08.a 01.05.2023 PRC Minutes DRAFT
City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Thursday, January 5, 2023
A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center
and via Zoom. Attended by Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice-Chair), Dustin Hegland, Kimberly Johnson,
Charles Fischer (Public Works Director) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assi stant). Absent: Tom Hinz and
Heather Benson (Council Representative.) Gorham called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., a quorum was
Bill Jabas, 21850 Oldfield Ave N, provided a handout proposing offering an 8 week Tai Chi course to be held in
the Community Center, with perhaps a one free introductory class prior to the course beginning. Staff directed
to follow up to include this proposal on a future PRC meeting agenda.
Johnson requested removing item 6. b Park Events (formerly Lilleskogen Park Dinner Event) and item 6. c Outings
Coordinator from the agenda. Motion to approve the agenda as amended by Hegland, seconded by Zauner.
Motion carried unanimously.
Gorham called for any additions or corrections to the December 5, 2022 minutes. No additions or corrections
were submitted. The minutes stand approved.
Chair Report
Gorham stated the chair report will be comments in agenda items to be covered.
Public Works Report
Fischer provided a written report. Fischer responded to questions regarding the ice rink’s boards and ice surface.
MSA Update
Gorham reported that MSA is preparing a draft report for the February 7th PRC meeting. MSA met with staff to
clarify the process and ensure their proposal will be aligned with the city’s 2040 Comp Plan.
Lilleskogen’s Children’s Story Path Coordinator
Gorham will install Vinterfest Design contest submissions in the storyboards at Lilleskogen for display by next
week. Discussion for the future included finding a lead volunteer to coordinate smaller tasks to keep the
program going and different adjustments to the frames already installed that experience challenges during
winter weather. Follow up in the next few months as staff has current laminated stories to post for the next few
Vinterfest Planning
Zauner updated the committee on the new design of the banners and posters. Discussion included details
regarding the posters, Vinterbean Contest location for Gorham, Johnson facilitating the Paint a Park Pebble
activity, and the timing of assisting the Scandia Marine Lions with their donation for fireworks. Staff relayed
Bolton-Menk’s request to be contacted earlier in the Vinterfest planning process for sponsorship requests.
Park Ambassadors’ Reports
Hegland requested the water fountain’s filter in the warming house to be changed.
January 5, 2023
Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee
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PRC Operational Calendar
Staff reported that no committee member have terms that expire in 2023. Staff recommends in the future,
when two terms are expiring in the same year, to request Council adjust the dates as needed in order to restore
one expiring term per year. This request would be necessary two times in order to clear up the current situation.
Heather Benson is the new Council Representative.
Donation Solicitations from Local Businesses
Gorham reported Anne Hurlburt, Interim City Administrator, requested PRC take steps to ensure Council
supports PRC efforts to solicit donations from local businesses for the community center playground project.
Discussion confirmed that the direction to continue th ese solicitations originated from Council, no formal action
seems required.
Annual Report Draft Review
Committee members provided staff with corrections or additions:
• Offer Tai Chi in place of yoga
• Remove Art in the Park event
• Reorder the report for the 2022 calendar of events to be placed before the 2023 goals and projects
• Continue to explore the DNR School Forest program
• Incorporate the written feedback provided by Gorham, Zauner, and Patti Ray
The proposed agenda for the Monday, February 6, 2023 meeting:
1. MSA Update
2. Tai Chi course
3. Vinterfest Recap
4. Park Events
5. Outings Coordinator
6. Earth Day Activity Ideas
7. Park Ambassador Reports
8. Operational Calendar
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Zauner, seconded by Hegland. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator