY ANCHORTELE PEDESTALTSURVEY NOTES:1.Orientation of this bearing system is based on the Washington County Coordinate System NAD83 (1986 adj.)2.The address of the property is 18558 Langly Avenue N., Scandia, MN, 55047PID No. 31032201401143.Property zoned as GR - General Rural (per City of Scandia Zoning Map)Building Setbacks (per City of Scandia Development Code ) Front yard:40 FeetSide yard:20 FeetRear yard:50 Feet4.Total Acreage: 43,532 Sq. Ft. or 1.00 Acre. 5.The field work was performed on September 2, 2020.6.Vertical Control: MNDOT "MARINE MNDT AZ MK" ELEV.=986.74 NAVD88Site Benchmark: Spike in Power Pole near house. ELEV.=947.50 NAVD887.Rain Garden area calculation was provided in email dated February 3, 2021 between Richard Paulsen and Rebecca Oldenburg Giebel.8.Certificate of Title Number 69016 references Lots 7, 8, 9 and 12, Block 3, BLISS PLAT FIRST DIVISION. The Memorials shown on the Certificate of Title describe said Lot 12 being conveyed to Patrick Henry Kelley and said Lots 7, 8 and 9 being conveyed to Richard andMarlene Paulsen. Said Lots 9 and 12 are not included in this survey.PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE935DRAINAGE ARROWNORTH PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS:PROPOSED HOUSE: 2,392 S.F.PROPOSED DRIVEWAY: 1,605 S.F.TOTAL IMPERVIOUS: 3,997 S.F.PERCENT IMPERVIOUS: 9.4%PROPOSED ELEVATIONS(FULL BASEMENT WALKOUT)House Plans From ClientNOTE: Final grades are subject to soil borings and approval by owner,builder and local governing body.Top of Poured Concrete Wall Elev.: 955.5Lower Garage Floor at Overhead Door Elev. : 946.5Lowest Floor Walkout Slab Elev.: 946.5SIGN SINGLE POSTSEPTIC LIFT STATIONSANITARY/SEPTIC CLEANOUTSANITARY MANHOLELSSEXISTING BITUMINOUS SURFACEPROPOSED ELEVATIONEDGE OF WOODS DENOTES A SET 1/2" IRON PIPE MONUMENTW/CAP MARKED LS 49021 DENOTES A SET MAGNETIC NAIL W/WASHERSTAMPED LS 49021PROPOSED SILT FENCE*******CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYELEC LIGHT POLEFILE NUMBER:CHECKED BY:DATE:SCALE:DRAWN BY:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDLAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFDATE:LIC. NO.DATEAMENDMENTSPREPARED FOR:BYCEDARWOOD CONTRACTORSMINNESOTA.Shawn M. Kupcho L.S.10/11/202249021OCTOBER 11, 2022AS SHOWNFEB/SMKSMK2020 - 114119/8/2021WATERSHED COMMENTSSMK7/15/2022LOWERED UPPER GARAGE 14" - LOWERED LOWER GARAGESMK9/28/2022NEW HOUSE STYLE - REVISED RAIN GARDEN - ADDED 25' WETLAND BUFFER LINESMK/FEB10/24/2022ADDED AMENDED SOILS AREA - ADDED 50' AVERAGE BUFFER LINE - REMOVED D&U EASEMENTSMK/FEBPROPOSED EASEMENT LINEPROPOSED ROCK CONSTRUCTION EXITPROPOSED SEWER SERVICEPROPOSED WELLWDELINEATED WETLANDPROPOSED PIPE DRAINPROPOSED PIPE CLEANOUTCO25' WETLAND BUFFER LINE50' MIN. AVG. WETLANDBUFFER LINEPROPOSED NATIVE TURFESTABLISHMENT MIX(SEE NOTES BELOW FOR DETAILS)TURF ESTABLISHMENT NOTES:All turf establishment for disturbed areas within the designated 50' minimum average wetland buffer as shown on this sheet shall be as follows:Seed Mix: MnDOT Native Seed Mix 35-221Fertilizer: MnDOT Fertilizer Type 4Stabilizing Cover: Hydraulic Mulch or Rolled Erosion Prevention Product Category 15 for flat areas (less than 1:3 slopes) Rolled Erosion Prevention Product Category 25 for slopes greater than or equal to 1:3 and for proposed rain gardenAll other disturbed areas can use a non-native seed mix and an appropriate stabilizing cover.