06.l Staff Report MN Cup Special Event Permit
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: December 20, 2022
To: City Council
From: Brenda Eklund, City Clerk
Re: Special Event Permit Application, Minnesotan Cup Adult Hockey Tournament
Corey Roberts of The Minnesotan retail store has organized an adult hockey tournament during the
annual Vinterfest community celebration since 2013, although not held in 2021 due to Covid-19
restrictions. Mr. Roberts has donated a portion of the proceeds each year (ranging from $500 to
$1,000) to the City which are placed in a fund restricting use to ice rink improvements. Although the
tournament is held during the City’s Vinterfest event, it is not sponsored by the City but rather by The
Minnesotan. Therefore, a Special Event Permit Application is required. This year’s tournament will
coincide with Vinterest on February 4, 2023.
City Ordinance Section 93.22 requires a Special Event Permit for any “outdoor gathering of at least 100
individuals whether on public or private property, assembled with a common purpose for a period of one
hour or longer but may not exceed twelve hours in duration…” The City Council may place conditions on the
approval of the permit that may pertain to any of the following:
a) Location and hours during which the event may be held;
b) Sanitation/availability of potable water;
c) Security/crowd management;
d) Parking and traffic issues;
e) Emergency and medical services;
f) Clean-up of premises and surrounding area/trash disposal;
g) Insurance;
h) Lighting;
i) Fire service/safety;
j) Temporary construction, barricades/fencing;
k) Removal of advertising/promotional materials;
l) Noise levels;
m) Alcohol consumption;
n) Notification of residents or businesses;
o) Any other conditions which the Council deems necessary.
Should a Special Event Permit be approved for The Minnesotan Cup (formerly known as the Scanley
Cup) adult hockey tournament scheduled for February 4, 2023?
Proposal Details:
Included with this report is a Special Event Permit Application from Corey Roberts for the hockey
The event organizer plans to include a full-time DJ and announcer during the hours of 8am-11pm on
Saturday. Mr. Roberts is proposing a fireworks display in the evening. A separate fireworks permit will
need to be approved by the Fire Chief.
A site plan includes a hospitality tent on the east side of the ice rink. Meister’s Bar and Grill is considering
providing alcoholic beverages and selling food including burgers, brats, hot dogs and cheese curds from this
tent. Meister’s will need to be approved for a Temporary Off-Premises Permit for the Sale of Alcohol.
As with past years, it is recommended two portable toilets be provided (standard and ADA accessible). The
City is currently providing a pair of portable toilets for public use in the Community Center parking lot,
adjacent to the Warming House. If for any reason the City no longer provides the portable toilets at the
time of the event, the organizer will need to have a pair provided for the tournament.
First aid kits are available in the Warming House and Community Center. Event organizers and City
volunteers for Vinterfest will be available to provide direction, answer questions of the general public, and
generally assist in the event operations. No additional crowd control/public safety requirements are
Additional trash receptacles will be needed near the rink. Event organizers/volunteers should empty them
into the large dumpster behind the Community Center as needed.
Participants will be required to sign a waiver releasing the City and the organizers from any liability.
Fiscal Impact:
A portion of the proceeds may be donated to the City to be used to ward maintenance of the
Wojtowicz Skate Park.
1) Approve the Special Event Permit with the following conditions:
• The event shall be held as described in the application received on December 14, 2022
as provided by the conditions of approval. Permit fee of $25 must be paid.
• The location of any tents, stakes, signs etc. at the Scandia Community Center shall be
approved in advance by the City. Event organizers shall request any utility locates that
may be required.
• All participants must sign a liability waiver prior to participating in the event.
• Any vendors present on the site shall possess a sales and use tax permit if required by
Minnesota law.
• A separate Fireworks Permit will need to be approved by the Fire Chief.
• Meister’s Bar and Grill must provide a license from the Washington County Department
of Health and Environment if food is to be served , and be approved for a Temporary Off-
Premises Permit for the Sale of Alcohol.
• A completed Certificate of Insurance naming the City of Scandia as an additional insured
must be submitted prior to the event.
2) Approve the Special Event Permit with additional or amended conditions.
3) Do not approve the Special Event Permit.
Option 1.
4727 209'x' Street North
Scandia, Minnesota 55073
6511 4 3 3-7,7,74 ivwiy.ci.verjadin.ma. us
special E"vent Permit Application
JNSTRvcrIbNS: Fill out this fortrt completely, sign it and include all required attachments. If additional space is
needed, attach additional sheets. Submit to the City ofScandia at least 30 days prior to the date of the event with the $25.00
permit fee. You will be notified at the time f application of the date for City Council consideration of the request.
1. Name, purpose
I /t
description of event:
E4 open
Location address: Oji
Event starting Time: Event ending time:
Set-up start date and time:
Dismantle by- date and time:
Anticipated number of participants and/or spectators:
If there is a fee or donation required as a condition of
attendance, please describe:
2. Attach sketch or site plan showing the location of the following as applicable:
route (boeuDing/ end, direction of travel,
traffic control points)
ticketing/ registration/ entry locations
entertainment or stage locations
portable toilet facilities
fencing locations
parking areas for participants/ spectators
sign locations
speaker (sound amplification) locations
icesslon area (cooking, scr-ring,
alcoholic beverage concession area
other concession areas
size and location of any tents or structures
trashlrecycling receptacle area
fireworks or pyrotechnics site
first aid facilities
other as may be applicable
City of Scandia, Special Event Permit Application, Page 1 of 7
Applicant Information:
Name: ;
Title: Q C. -J /L_*P 2 -
2 s'
E -Mail:
Affiliation/ organization:
Are you an authorized applicant for this organization? Yes ----No
Will this person have authority to cancel or modify event plans? Yes --No
WiL this person be present at the vent and in charge of the event at
all times? Yes No
If no, provide contact information for person who will be the
responsible party on the clay of this event
E -Mail:
4. Entertainment:
Describe entertainment plans. If there will be music, sound amplification or any other noise impact,
please describe including the intended hours.
n r- '_ . ) tib.
V r/3n _
5. Sanitary Facilities:
Describe the facilities present on the site (type, number & location) as well as temporary/ portablefacilitiestobeprovided.
City of Seandia, Special Event Permit Application, Page 2 of 7
6. Parking and traffic control:
Describe the location and number of parking spaces available. Describe arrangements that have been
made for traffic control.
7. Emergency/ medical services:
Describe measures that will be taken to ensure emergency vehicle access (police, fire, ambulance) to
the event area.
Ce f1' r`s- r" civ ri _
8. Security/ crowd management:
Describe your proposed procedures and staffing for the event operations and crowd control.
9. Trash/recycling, event clean-up:
Describe the number, type and location of trash/ recycling containers to be provided. What provisions
have been made for clean-up of the site and surrounding area after the event?
Name of trash/ recycling hauler:
10. Lighting:
Describe any temporary or permanent lighting that will be added for the event.
City ofSeandia, Special Event Permit Application, Page 3 of 7
11. Temporary structures or construction.
Describe any tents, canopies, enclosures, stages, platforms, scaffolding, risers, bleachers, fences, and
any other tvpc of temporary structure or construction for the event. Event sponsor is responsible toobtainanybuildingorelectricalpermitsthatmayberequiredforsuchconstruction.
I -/- 2 c/ ' D
12. Advertising and promotion.
Describe how this event will be advertises and promoted. Describe any signs (size, type, location.)
All signs must comply with Scandia Development Code Chapter 2 Section 9.13 including a permit if
13. Noise:
Describe expected type, duration and timing of any noise sources. Describe measures to be taken to
ensure compliance with city noise ordinance (Ordinance No. 65.)
14. Fireworks or pyrotechnics:
Will any fireworks or pyrotechnics be used at the event? Yes No
If yes, describe in detail. Fire Department approval will be required.
City of Scandia, Special Event Permit Application, Page 4 of 7
15. Food and beverages:
Will alcoholic beverages be served?
If yes, describe the type of beverages and the status of the liquor
Leff ? !
cC d1 fI'i 2. A 41
Yes c-- No
W'11 fOOd and/or non-alcoholic beverages be served? Yes NO
if yes, describe what will be served an any plans for cooking food in the event area, including fuel
source io be used:
Has a license been obtained fi•om the Washington County
Depar'unent of Health and Eaviroriment? (please attach) Yes No
16. Other concessions:
Describe what vendors or concessionaires you will allow at the event, and how you intend to regulate
and monitor their activities.
17. Gambling:
Will there be any gambling (raffles, pull -tabs, bingo, etc.) at the
event? Yes No L ---
If yes, a lawful gambling permit will be required as provided by state law and Scandia Ordinance No.
100. Describe the gambling activity and the status of the gmnbling permit.
18. Worker's compensation compliance:
In accordance with Minnesota Statutes all applicants for license and permits to operate a business in
1 Minnesota must submit acceptable evidence of compliance with workers' compensation insurance
requirements. Please complete the certificate of compliance and attach to this application.
City ofScandia, Special Event Permit Application, Page 5 of 7
19. Indemnification:
Ordinance No. 119 requires that a special event permit holder shall agree to defend, indem-niry andboldtheCity, .its officers and employees harmless from any liability, claim, damages, costs, judgments,
Of expe"ses, inc:ludirib attt3ruey's fees, resulting directly or indirectly Born an act or ornissiirrrincluding, without limitation, Professional errors and omissions of event promoter, its agents,
employees, arising out of or by any reason of the conduct of the activity authorized by such permit and
against all loss caused in any way be reason of the failure of the event promoter to fully perform all
obligations under this ordinance. Please complete the release and indemnification agreement and
ana-ch to .his ..pplica:ras:.
Lu. Insurance
As a condition of the granting of a permit for a special event conducted on public property or public
streets or parking lots, the pennit holder shall provide to the City a public liability insurance policy
naming the City as an additional insured entity witty limits of not less than one trillion dollars per
occurrence. Please attach the certificate of insurance to this application.
THE M27V1VESOTA DATA PRACTICES ACT requires that we inform you ofyour rights about the private
data tive are requesting on this form. Private data is available to you, but not to the public. We are requesting
this data to determine your eligibilityfor a permit from the City of Scandia. Providing the data may disclose
information that could ceruse your application to be denied. You are not legally required to provide the data;
however, refusing to supply the data may cause your permit to not be processed. Your residence address and
telephone number will be considered public data unless you request this information to be private and provide
an n/tv_rnative address and telephone number. please_ Sib below to indicate that you have read this notice.
Signature: u Date: /ZZ012- Z -
I request that my residence address and telephone number be considered private data.
My alternative address and telephone number are as follows:
Address. Telephone:
Acknowiedgement/ Signature:
I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application form and Ordinance No. 119, Establishing Rules and
Regulations for Special Events, and agree to abide by the ordinance and any other conditions that the City of
Scandia may place upon issuance of this permit.
Signature: " Date: 1 .ao II Z- .
City of Scandia, Special Event Permit Application, Page 6 of 7
alt 6m"Iffin) %MON.&M,
In consideration for being pennitted to engage in the following special event activities in Scandia:
Special Event Permit Holder hereby acknowledges, represents, and agrees as follows:
A. We understand that the above described activities are or may be dangerous and do or may
involve risks of injury, loss, or damage to us and/or third parties. We further
acknowledge that such risks may include but not be limited to bodily injury, personal
injury, sickness, disease, death, and property loss or damage, arising from the following
circumstances, among others:
TSpecEai Events -Permit Holder initials here)
we agree to require each participant ;n our special eve
farm approved by the city.
required? YES'_ NO _
ectal Events Permit Holder initials here)
ince, and pay forspecial event insurance coverage, from an
3 S-candia, for.the duration of the above described
Inc a vents Permit Bolder initials here)J -
expressly assume all such risks of injury, loss, or damage to us or any related third party,
arising out of or in any way related to the above described activities, whether or not
caused by the act, omission, negligence, or other fault of the City of Scandiu, its officers,
iLs employees, or by any other cause -
Special Events Permit Holder Initials here)
hereby exempt, release and discharge the City of Scandia, its officers, and its employees,
from any and all claims, demands, and actions for such injury, loss, or damage to us or to
any third party, arising out oCor in any way related to the above_ described activities,
whether or not caused by the act, omission. negligence, or other fault of the City of
Scandia its officers, its employees, or by any other cause.
f1 n
Special Events Permit Holder Initials here)
JF)Ve fitttl1er agree to defend, indemnify aqd .}o,ld harmless the City of Scandia, its off ccrs,
employees, insurers, and self insurance pool, from and against all liability, claims, and
demands, court costs and attorneys fees, including those arising from any third party
claim asserted against the city, its officers, employees, insurers or self insurance pool, on
account of injury, ioss or damage, including without -imitation claims arising from bodily
injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property damage or loss, or any other
loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any way related to the above
described activities, whether or not caused by our act, omission, negligence, or other fault
of the City. of Scandia, its officers, its employees, or by any other cause.
F.,. (
Special Events Permit Holder Initials here} l,i'
ac r ovv edge ant- agree. that..said Agreement extends to all acts, omissions, negligence, or
other` fatjli of tbe:C ty of Scandia, its officers, andfor its employees, and that said
Agrument i .i*hdAd to be as broad anid_inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the
State -of If any poilion tliMiW is hely] invalid, it is further agTeed that the
balaztce Aall,-nbt%Offisfim'ding, continue in full legal force. and effect_
Special Events Holder Initials he LPf{
e un cyte`" an agree that dais RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION
4Ak It 1q T shAi lie governed aby the iaws of the State of Minnesota and that
i and venue for any edit OF cause of action under this agreement shall lie in the
Special Events Permit Holder Initials here)
1. "This RELEASE AND INDEIIMIFICATION AGREEMENT shall be effective as of
effwaMdf the da.tc 4Dr dates of the applical}lc special event, shall .continue in full farce until ,our
responsibilities hereuder axe fully discharged, and shall be binding upon us, our
successors, represniatives, heirs, executors, assigns, and transferees.
Speclal Events Permit Holder Initials here)
7 /1 I JG •
0 94 Feet
Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 1/23/2015 11:33 AM
r. .
17-IlLir 7
t r D IA
tj City Limits
Parcels (7-1-2014)
Lot Lines
This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a
survey and is not intended to be used as one. This
drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data
located in various city, county, and state offices, and
other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used
for reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not
responsible for anv inaccuracies herein contained.
MI P s .,
0 94 Feet
Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 1/23/2015 11:33 AM
r. .
17-IlLir 7
t r D IA
tj City Limits
Parcels (7-1-2014)
Lot Lines
This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a
survey and is not intended to be used as one. This
drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data
located in various city, county, and state offices, and
other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used
for reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not
responsible for anv inaccuracies herein contained.