09.c3 Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications-2023 Crack Fill and Seal Coat Project 14727 209 th St. N. PO Box 128 , Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433-5112 http ://www.ci.scandia .mn.us February 21, 2023 Honorable Mayor and City Council 14727 209th Street N Scandia, MN 55073 Re: 2023 Crack Fill and Seal Coat Project Request to Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications Dear Mayor and Council: As part of the pavement management plan and identified in the Capital Improvement Plan, we request the City Council authorize preparation of plans and specifications for the 2023 Crack Fill and Seal Coat Project. The City budgeted a total of $183,000 for this project. The extents of the project are shown on the attached map. Project limits will be reviewed for expansion if favorable bids are received. The anticipated project schedule is as follows: Authorize Preparation of Plans & Specifications February 21, 2023 Approve Plans & Specifications/Authorize Ad for Bid March 21, 2023 Bid Opening April 26, 2023 Consider Contract Award at City Council Meeting May 16, 2023 Construction May - August 2023 Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding this project at 612-597-7140. Sincerely, Ryan J. Goodman, P.E. City Engineer Enclosures: Location Map 240th St N Big Manning Tr NLake Marine Ma y b e r r y T r a i l NMaxwill Ave NOlinda TrailState Hwy 97 Csha 15O a k h i l l R d N Lofton Ave . N .Hwy. 95C o R d 5 2 St. Croix RiverCsah 3Hwy 95220th St N RailroadSt. Croix RiverRailroadLake Manning White Lake Rock Lake Bone Nielsen Lake Lake German Lake Sylvan Lake Sea Lake Goose Lake Fish BayMar ine Lake Long Lake Hay Lake Sand LakeAlice240th St N 240th St N 230th St N Scandia Tr NScandia Tr N Scandia Tr N State Hwy 97 State Hwy 97Lofton Ave NKirkAve NKirk Ave N220th St N Csah 15Co Rd 91Manning Tr. N.238th St N Melan ie T r N 228th St NMallardAve Meadow Brook Ave N230th St N 236th St N Oakhill Rd NMorganAve N236th St N St N 2 3 7 t h Novak Ave NNolan Ave NOldfield Ave NOr e n R d N Oldfield Ave NSt. Croix Tr NSt. Croix Tr NOakhill R d N Oxboro Ave N202nd St N OrwellAv e N 197th St Orwell CtOl d M a r i n e Olinda Tr NCsah 3188t h S t N NorellAve N18 2 n d S t N Newgate Ave N185th St NOakgreenAve NCsah 3Old Marine Tr NOld Ma r i n e Quant Ave NLakamaga 196th St N Trail205thSt N Co Rd 50 192nd St N Meadowbrook Ave. N.Mayberry Trail N St N 195th St N 209th City Hall Pomroy Ave NPeabodyTr NPil a r R d N Pilar Rd NNol an A v e NOzark Ave199th St N Parkvie w L n 218th St. N. 239th St N Novak Ave. N.PomroyAvenue NPickettAvenue NManning Tr, Ct, Cr 228th St N 191st St N 185th St N 202nd St NKirby Ave N213th S t N 215th St N 216th St N 217th St. N.PenroseAvenue N215th St NPennfieldAve NP a r r i s h R o a d N .Olinda Ln N209th St N OdellMeadowbrook Cir Paris Ave N Odell CtNewb e r r y A v e Kirk Ct 207th St N KirkLangleyOzark Ct 209th S t NOren213th 214thOland AveOlgilvie Ave N223rd St N PerkinsAve N209th St NQuadrantAve NQ u a l i t y T r N 205th Ct N197th St NOxboro LnOstrumParkview Ave1 9 7 t h L o f t o n C t Orlo Dr.238th St N 235th St N Av e N Oxboro Cir 213th Quinell Ave N232nd St N 190th 189thLarkspur Ave NLayton Ave. N187thLamar 192nd 186th Quentin Ave NQuarry Ave N235th St N St NOakhillCt. N.Newberry Ct Lo f tonAve N Tr N 205t h St N Lakamaga Trail N Meadowridge Cir N Meadowridge Lane Cir N Meadowridge Lane N Meadowridge Trail N 197th St N ROUTE AND SEAL/SEAL COAT ROUTE AND SEAL/SEAL COAT ROUTE AND SEAL/SEAL COAT 3507 HIGH POINT DRIVE NORTH BLDG. 1 SUITE E130 OAKDALE, MINNESOTA 55128 Phone: (651) 704-9970 Email: Oakdale@bolton-menk.com www.bolton-menk.com R DATELIC. NO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. RYAN J. GOODMAN 46664 02/21/2023 SHEET Bolton & Menk, Inc. 2023, All Rights ReservedcK:\Isiahbu\Scandia\2023 Crack Fill.dwg 2/14/2023 9:54:08 AMDESIGNED DRAWN CHECKED CLIENT PROJ. NO. ISSUED FOR DATENO.CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA 2023 CRACK FILL AND SEAL COAT PROJECT ICB ICB RJG NA R FEETSCALE 0 1600 3200 2023 Approximate Seal Coat Areas Length (FT)Width (FT)Area (SY) Meadowridge Lane N 6970 24 18590 197th Street N 660 18 1320 Quinell Avenue N 6920 22 16920 Oldfield Avenue N 5460 24 14560 236th Street N 2870 24 7660 237th Street N 2280 24 6080 Novak Avenue N 820 22 2010 GENERAL NOTES: 1.COORDINATE STOCKPILING OF AGGREGATE WITH CITY. 2.ALL STORM SEWER, SANITARY SEWER & WATER UTILITY STRUCTURES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM BITUMINOUS MATERIAL AND SEAL COAT AGGREGATE. 3.APPROXIMATE AREA OF SEAL COAT IS SHOWN ABOVE. G2.01 LOCATION PLAN