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10.a 5 Staff Report 01 17 2023
SCANDIA Date of Meeting: January 17, 2023 To: Mayor and City Council From: T.J. Hofer, Consultant City Planner Re: Interim Use Permit (IUP) for Additional Animal Units Applicant: Correy and Michelle Lorenz Zoning: Rural Residential - General (RR-G) Owner: Correy and Michelle Lorenz Future Land General Rural Lorenz Property 2 LLC Use 16315 2091h Street North Location: PID 1903219220004 & Review March 17.2023 1903219220008 Deadline: The applicant is requesting approval for an interim use permit (IUP) to allow up to 20 animal units on their property at 16315 209th Street North. The application intends to allow the applicant to raise cattle in addition to other activities on their land. If the interim use is permitted, the applicants would construct a structure to shelter the additional livestock, as well as fencing and a manure storage area. BACKGROUND The subject property consists of two parcels, totaling 6.15 acres in size, and is zoned Rural Residential — General and guided as General Rural in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. A single- family dwelling and detached accessory structure are located on the southern half of the property. Most of the site is undeveloped. The property slopes from the southwest corner down towards the north and east towards where the property adjoins right-of-way on 2091h Street and 11 Page St. Croix Trail North/TH 95. Adjacent properties are all primarily used for single-family dwellings and zoned RR-G. The Unified Development Code (UDC) outlines requirements for livestock and livestock operations in Chapter 153.300.030 Subd. 1(P). This section also outlines the maximum amount of livestock permitted, based on animal units and the size of the property. A head of cattle is equal to 1.0 animal units, other types of livestock are assigned different animal units. The table is included in the attachments. A minimum of two acres is required for each animal unit. The UDC allows for a landowner to obtain an IUP to exceed the density of one animal unit per two acres. In this case, the applicants would be limited to three cattle without an IUP, as their property is 6.15 acres in size. The code allows for a higher density of livestock to be permitted through an interim use permit (IUP). The UDC does not set a standard to determine a maximum amount of animal units allowed through an IUP. The applicant has provided an inventory of the animals currently on the site and the inventory is attached. Based on the current weight of the animals on the site, the total animal units present on the site is 2.1 animal units. Table 1: Existing Conditions: Animal Units (as of 111212023) Animal Type Number of Animal Unit Total Animal Unit Animal Calves, 150 lbs or less 4 150/1000 0.6 or 0.15 Calves; 150-250 lbs. 5 250/1000 1.25 or 0.25 Swine, under 50 lbs. 5 0.05 0.25 Total 2.1 animal units The application includes a description of the request and multiple documents regarding the request. Communications between the applicant and officials and experts from the MPCA and the University of Minnesota were included with the application. Additionally included in the application is a petition with six signatures in favor of the application. EVALUATION OF REQUEST Comments Five letters were received by the City regarding the public hearing, two in support of the application and three against the application. The letters are included in the attachments. 21 Page Interim Use Permit Livestock Standards and Requirements Chapter 153.300.030 Subd. 1(P) outlines the requirements for livestock in the city. The density of livestock permitted on a site is based on the size of the property. Table 153.300.030-1. `Animal Units Per Acre Equivalents' lists the animal unit value assigned to different types of livestock. A minimum of two acres is required for each animal unit. The UDC allows for a landowner to obtain an IUP to exceed the density of one animal unit per two acres. In this case, the applicants would be limited to three cattle without an IUP, as their property is 6.15 acres in size. The applicant's initial request on the application was for "15 or more beef cattle." After further discussion the request was brought forward to both the Planning Commission, on December 6, 2022, and City Council, on December 20, 2022, requesting permission for "20 cattle." Following these meetings, staff met with the applicant to discuss the request. The applicant detailed the cyclical process of raising the livestock to staff. Using the information provided by the applicant, staff has estimated that the following will be the maximum amount of livestock on the site at any time: Table 2: Proposed Conditions: Maximum Operational Animal Units Animal Type Number of Animal Unit Total Animal Unit Animal Calves, 150 lbs or less 9 150/1000 1.35 or 0.15 Slaughter Cattle 9 1 9 Swine, over 55 lbs 5 0.4 2 Total 12.35 animal units Staff has not received a formal request to lower the animal units allowed by the IUP below the original 20. Staff believes the applicant's proposed use could be accomplished with an allowed animal unit maximum anywhere between 13 and 15 animal units. The first condition in the approving resolution has been amended from "20" to "15" animal units. 153.300.030 Subd. I(P)(IV) states that to obtain the Interim Use Permit, "the applicant must demonstrate that facilities are present and that appropriate practices are being employed to preclude surface or ground water contamination, excessive manure accumulation, odor, noise and other nuisances". To address the conditions regarding manure accumulation, odor, noise, and other nuisances, the applicant is proposing to have a 100 sq. ft. (10 ft. x 10 ft.) manure storage area on the site. The applicant has stated in their application that they have the availability to give away excess 31 Page manure to be spread on a neighbor's farm fields as fertilizer or to sell to interested buyers. If the applicant was proposing to transport the manure themselves, a Manure Management Plan approved by the MPCA would be required. The applicant proposes to add fencing for pasture and grazing areas and a 128 sq. ft. shelter for the cattle if the IUP is approved. Staff is not aware of any factors that would cause concern fur groundwater contamination on the site. The proposed property is over 3,000 ft. away from the St. Croix River and outside of the Saint Croix River District. The standards of the Saint Croix River District and Shoreland Management Overlay District do not apply to the subject property. Accessory Structures and Fencing Standards for accessory structure are established in 153.200.030 Subd. 6 of the UDC. Dimensional standards for accessory structures sheltering farm animals are covered under Subd. 6(B). Setbacks for such structures are 100 ft. from any property line, 50 ft. from wells or residential structures on the property, and 200 ft. from any wetlands, lakes, or streams. Table 153.200.030-20. 'Accessory Structure Dimensional and Size Standards' outlines the size and number of accessory structures permitted on a property. Since this property falls in the 5.00 to 9.99 acre size category, one agricultural building is permitted. Building permits would be required for the structure, due to its size; zoning requirements would be reviewed as part of the building permit process. Fencing standards are found in Section 153.400.060 Subd. 4 of the UDC. A fence would be permitted up to a height of six feet along the right-of-way for a parcel that is agricultural in use, provided said fence is `wire strand, woven wire, or wood split rail fence.' Properties that are primarily used for agriculture do not require a permit for a fence that is six feet or under. Livestock vs Feedlot The proposed use would be required to register with the MPCA as a feedlot if it was at a density of 50 animal units, and submit an MPCA compliant manure management plan at a density of 100 animal units; animal units for this are calculated differently than what the city uses, though the applicant would still be below those thresholds. The proposed use does not meet the definition of a feedlot. IUP Criteria Chapter 153.500.060 Subd. I (C)(I) of the UDC lists the general standards to meet to grant a CUP or IUP. Below these standards are repeated in italics, with the staffs findings following: 1. The proposed use will be in compliance with and shall not have a negative effect upon the Comprehensive Plan, including public facilities and capital improvement plans. Livestock and Livestock Operations are a permitted use in the RR-G zone and are not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. The ordinance permits additional animal density 41 Page through an IUP. The proposed use will not require new public facilities or impact the City's capital improvement plan. 2. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the proposed use will promote and enhance the general public welfare and will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals or comfort. The proposed use is permitted within this zoning district, however, the applicant is requesting a higher intensity use than is allowed by right. The proposed use may not create adverse impacts on the public health safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the public. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the City Council finds issues with the proposed use concerning surface or ground water contamination, excessive manure accumulation, odor, noise, and other potential nuisances. Due to the proposed transfer of manure, a Manure Management Plan should be required to be submitted to the city. Staff has included a condition that a Manure Management Plan be submitted. 3. The proposed use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinityfor the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and impair property values or scenic views. The site is already screened from lots to the east, west, and south by existing vegetation. The only lot that would be able to easily see the structure is the lot to the north across 209th. The use would be visible to the right-of-way of 209th and the highway. Most nearby properties are either agricultural or residential in use, as lots in this portion of the city are zoned RR-G or AG-C. This zone is meant to `promote the rural character of the city', the raising of livestock would be consistent with a rural setting. Given the existing landscaping between the subject property and neighboring lots, and the rural character of the area, this use may not substantially diminish or impair nearby property values or scenic views. 4. The establishment of the proposed use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding propertyfor uses permitted in the district. The proposed use will not impede development or improvement of surrounding properties. 5. Adequate public facilities and services are available or can be reasonably provided to accommodate the use which is proposed. The proposed use will use the same driveway as the house, no new curb cut or access drive will be needed. The proposed use would not require an extension of city -owned public facilities. 51Page 6. The proposed use shall conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located and all other applicable standards of this Chapter. The proposed use is consistent with the applicable regulations of the RR-G District and is consistent with the requirements of the UDC. Any future structures on the site will be required to conform with the applicable regulations of the district. Reasonable conditions of approval can be added if the City Council finds issues with the proposed use in relation to surface or ground water contamination, excessive manure accumulation, odor, noise, and other potential nuisances. 7. The proposed use complies with the general and specific performance standards as specified by this Section and this Chapter. This proposed interim use appears to meets the general and specific performance standards of the UDC. In addition, Chapter 153.500.060 Subd. I (C)(11) notes the following standards specific to IUPs must be met: 1. The use is allowed as an interim use in the respective Base Zoning District or any applicable Overlay District. Livestock are a permitted use in the RR-G zone; the proposed density of 2.43 animal units per acre (15 animal units on 6.15 acres of land) is may be permitted through an interim use permit. 2. The date or event that will terminate the use can be identified with certainty. As an interim use, the City can set an end date or `sunset' of the interim use. The Planning Commission recommended the interim use be set to terminate after three years at which point the applicant would reapply and the City would evaluate how the use is performing. 3. The use will not impose additional unreasonable costs on the public. The proposed use would not require an extension of city -owned infrastructure or facilities (such as roads, city sewer, etc.). 4. The user agrees to any conditions that the City Council deems appropriate for permission of the use. Conditions of approval must be agreed to by the applicant. 61Page Planning Commission Review The application was reviewed by the Planning Commission at their December 6, 2022 meeting. The Planning Commission held a public hearing where two residents spoke. One resident spoke in favor of the application and the other resident commented that they were concerned about odors coming from the proposed use. The public hearing was then closed. Commissioners discussed the topic and questioned the applicant about the proposal. The applicant discussed the application with the Commission and spoke about how they had reached out to multiple experts at organizations like the MPCA and the University of Minnesota to inform their application. The applicants responded to some of the letters that were submitted as public comment and noted that the cattle breed that was stated in the letters was incorrect. Concerns were raised about the number of animals on a parcel of this size. The Commission discussed how long the IUP should run before it terminated and ultimately decided on three years. The Planning Commission voted to recommend approval with the condition that the IUP terminate after three years with a vote of 4-1. After further review staff has updated the first condition in the resolution recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. The original condition read, "I. The applicant is permitted a maximum of 20 cattle on the property. Increases in the number of animal units on the site shall require an amendment to the IUP." The UDC allows for, "The keeping of livestock in greater density than allowed as stated above requires the owner to obtain an Interim Use Permit." The UDC does not regulate specific species of animal, but animal units. The condition has been updated to reflect this and account for all livestock on the property, rather than specifically cattle. Staff Analysis Staff finds that the proposed plan is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Where the plan is not consistent, staff has recommended conditions within the resolution to bring the proposal into compliance. The UDC does not currently have a standard that would establish a maximum number of animal units allowed on site through an IUP. Staff recommends that the City Council not make a decision on the application based solely on the number of animal units. If the City Council finds that the applicant will not meeting the requirements and standards for the IUP, the City may deny the request. Staff has prepared draft resolutions for approval and denial in the event the Council finds the application does not meet the standards. Options A. If the City Council finds that the IUP standards have not been met, they should deny the request. The City Council should also review the findings for denial and amend the findings as needed. 71 Page B. If the City Council finds that the IUP standards have been met, they should move to approve, as recommended by the Planning Commission. The Council may also further modify the resolution. The proposed conditions are: 1. The applicant is permitted a maximum of 15 animal units on the property. Increases in the number of animal units on the site shall require an amendment to the IUP. 2. The applicant shall adhere to the fencing and accessory structure requirements of the UDC. 3. The applicant shall submit a manure management plan to the City. 4. The applicant shall acquire applicable permits required by the watershed district and adhere to their requirements. The IUP shall terminate three years from the date of approval; or in the event the property is sold, the use is discontinued, or conditions of the permit are violated, whichcvcr occurs first. 6. The applicant shall secure all applicable local, state, and federal permits for the proposed request. 7. The applicant shall pay all fees and escrow costs related to the application. The Council may also want to amend the conditions based on the following: Does the applicant need to provide more information or more involved ways to deal with manure? • Does the IUP need to terminate at an earlier or later date? C. If the Council finds that more information is required, they could table the item. The deadline for action for the application has already been extended to the 120-day time limit. The application deadline is now March 17. 2023. The City Council would need to act on the item on the February 21, 2023 meeting. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial or adoption of the resolution as written. Attachments C. Zoning Map of the Subject Property 81 Page D. 2040 Future Land Use Map E. Unified Development Code 153.300.030 Subd. 1(P) F. Applicant's Narrative G. Site Plan 9 1 P a a e N D v U 6 N N N O -6 T > , m > X — n �_ o c a [6 U CVI O - - N 'n U S 1 _ _ c > a > > 5 o ^' v c G _j N 2 un s o- . z p c9 N w _ J d (n _ J co N � � � � � a- (A r� ►s1 m spa El LIE] 0 0 - o -E 0 0 0 0 ZY C OZ JW O� v III. An individual sewage treatment system must be installed with the capacity to handle waste and hosings from the kennel and kennel runs. IV. The above standards may be waived for kennels accessory to a veterinary clinic. A kennel accessory to a veterinary clinic must be enclosed completely within the principal structure. V. The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed operation will not cause negative effects on neighboring properties or on the general health and welfare of the City. (N) he—yme fi -- PTivarc. Private kennels must comply with all of the following standards: I. The number of animals kept on the premises must comply with the limits stated in the Interim Use Permit. IL .adequate facilities for the care and keeping of the animals is required, and such facilities must be maintained. III. The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed operation will not cause negative effects on neighboring properties or on the general health and welfare of the Cite. (0) Lht M-,inufacturing and -Assembly I. Accessory Uses to Light -Manufacturing and .assembly include the following: a. Exterior Storage is permitted as an accessory use to the permitted use and must comply with all the following standards: i. The exterior storage must be located to the rear of the building. ii. The exterior storage area must be fenced and screened from view of State, County, and City roadways and all property lines. b. The light manufacturing and assembly facility may contain a retail sales room provided it meets the following standards: i. Retail sales are limited to those products which are produced by the manufacturing use. H. Retail sales use may not occupy more than 20% of the light manufacturing building. c. All overhead doors and loading and unloading areas to the facility must be located on the side or rear of the building provided these areas are screened from view of State, County, and City roadways. iii. Landscaping and screening shall be provided according to the requirements of Section [153.400.060]. (P) LAY--cawck and Livestock 012t-ratian�. I. .animal Densit<,. Livestock and livestock operations must comply with all of the following standards regardless of the number of animal units on the property or whether a permit is required: a. No livestock, with the exception of fowl, may be kept on any site of less than 5 acres. For purposes of this section, 5 acres may include the road right of way. II. The following equivalents shall apply when determining animal units per acre: Table 153.300.030-1. Animal Units Per Acre Equivalents 153.300 page - One horse 1.0 One swine over 55 pounds 0.4 One swine under 55 pounds 0.05 One goose or duck 0.02 One goat or sheep 0.1 One turkey 0,018 One chicken 0.01 I One llama 0.5 III. For animals not listed above, the number of animal units will be defined as the average weight of the animal divided by 1,000 pounds. IN'. A minimum of 2 acres is required for each animal unit or its equivalent on parcels that are five (5) acres in size or larger. The keeping of livestock in greater density than allowed as stated above requires the owner to obtain an Interim Use Permit. To obtain the Interim Use Permit, the applicant must demonstrate that facilities are present and that appropriate practices are being employed to preclude surface or ground water contamination, excessive manure accumulation, odor, noise and other nuisances. V. Domestic. Fowl on Lots Smaller than Five Acres. a. The minimum acreage and animal density requirements are waived for the keeping of domestic fowl (chickens, turkeys, geese or ducks) on lots smaller than five (5) acres provided the standards in this Section are met. The minimum lot size of parcels in the Shoreland Management Overlay District includes only the area of the parcel that is above the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL). b. The keeping of up to five (5) domestic fowl on a lot that is smaller than five (5) acres does not require a permit. c. The total number of domestic fowl may not exceed ten (10) fowl per acre on a parcel that is between one (1) and five (5) acres in size. Up to five (5) domestic fowl are permitted on a parcel that is less than one (1) acre in size. d. The principal use of the property must be single-family residential and contain a single-family residential structure. Domestic fowl are not permitted on vacant properties or those containing multi -family residential uses. Coop structures used to house domestic fowl that are greater than 120 square feet in size must comply with the accessory building standards established in Section [153 200.030]. e. The keeping of domestic fowl on lots smaller than five (5) acres must comply with the following standards: i. Hen chickens are permitted. ii. Roosters are prohibited. iii. All chickens shall be of the subspecies Gallus gallus domesticus. iv. U fowl species kept on parcels smaller than five (5) acres must be domesticated varieties. v. Guineafowl are prohibited (members of the Family Numididae, genus Agelastes, Numida, Guttera, or Acryllium) and Peafowl (Peacocks) are prohibited (Pavo cristatus, Pavo muticus, and 3fropavo congensis). vi. Fowl may be slaughtered on the property in locations that are not visible to the public or adjacent properties. 153.300 page- vii. If the coop is larger than 120 square feet, the owner must obtain a building permit. If electricity is to be provided for hearing or lighting, the owner shall obtain an electrical permit. Coops, pens and other structures for domestic fowl must meet the structure setback requirements of the Zoning District where the parcel is located, plus all permanent coop structures must meet the following minimum setbacks from dwellings on adjacent properties regardless of lot size: Table 153.300.030-2. Domestic Fowl Structure Setbacks 1-10 20feet 11-20 40feet 21-30 60feet 31-40 80feet 41-50 100 feet viii. Coops, pens and other structures for domestic fowl must be located in rear yards only. If the physical characteristics of the property do not permit the coop to be located within the rear yard, the property owner may request approval of an Administrative Permit to locate the coop in the front or side yard. ix. No person may allow domestic fowl to range outside hex/his property boundaries. x. Structures and areas in which domestic fowl are kept or maintained, including coops and pens, must be kept reasonably clean from filth, garbage, and any substances which attract rodents. xi. Domestic fowl may not be kept in such a manner as to constitute a public nuisance as defined by the City Code. The City may revoke a Permit if the animals become a nuisance. xii. The City may enter and inspect any property, including the coop and back yard, at any reasonable time for the purpose of investigating a reported violation or to ascertain compliance or noncompliance with the City Code. (� Feedlots. I. P ose. The purpose and intent of the regulations that follow is to regulate feedlots consistent with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (NEPC A) standards. a. Prohibiled. The City of Scandia prohibits Confined Animal Feeding Operations (C AFOs), as defined and regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). I1. Required Setbacks-. Feedlots must meet the following minimum requirements, and any applicable IIPC 3 setback regulations. Table 153.300.030-3. Feedlot Setback Requirements Adjacent Use Minimum Setback Parks, excluding trails 100 feet DNR protected stream or lake 100 feet Wetlands 100 feet Private well 100 feet 153.300 page-'-, FA rite iNo.Z0Z2-17 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ZONING REQUEST City of Scandia, Minnesota 14727 209th Street North, Scandia, MN 55073 Phone 651/433-2274 Fax 651/433-5112 Web http://w,w�v.cl.scandia.mn.us Please read before completing: The City will not begin processing an application that is incomplete. Detailed submission requirements may be found in the Scandia Development Code, available at the City office and website (www.ci.scdndia.mn.us) and in the checklist forms for the particular type of application. Application fees are due at the time of application and are not refundable. 1. Property Location: {s,,,I address, if plicerhle} I lv 315 Z d9 -f-r� N CD r\db_� 2. Washington County Parcel ID: I o L4 19 Q 32.E ,A ors 3. Complete Legal Description: (attach i f necessary) I 4. Owner(s): Lorenz PVOP-P_ - 2, LLC - M ; CAq e-I l e- �_Ov- R-Vxz Phone: (h) (b) Street Address: I L03 j 5 'Zpgty) St N E-M, City/ State: �Gc &i_c�_, MN 5. Applicant/Contact Person: COrre_4 Lvv- ev-,z M i c-0eI I e Lovtoa Street Address (Mailing): I U31 j City/ State: C�� 6. Requested Action(s): (check all that apply) Variance Variance Extension Conditional Use Permit (CUP) CUP Extension CUP/ Open Space Subdivision. _ CUP/ Planned Unit Development Interim Use Permit (1UP) Annual Operators Permit Administrative Permit (type) Site Plan Review (type) Site Plan Modification Site Plan Extension Sign (Permanent) Zip: Phone: (h) (b) 0 E-Mail: - Zip: 550-1 -� Amendment (Development Code ) Amendment (Comp. Plan ) Subdivision, Minor Subdivision, Preliminary Plat/Major Subdivision, Final Plat Environmental Review Wetland Review 1. uriei oescrlptnon of Kequest: (attach .separate sheet t� necessary; include vartance Kattonale tr necessatti) e— V\J e- 111A_(P C CC) fY-) t 0 lid m ee.t ty-) e re k • P-rAX-4 S _ffir E f r4 L PHO CLck S , Vu4?C� 1. 5 j:�A +-D ��1e +1.1V - VIA i n I I V.0_ r I Z cL._. L "I e_ . , t r eI r f i 8. Project Name: I hereby apply for consideration of the above described request and declare that the information and materials submitted with this application are complete and accurate. I understand that no application shall be considered complete unless accompanied by fees as required by city ordinance. Applications for projects requiring more than one type of review shall include the cumulative total of all application fees specified for each type of review. 1 understand that applicants are required to reimburse the city for all out-of-pocket costs incurred for processing, reviewing and hearing the application. These costs shall include, but are not limited to: parcel searches; publication and mailing of notices; review by the city's engineering, planning and other consultants; legal costs, and recording fees. An escrow deposit to cover these costs will be collected by the city at the time of application. The minimum escrow deposit shall be cumulative total of all minimum escrow deposits for each type of review required for the project, unless reduced as provided for by ordinance. The city may increase the amount of the required escrow deposit at any time if the city's costs are reasonably expected to exceed the minimum amount. Any balance remaining after review is complete will be refunded to the applicant. No interest is paid on escrow deposits. PLEASE NOTE: If the fee owner is not the applicant, the applicant must provide written authorization by the fee owner in order for this application to be considered complete. Property Fee Owner Signature(s) %2(rC, ,& Ap 'cant Signature(s) Application Fees: Escrow Deposit: t Z00-� -A I,000- r::�ktZ For City Use Only City of Scandia, Minnesota Date: l DI zs/ 22012- Date: 10 125 � ZOZ2 NOV 7 2022 tlp-� ©a— CITY CANDIA 15 or more beef cattle is what we are looking to acheive. Cattle will be checked on 2x daily. Cattle will always have fresh water in their 250 gallon frAut. They always have access to hay, and will be fed grain 2x daily. The cattle will have shelter in carports, with straw bedding. We meet all the requirements for feedlot setbacks. Our manure management plan is that we plan on stock piling our manure in a holding area where it will get covered with a tarp to keep the smell down. We also have permission from Mike Slater who stated that we can spread our manure on his fields for fertilizer. We also are looking into potentially selling the manure as well. The noise of the cattle should not be a concern as there is 2 properties across the street and 2 doors down that also have cattle. We have 3 pastures for the cattle. Two of the pastures are for grazing and then the third is a sacrificial pasture. We will also register with the state of MN as a feedlot. We have supplied documents from varies sources about feedlots and requirements. We have done our due diligence to make sure we have followed the requirements and needs of the city. 4 calves 150LB 5 calves 250L-B 5 pigs under 50LB Plan to buy baby calves from local cattle breeder. Raise from calf -to slaughter weight. Have meat processor come out and take animal for process We have a local hay supplier in Scandla Our vet is in St Croix Falls Manure is going to be stock piled, then sold or given away. I have a local farmer who is willing to use it on his fields. 9 :y 0 's� "qi 5tl ea pm J C v Jr. Ost E m q Ax� N J g J L 2 r A cm_ 3 a a z a Y� ( lJ-i y. �: i T N N lu i Z €T` e m � i ? 3LL'' X ! o . f • MQV�IItfil'� f