2. Watershed comments_Paulsenb.eklund
From: Tom Langer <tom.langer@croscwd.org>
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2022 9:30 AM
To: Kenneth Cammilleri; b.eklund; Charles Fischer
Cc: Richard Paulsen
Subject: Paulsen Proposed Development @ 18558 Langley
Hi Ken and Charles,
Richard asked if the watershed could provide a summary ahead of the 11/22/22 workshop to outline his efforts to
comply with watershed rules for the home development at the 18558 Langly Ave property.
To meet watershed rules Mr. Paulsen needed to implement erosion and sediment controls during active construction
until the site can be revegetated, establish stormwater management practices to capture and treat the majority of the
proposed impervious surfaces before entering the stormwater pond or leaving his property, and establish a permanent
buffer. The minimum watershed buffer requirements for this parcel would be an 50 ft average buffer width (minimum
25ft) with replacement of native vegetation in disturbed areas within the buffer resulting from construction
activities. Both the buffer and storm water practices are required to become part of the title and deed of the parcel to
ensure they remain in perpetuity. Mr. Paulsen's proposed development plans would currently meet these watershed
requirements should the City issue a variance from shoreland setback.
Tom Langer
Riparian Permit Specialist I Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District
11660 Myeron Rd North I Stillwater, MN 55082
Phone: m (651) 275-74521 Cell: 507-276-8056 ;1 www.croscwd.or