11.07.2022 PRC Minutes City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, November 7, 2022 A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and via Zoom. Attended by Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice-Chair), Tom Hinz (via Zoom), Dustin Hegland, Patti Ray (Council Representative), Charles Fischer (Public Works Director) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant). Absent: Kimberly Johnson. Gorham called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., a quorum was present. PUBLIC FORUM None APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion to approve the agenda by Zauner, seconded by Hegland. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the October 3, 2022 minutes. No additions or corrections were submitted. The minutes stand approved. REPORTS Chair Report Gorham met with the Bone Lake Association. Volunteers are prepared to assist cleaning up and re-chipping the path in Spring of 2023. Ray suggested coordinating an Earth Day Park Volunteer event, for volunteers at multiple Scandia parks. Staff identified Saturday, April 22nd as Earth Day in 2023. Public Works Report Fischer provided a written report. Zauner inquired if the new playground could incorporate some pavers if such a project were considered for additional fundraising. Fischer responded that it may possible. Gorham has reached out informally to the Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails to consider options for partnering with PRC for fundraising in specific park projects. Ray recommended focusing on one small goal or specific project at a time. OLD BUSINESS Playground Updates Donation update: In addition to the information in the Public Works report, Ray met with Martin Marietta who would like to support this project but needs to work through the Scandia Marine Lions Club for a cash donation. However, they are also reaching out to Public Works regarding materials donations. Playground Dedication Ceremony Discussion: Gorham reminded all PRC members that there will need to be a coordinator for this event in the near future. Zauner suggested reaching out to the Playground Sub-Committee members. MSA Update Stignani provided a written report, in addition to a late addition to the meeting packet report from MSA. Gorham requested staff inquire if MSA will share a written report and accept feedback from PRC prior to the requested joint PRC and City Council Meeting. Staff follow up on scheduling a joint meeting with Council at a work session. Lilleskogen Park Dinner Event Ray recommends setting an event ticket price at $50, and working backwards from there to see if it will be feasible. Discussion of potential logistical hurdles to consider. Tabled discussion for when Johnson is present. November 7, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3 Vinterfest Planning • Painting Rocks as a new activity, “Paint a Park Pebble.” • Poster, working with the contact with the newspaper to get the graphics in a way that we can edit it annually and not require contracting with a graphic designer. • Food truck lined up • MN Cup onboard, large event the weekend before, discussed changing date again, but Corey Roberts reconfirmed February 4th as later dates have consistently had issues with poor ice quality. • Fireworks location – ok this year, but new location needed once new playground is installed. • Fishing Contest at Bone Lake is off. Next year consider Frisby Golf instead on the frozen lake. • Ray suggested early registration for Vinterbeans as residents have commented already. Kids event again. Moving 5 games closer to the beer tent than last year. Fischer to cone off area • Button contest instructions going to the students soon. Ray suggests posting all button entries in the story stands in Lilleskogen. Park Ambassadors’ Reports Ray provided photos added to the meeting packet regarding Lilleskogen Park. Fischer to consider options for amended storyboard stands for winter use. Fischer will address the other issues raised regarding signs and landscaping. Brief discussion on options to utilize the blank space on the back of the park sign. PRC Operational Calendar Changes to make: • Initiate Button Contest – November • Judge Button Contest – December • Earth Day Activity Ideas – February • Earth Day Activity Planning – March • Earth Day Activity - April NEW BUSINESS Outings Coordinator Gorham briefly reported on Johnson’s initial conversations with the Sierra Club to have some Scandia parks and trails included in their material. Tabled discussion for when Johnson is present. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The proposed agenda for the Monday, December 7, 2022 meeting: 1. Outings Coordinator – remain in new business 2. Park Dedication Coordinator & Donations 3. Dinner in the Park 4. Vinterfest Planning 5. Vinterfest Button Judging 6. MSA Follow Up 7. Ambassadors Update 8. Operational Calendar ADJOURNMENT Motion by Hegland, seconded by Zauner, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m. November 7, 2022 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 3 Respectfully submitted, Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator