08.b1 Paulsen variance narrativeWe are applying for variances pertaining to the minimum setback requirements. We have removed the rear driveway and have a new home plan that has reduced the foot print, we are now farther away from drainage pond. The septic tanks are in front and will need a variance from wetland. The Well is 50 feet plus from septic when planned in back yard. We will need the north driveway culvert for the purpose of installing well and for future maintenance, no driveway will be installed. We have met the 20-foot side setback on south and the front setbacks, also rear setbacks. The home on the south has the septic tanks right to the property line and has added other challenges for us. Many of the utilities are not on the property line and are anywhere from 7 ft to 11 ft on our property, (see pole location on site plan). The front driveway will need a variance pertaining to the 75 feet rule from the wetland. We have 4 lots total 43,532 sq feet is has been difficult to make this work because of the pond requirements. Richard W Paulsen