10.a 3 Emails re Planning Cost Issue LorenzAnne Hurlburt
From: Anne Hurlburt
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 6:19 PM
To: Correy Lorenz
Cc: TJ Hofer; b.eklund
Subject: RE: Lorenz IUP Application-- Questions on Cost
I will place your application on the Council agenda for February 21. We will send them all of the application materials
and reports that have been prepared previously so they can make a decision.
Your email below can serve as your request for the Council to waive some of the fees. If you want to add more specifics
that would be fine.
If the circumstances were different, and Evan had continued as planner after December 31, there would have been
additional billings from TKDA to prepare your request for the Council meetings and to help you respond to the Council's
requests. The MOST I would recommend would be that the city absorb some or all of TKDA's bill, in recognition that
Bolton and Menk may have needed some extra time to review Evan's work before they started billing in January. I don't
know if the Council would agree or not, but that might be a reasonable request.
Anne Hurlburt
Interim City Administrator
From: Correy Lorenz <correylorenz@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 5:04 PM
To: Anne Hurlburt <a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us>
Subject: Re: Lorenz IUP Application-- Questions on Cost
I am unwilling to spend anymore money on this. I have addressed everything for the IUP. And the additional questions
they asked. I was asked to provide things that were in my original application. The packet I provided to the city had lots
of information from the UofM and PCA all detailing manure management protocols.
I did indeed acknowledge TJ very professional and positive attitude hoping the city would take note that he's an asset to
this community. That acknowledgment didn't give the green light to charge me for something that the previous planner
had already did. I am well aware of the work he put in. My point is that work was already done by the previous planner. I
did not need him to go threw the whole process . Just the part where we went from 20 to 13.
This was also addressed by TJ that the # was not valid reason to deny the permit.
I think TJ does a great thorough job and if he would have put on the presentation without Evan in the picture previously
I would have no complaints.
It make zero sense for me to pay for something twice and I won't.
As for my application, I fully intend on standing by it. We have not went threw all these meetings and had babysitters
watching are little children and sitting for hours for nothing.
The majority of what the council asked for was already in my packet. They just didn't read it.
We plan to spread the manure on our property with are manure spreader. 6.15 acres at 11 tons per acre is easily doable.
I have provided names Mike and Wally Nehibor who said I could take access to them if need be.
As for asking city council to waive fees I would have no idea on how to do that. I didn't see that in my packet. If you
could point me in a direction that would be great.
Thank you Anne
Sorry we are emailing under these circumstances.
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 13, 2023, at 4:24 PM, Anne Hurlburt <a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us> wrote:
I understand that you disagree with the time it has taken to respond to the Council's concerns
about the IUP application. I believe you are significantly underestimating the time that TJ spent
trying to help you respond to the concerns and to prepare the reports and resolutions. I am
somewhat surprised, as you did indicate your appreciation for TJ's help and your willingness to
spend more time with him to respond to the Council's concerns.
Before you incur additional costs to pay an attorney, you might want to consider submitting a
request that the Council waive payment for some of the costs. You may have an argument that
there may have been some duplication of effort, given that the city changed planning
consultants in the middle of processing your application.
If you do not want to incur any additional costs for TJ to work with you to address the Council's
concerns, I can tell him to send the file back to the me and not to spend any more time on
it. We can send your application back to the Council and they can take action based on the
information they have.
Please let me know how you wish to proceed.
I am including the email I have for Michelle on this response; maybe it will go through this
Anne Hurlburt
Interim City Administrator
City of Scandia
14727 209`h Street North
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: 651-433-2274 Fax: 651-433-51 12 612-202-8325
Web: www.cityofscandi3.com
Email: a.hurIburtf7ciscandia.mn.us
From: Correy Lorenz <corre lorenz mail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 4:05 PM
To: Anne Hurlburt <a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us>
Subject: Re: Lorenz IUP Application-- Questions on Cost
need a detailed explanation and breakdown to make sure I am not paying for the same service twice. If
Evan reviewed the permit and made recommendations. For the 575$ then the council made a
recommendation that I lower the number when they tabled the IUP. I would not be expected to pay for
some one to review the whole application because I already paid for that. I would be billed for the time I
met with TJ which was 1/2 hr Max and his time to write up the reduction in animals we were asked to
address due to council tabling the IUP.
It is absolutely ridiculous to ask for me to pay the 1300 for half hr time and to take a number of animals
in the IUP which had no basis to be lowered but in good faith I cooperated from 20 animals down to 13.
It would really be sad to the citizens of Scandia to have to pay litigation over something so stupid.
It is no fault of mine if the city did not let TJ know that this IUP had already been processed by the
previous planer and he would only need to spend minimal time just addressing the reduction in
numbers as the counsel stated.
This is really opening up a can of worms, I need details on the billing , hourly rates and specifics, on
which part of the IUP the time was spent on.
Sent from my Whone
On Feb 13, 2023, at 3:41 PM, Anne Hurlburt <a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us> wrote:
I sent my last email to the email address we have on file for Michelle. It came
back undeliverable.
If you want us to include her in future email correspondence please provide a
current email address.
Thank you,
Anne Hurlburt
Interim City Administrator
City of Scandia
14727 209`h Street North
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: 651-433-2274 Fax: 651-433-51 12 Cell: 612-202-8325
Web: www.ciryofscandia.com
Email: a.hurlburt(oki.scandia.mmus
From: Microsoft Outlook
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Anne Hurlburt
From: Anne Hurlburt
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 3:39 PM
To: Correy Lorenz; michellegallie2@yahoo.com
Cc: b.eklund; TJ Hofer
Subject: Re: Lorenz UP Application-- Questions on Cost
Correy, we can give you a copy of our billing from TKDA, and we can also give you a copy of the billing from
Bolton and Menk (when we receive it, which should be sometime this week.) So you will have the same detail
that the city has. By copy of this email, I will ask City Clerk Brenda Eklund to send those to you as she handles
accounts payable.
From now on we will email both you and Michelle on all of our correspondence. Please advise us when you
know how you wish to proceed. If we don't hear from you, we will need to put this matter on the City
Council's March 1 agenda so they can take action before the expiration of the review period.
Anne Hurlburt
Interim City Administrator
City of Scandia
14727 209`h Street North
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone:651-433-2274 Fax:651-433-5112 Cell:612-202-8325
Web: www.ciUofscandia.com
Email: a.hurlbur0CDci.scandia.mn.us
From: Correy Lorenz <correylorenz@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 3:11 PM
To: Anne Hurlburt <a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us>
Subject: Re: Lorenz IUP Application-- Questions on Cost
Can I get a breakdown on the hours what the time was spent on. There is two different companies TKDA and Bolton.
570$ for Evan to go over the entire permit and make recommendations.
1354.50 to lower the number and meet with us for 20 min?
I would like a breakdown of hourly rebate and what it was spent on. So I can submit to my attorneys
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 13, 2023, at 1:33 PM, Anne Hurlburt <a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us> wrote:
I'm sorry Correy, I was responding to an email from you.
From: Correy Lorenz <correylorenz@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 12:46 PM
To: Anne Hurlburt <a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us>
Subject: Re: Lorenz IUP Application-- Questions on Cost
Is there a reason Michelle isn't copied in the email with TJ? She's on the permit
Sent from my Whone
On Feb 13, 2023, at 11:51 AM, Anne Hurlburt <a,liLirlburt()ci.scandia.mn.us> wrote:
Hello Correy,
Here's the status of the cash escrow for your UP application:
Escrow Deposit paid 11/7/2022: $ 1,000.00
Expenses to date:
Public Hearing Notice in newspaper $ 25.50
TKDA Invoice Dec 2022 $ 570.00
Bolton & Menk Invoice January 2023: $ 3,354._50
Total Expenses: $ 1,950.00
Balance (owed to City) $ ($950.00)
It is likely that additional costs would be incurred to prepare for a future Council
meeting. After all costs are in, the city will bill you for the balance. This does not
depend upon the final outcome of your request; you agreed to pay these costs when
you submitted your application.
If you want to avoid any further costs, you may withdraw your application, and comply
with the ordinance requirements for the keeping of livestock on your property.
I understand that you are frustrated with the process. The City Council is the final
decision -maker on this type of application, and they do sometimes request additional
information to help with their evaluation. If the information requested by the Council is
not provided it may lead to the application being denied.
If you wish to proceed with your application, please work with TJ Hofer to provide the
additional information the Council requested and we will schedule it for either the
February 21 or March 1 City Council meeting. Our current deadline for action is March
16, 2023, and those are the only two Council meetings before that date. If you wish to
extend the review period, we will need your request to do so, in writing.
Please contact me or TJ if you have any questions.
Anne Hurlburt
Interim City Administrator
City of Scandia
14727 209`' Street North
Scandia, MN 55073
Phone: 651-433-2274 Fa. 651-433-51 12 Cell: 612-202-8325
Web:www.-itf ndia.cQm
Email: a.hurlburt�ci.scandia.mn.us
W. --
-----Original Message -----
From: Correy Lorenz <correylorenz@gmaii.c_o_m>
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 9:49 AM
To: Anne Hurlburt <a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us>
Subject: Re: Question on cost
Also can I have a clear distinction between what's billed with Evan and before it was
tabled. And then after up until currently.
Thank you for your prompt response Anne
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 8, 2023, at 9:22 AM, Anne Hurlburt <a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us> wrote:
> Correy, I will check and get back to you with an estimate in the next day or two-
> Anne
> Anne Hurlburt
> Interim City Administrator
> City of Scandia
> 14727 209th Street North
> Scandia, MN 55073
> Phone: 651-433-2274 Fax: 651-433-5112 Cell: 612-202-8325
> Web: www.cityofscandia.com
> Email: a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us
> -----Original Message-----
• From: Correy Lorenz <correylorenz@gmail.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 9:08 AM
> To: Anne Hurlburt <a.hurlburt@ci.scandia.mn.us>
> Subject: Question on cost
> Hello Anne, I am trying to get a straight answer on the cost of my IUP?
> I am really disappointed and quite disturbed by this process so far.
> I paid 1200 and thought this would cover it.
> I applied for this permit and checked vigorously with Brenda and Evan to make sure I
had all information provided to obtain the IUP.
> This was voted on by planning committee and approved. Then tabled by the city
council for to many animals with no basis to that.
> Also at the time it was tabled there was no mention of an issue with manure
management plan?
> I came way down on my numbers even though it was not a legitimate issue.
> I have now been handed a brand new issue At the last meeting about manure
management plan. Why this was not all addressed at the same time when it was tabled
is very suspect.
> I should not have to suffer the burden of multiple changes in staff and not clearly
getting directions from staff.
> I want to know what the total is at this point?
> Sent from my iPhone